Friday, May 29, 2009

Friday May 29, 2009 Good Morning!

Good Morning! Yes this is really early! I get my niece Adriana in the morning so I didn't want to get too busy to write! I think this is Fun Fridays! I will try to let you know what is going on for the weekends. I get Crains Chicago business magazine and it usually lets you know of all the activities for the weekend. So we made it and the weekend is here! Summer is here! I'm happy because at least I feel better during the summer.

This weekend is the opening of Raging Waves Water park, however I don't think I will make it. Tonight Painkiller Hotel is playing at Walter Payton's Roundhouse were I plan to be. They will be playing outside, I'm not sure of the back up plan if it rains? I know that my cousin's son is getting baptized, unfortunately I won't be able to attend, because I am attending a new church. However, I am with her and the children always in spirit. Anyone with Cubs tickets let me know, I have yet to go to a cubs game. I would love to go, I just don't understand buying them. Ravinia also opens this weekend as well.

We can do less expensive things too. Like slip and slide home run derby! Cook out! Everyone bring a dish or chips! Game night! Card night! Wii night have bowling tournament, or Tennis tournament, or even Golf move the furniture. I would love a poker table or ping pong table for my basement! Cubs Vs Sox party LOL!!! I know friends that came up with that one! Play LCR with Quarters! Again everyone bring something and it's a lot of fun! Just some fun things to think about. Don't let the little things tare us down! Downtown Live starts on Fridays in Aurora! Of course the beach in Chicago, taking a walk along the lake, get out the bike ready take a ride down the lake or go to the beach! How fun! Lots to do! Hey Bowl for fun! There is a thought. Fairs, Swedish days! Craft shows! Museums! See lots of fun to be had! Never too late to start!

Well Blaq made a great comment yesterday health is wealth. Of course that's what I live by now! I think Dr. Elahi has it right the name of his practice is Health First! I say oh yeah! Great man, great work he does! It is hard to find doctors that are so intelligent and humble at the same time! We often talk about education and business. The fact that America is behind as far as India is moving up in the world. I watched the spelling B tonight on channel 7 and it was great. In the book The World is Flat Thomas Friedman made a comment, the reason why America is losing to India is there values and India values education. We outsource so much to India now. He also made a great comment in the book and it is so true. The problem is Bill Gates goes over to India and he is greeted and treated like Britney Spears. The problem in the U.S. is we treat Britney Spears like she is Britney Spears. Were is the work ethic, the values and morals? Read Blaq comment from yesterday's Good Afternoon, it is so interesting listening to his stories especially that he come from East Africa.

I am so blessed! Now it is time to pray for the sunshine, open the sunroof, turn up the music! When I saw Ambi Medrano wear a shirt Music Heals, it couldn't be more true. It speaks our words, when were sad. It gives us the butterflies in our stomach when were happy. It helps us deal with our heartaches and brings our feelings out to share and connect with others! Everyone have a great day! Enjoy your weekend! I can't wait to see my niece in the morning and spend quality time with her! She is so smart! Do something fun and smile! Live it up and be safe!


"Your only given a little spark of madness. You mustn't lose it." Robin Williams

"If people never did silly things, nothing intelligent would ever get done." Ludwig Wittgenstein

"What can burn and not burn up, a passion that gives birth to itself everyday." Yiddish saying

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Thursday May 28th, Good Afternoon

Good Afternoon! Welcome Blaq, and thank you for joining and becoming a follower, that is so wonderful. I am sorry I woke up this morning not feeling well and thanks to a dear friend, Mrs. Tyler took care of me and got me the medicine I needed. She did me a huge favor. I really, really appreciated it. Again Thank You! So much going on in the world today, and think how much we take for granted.

I wanted to let everyone know as well that of course Painkiller Hotel is playing tomorrow night at Walter Payton's Roundhouse. Myself and Blaq are doing are best to make plans to attend. What a wonderful band, that also has such great music and wonderful people. If you click on Adam it will guide you to there site. Yes Adam and I go way back, like Red light, Green light back. Miss Porto's kickball study group. Oh yeah those were the days! Adam is one also with a great soul. Everyone come out and enjoy. Also my friend Diandra, who is in the corner created her own website and blog. Hers is better than mine though!!! LOL!!! She created my blog so I could share stories with all of you! Her new site is Great people, good people support other good people. That's how we do it! I have to say it is so much fun when we all come together.

Last night I was flipping between Jay Leno and Oprah! Wanda Sykes was on Leno, she is by far my favorite comedian. Nothing can make me laugh like she can! She played the assistant on Monster in Law the movie. She is just hilarious. Oprah had Suzie Orman on, great woman. Talking about debt and how it links to emotions. It was interesting, the whole audience which really isn't that big, had over 2 million dollars in credit card debt! Suzie gave great advice on paying off the cards with highest interest first, then taking that money and paying the next one down. Never, close a credit card down! That will hurt your credit! Debit to income credit ratio, if I remember correctly was her advice. She had wonderful advice. Exactly why our country is in trouble is living above our means. Well I am cutting back. I know shocker huh! Yep! I been shopping and spending way too much. Time to put the brakes on and make money.

Well Sorry today is almost evening, I have been writing off and on. I am in between resting now hunting for a needle in a haystack in my room! Anyone one who knows me knows that I have organizational issues. LOL!!!

Well I am thankful for who I have in my life, and look forward to the days ahead. I hope you all have had a good day and are able to find time to relax and enjoy something! Have a great evening and may God Bless you all!


"Dive into life, Embrace the unknown, and Dare to live." Anonymous

"When you know you have made a mistake, do all you can to reverse it." Chinese Proverb

"Nature often holds up a mirror so we can see more clearly the ongoing process of growth, renewal and transformation in our lives. "Mary Ann Brussat

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Wednesday 27th, 2009 Good Morning

Good Morning!! Sorry another late morning for me! Wow what a day yesterday! Yes I believe, and yes we can! I woke up and listened to now President Barack Obama's Podcast Yes We Can. It was on U-Tube for his his campaign, extremely moving and motivating. Now I have John Legend on" If Your Out There!" . "Calling every woman, calling every man. Were the generation that can't afford to wait. The future started yesterday we are already late. We been looking for a song to sing, search for a Melody, search for someone to lead. We be looking for the world to change, if you feel the same go on an say if your out there sing along with me if your out there I'm dying to believe that your out there stand up and say it loud if your out there tomorrow started now! This is how I feel every day. Yesterday ended up to be such a great day! A beautiful thing happened, I connected with an old friend, a new friend, and my favorite, I connected with a complete stranger. I came home and received a wonderful e-mail from my new friend Blaq Feugo and he said something about me that was the most touching thing I think anyone has said It said " Angels Amongst strangers. Its a blessing to meet total strangers who care and have the heart and soul that goes beyound expressions and words. Sarah Magrady is one of them.... An Angel Amongst Strangers..." No one has ever said anything that moving to me. Thank You so much for those beautiful words it just helps me go on even stronger. Thank You Amy a stranger that made a comment, yes that's what I want. Thank you all. Now the Lord works in mysterious ways, before I got home to read this, I was in traffic court and here we go.

I got a ticket going 84 in a 45 on 88. The judge looked at me and said whats up with all the speeding because this is my 3rd in one year. So I got a fine and then he looked at me and said he was going to put me in the 25 and alive class. I told him well I get scared what if my health conditions make me unable to do it, he said well you come back on this date and talk to me. I left the court with tears in my eyes. I sat on the bench reading but no one knew why the tears. The tears were for the DUI's, the accidents, the room full of violations just got out of prison no license. I realized how lucky I am. How cautious I need to be. How my family has been torn due to my cousin's death. Tom Dodson! September 16th 2008 he was driving down New Indian Trail on his new Harley a girl was blinded by the sun (supposedly) and turned he couldn't do anything witnesses said he tried to throw the bike but couldn't. He died! Right on a major corner my family passes daily. The fire station his brother in law's father worked at. His brother in law is a fireman and my Uncle use to be. Devastation hit when my mom came home and said he was gone. We are strong though. What hit me the hardest is when we let the balloons go outside in Cub colors and we helped his wife Tracy get the him to heaven and we let go and all the balloons went. I try to think this tragic event has taken a huge toll on my family along with all the other deaths, how can we remember Tom and honor him. Please any suggestions. I do the best I can. The reason I was crying at the court house is because lately I have been speaking of the movie Seven Pounds. I don't think I could forgive myself if I took someone's life, however I often think of the young girl that hit him. I think how torn up she must be. I think very often of that, I never want that to happen.

I walked out of the court room and outside and this guy goes whoooo thank God. I said I know right. I said yeah who doesn't go 80 on 88 people then fly by you if you go slower you may cause an accident. He said yeah when I was on my motorcycle I fly by, and I remember Tom doing that to me a couple times on his old motorcycle and then laughing. I said no please come back, come. I said my cousin did that same thing I told him the story briefly and I had the movie Seven Pounds in my purse cause I carry it and have been handing them sparingly as random acts of kindness. He said oh no I don't want to take your movie, I said please, take it, it's a random act of kindness. I said I do this here is my blog read and you will understand. I wrote it down. He said he sold his motorcycle, I really hope he did and didn't say it because I was crying. I got in my car and an overwhelming sense of joy came over me the tears came and I called Dad. My dad is friends with the Whites, I am related to Tom through my mom however, my parents are divorced. My father knows Tom's mothers side very well and speaks highly of them. They are wonderful joyful people. I called my cousin Jackie the other day who had a baby Matthew and I heard her joy. So then I connected when I came home with an old friend and another friend, then to see Blaq words, yes the Lord work is being done.

Well my friends I leave you with that today. The joys that come with turning something positive from a negative situation. Believe in yourself. Thank you all for who believe in me, Thanks Diandra for seeing my talent and helping me create this blog. It has allowed me to speak the words I have always wanted to say. So many to thank I don't know were to begin. Thank You for the one who took my hand and held it hard, I believe that is when I recognized the holy spirit is working through me. Everyone music does heal, it speaks, it heals, and brings joy! Everyone have a great day!


"Not to go out and do your best is to sacrifice the gift." Steve Prefontaine

"I've seen and met angels wearing the disguise of ordinary people living ordinary lives." Tracy Chapman

"The world of reality has its limits; the world of imagination is boundless." Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Tuesday May 26, 2009 Good Morning!

Good Morning! Happy Tuesday! See our week is shorter already, before you know it the fun weekend begins!! I got the music on high today, of course my favorite, You're Beautiful by James Blunt! Even with the sun not being out I woke up happy! Yesterday I hit the old sacred stomping ground! Yes I was home again! Mr. and Mrs. Tyler opened there home and heart and we were all able to come together and have fun! It was fun in every way! We gave, shared, prayed, laughed, and were thankful for what we had. Yes what a great day, only to be repeated again.

I have to say besides seeing old friends and the changes we made in our lives, the most interesting thing of the night was the pleasure of meeting Blaq Fuego. How coincidental his last name is Fuego! He is a singer, songwriter and let me tell you it caught my ear! He is from Uganda (Kampala) East Africa! His music is a mix of Reggae/hip-hop/Dance hall/ R & B! Very interesting, and wonderful person. He speaks of his home land and of the animals and tribes. Fascinating! Even more fascinating is he has a wonderful soul, mind and the man can sing! Like I say Music Heals! Nothing more to enjoy your day than to put on the music and enjoy! If you want to check him out, you can go to or and you can find out more information. Words again cannot describe this soul and the music that comes along with it.

Anyone do a random act of kindness or brighten someones day? Coming together we can do so much good. It doesn't have to be a lot, but we as people have choices everyday and it is up to us what we want in our lives. What is going to make us happy. Of course for me everyone coming together this weekend made me extremely happy. I didn't get home until 2:00 am and there were still people there! Wow! However, we let the Lord in and he was doing wonderful work. Next time is game night! Thanks Phil, you are so inspiring, and to watch you grow up and now be a great man is truly wonderful for me to see. I hope that I planted enough seeds that I will see the other children grow up to be half of the man you are and I will be happy! You and your girlfriend make a cute couple! I can't wait for the wedding! LOL!!!!! You know me and your mom will be on the plan for that one. Just kidding. She also Inka has a great soul. You have done well.

Well I unfortunately have no time to hit the water, I have to go to traffic court, everyone pray for me! You never know what is in your path, take off the blinders and open your mind. Remember it's balance. If I can get that down, we will be good! Oh by the way, Welcome back Doc!!!! LOL!!! See you tomorrow!!! Well I leave you now, to enjoy your day, find beauty in something. Turn up that music, laugh and most importantly LOVE!!! Everyone have a great day! Here are some quotes to get us going.


"Problems can become opportunities when the right people come together." Robert Redford

"The difference between what we do and what we are capable of doing would suffice to solve most of the world's problems." Mahatma Gandhi

"In every community, there is work to be done. In every nation there are wounds to heal. In every heart, there is the power to do it." Marianne Williamson

Friday, May 22, 2009

Friday May 22, 2009 Good Afternoon

Good Afternoon! I know it is late but things are moving fast for me. I hope everyone is trying to take advantage of this beautiful weather. I hope to be out and about. Things are moving fast, everyday is a new day. Forget yesterday and work on today! It is time to sit back relax enjoy the things you like. Work will be there on Tuesday! I hope everyone has a great weekend and enjoy.


Thursday, May 21, 2009

May 21, 2009 Thursday

Good Morning! Here we go another day and it is beautiful out! We are coming up to Memorial Day weekend. Then a couple more weeks kids will be out of school, however I heard schools in Cook county don't get out until June 15th! That's like a forth of the summer! Sorry kids LOL! However it does suck for me cause my friend works for that school system! Laura we will have to do weekend trips to the pool!

Well I am reading New Moon yes still. I told everyone I wasn't going to read that. But I saw the movie and did actually like it. Now I'm hooked. I was busy the past 2 years and didn't get much reading done.

Well I have to say everyday we really do learn new things about ourselves and about others. We forget it's not really the big things it's the little things. It is taking the time to reach out and go outside the box. If we lived in a box all our lives we would really miss out on a lot of self full filling life experiences. There is so much room in this world for fun and enjoyment, I too, have to remember that. Taking time out to laugh, have fun, open the sun roof and just enjoy the music. Doing random acts of kindness that we have the opportunity to do each and every day. We may not have the opportunity everyday, but I'm sure that in all of us we have something we could do. I know I wouldn't be the person I am right now if those people didn't exist in my life. Tell someone hey I screwed up, I hurt you and I am sorry.However, I truly mean it. Or Clearing up past friendships that are no longer. There are people I miss in my life, but they hurt me and I miss, and I do have to say, I admit I screw up as well, remember I make at least 12 mistakes a day. We are all going to, but it is admitting we made them and moving on. However, I say I'm sorry, and I truly mean it. Others take advantage. How hard is it to pick up the phone and say sorry. So much time gets wasted. Something to think about.

My friends wedding is coming up. I have to say I was really upset the way I was treated. Now I made mistakes said things I shouldn't. However, I loved her so much, her daughter I loved too, I would give my life for that little girl and felt like someone stabbed me in the heart. It seemed that she cared more about how her wedding was going to look than having those who truly love her at her side. That is what is most difficult for me. Then it's a blame game. Come on people, lets all grow up and enjoy. We all know life is to short. Obviously you all know me, imagine you get a call and I was killed in a car accident and you never got a chance to say what you wanted to. Thats the way I think that way all the time, because that is the way I think. Oh and if that did happen, my funeral would be long, because people would talk about the great things I did and how they will continue to do great things for people. Please feel free to comment and share your opinions. Thats why it's a blog. Someone has to stick there foot in the water first, I bet Diandra or Elizabeth.

Well It is time to go now, I have a long day ahead. You know what I miss is the wonderful tingling feeling I got when I drove into the city, now I don't get that, it's just like home now. Unfortunately no pool time for today. However, my nephews are so excited to go and get there pictures taken for the pool. That makes my day! I hope everyone has a great day, enjoy the weather, the music, and maybe pick up the phone and reach out, I did once and now I have good people in my life.



"I live in the city, but sleep in the suburbs." Sarah Magrady

"Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest accomplishment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around." Leo Buscaglia

"The difference between what we do and what we are capable of doing would suffice to solve most of the world's problems." Mahatma Gandhi

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Wednesday May, 20 2009 Good Morning

Good Morning! Sorry these last couple of days have been rough. We are already at Wednesday and each day it is getting more and more beautiful. Can you believe it is Memorial Day Weekend! Crazy! I hope everyone has plans, because it just looks so beautiful. Well days go by quicker and we need to prioritize what and who is important in our lives.

Look at the cover of People Kate Gosselin and Jon may be splitting up. (From the show Jon and Kate plus 8.) Even her own brother said that she doesn't speak to her own family anymore. They are on Jon's side. I use to be friends with a very similar couple and I remember saying to my friend you are just like her. Same temperament and everything. It wasn't a shock for me see this coming. Where as her husband was easy going. It triggered a lot of emotion. I personally wish they would get divorced and learn to enjoy life, however that's not my call. People may come across as good people or a good parent, but don't realize that they are emotionally and mentally abusing their children. We tend to think that they should children should automatically think like adults. How can they? Well that's my two cents. I will never stop my love for the kids and I think of them everyday. It will all come out in the wash, I just hope I was there long enough to plant a seed, and later on they will realize. Like Rev Run said today happiness takes courage.

Moving on, I am all set to hit the water. It's pathetic, I sometimes sleep in my swim suit or put it on then do the good morning. LOL! I watched the movie 7 pounds, what a movie. I was so taken back by it. Words really can't describe the road to redemption. I have to say I couldn't have done it better.

Well things are moving fast and life for me is changing, so here we go. I hope you all have a great day! If you are throwing a party, I suggest going to a store across from Dicks sporting goods and next to the grotto right on the Oakbrook/Lombard border on 22nd called swoozies. It has the best party things! Now I get to figure out how to download my itunes with that new genius bar. Enjoy your day, it's going to be beautiful outside!



"Idealists, foolish enough to throw caution to the winds, have advanced mankind and have enriched the world." Emma Goldman

"Even if it's a little thing, do something for those who need help something for which you get no pay but the privilege of doing it." Albert Schweitzer

"Wherever we are, it is our friends who make our world." Henry Drummond

Friday, May 15, 2009

Friday May 15,2005 Good Morning

Good Morning! See we all made it! Now the weekend is here for us to enjoy. Well at least for some of us. Good luck for all those bowling in the 199 United All Stars Tournament. Hats off to Benny and Aida, that is really hard work. Well a busy day lays ahead of me. No sun unfortunately. That's ok I will have my music and that is enough to keep me going.

I have a question for all of you. Have you ever done something totally sporadic and random that made someone's day? If you haven't maybe you should. I bought a bunch of tickets for Ravinia. One that stood out was John Legend. I told one of the stylist's at the salon about it and she said how much she loved him. Well I had quite a few, not knowing who was all going, so I came home grabbed 2 tickets and ran back. This was last Saturday. She took my hand and squeezed it hard and said thank you, you made my mothers day. Those are the days I love. The days I crave next to being a savvy business woman! I think if people tried it more and stepped out of the box, they would love it too. We live in such a selfish society. What happened to sharing or coming together. Again those Random Acts of Kindness! Just a way to bring a little joy to someone's day, and believe me a whole lot of joy to yours.

Tomorrow marks the one year anniversary of a death of someone who was loved by many. Luis Gonzalez. I have witnessed many deaths and the toll it has taken on families. This is far more than I can explain. This death has torn a community apart and left so many distraught and empty. I speak often of people coming together well this is it. I will not forget the screaming cry that I got from Ely while I was in Florida. I remember those who promised we would get though it together, but now fell off the map. People wonder why I do what I do, well this is part of the reason. Thursdays were magical. I tried to recreate that on Saturday's but it couldn't happen, your right ma, we will never get those Thursday's back again. Right about the end of the season I mentioned possibly bowling Luis laughed looked at Moe it took getting her out here to bowl. He went back in his office and came back out smiling shaking his head. When he died I said I was going to start bowling! Something positive out of a negative situation. That's why I started bowling was for Luis. I hope friends and enemy's can come together hug one another and give support. So many have been affected as sit here and cry. I will be damned if anyone is going to run me out of bowling now! I came into this I love, to have a good time in honor of Luis and I am not hanging my shoes. I refuse to give into the negative drama. Elly I wasn't here last year baby girl, But I am here this year! I love you! I love you all! R.I.P Luis. Your missed by many!

With that being said it is time to get dressed, put on my face as my grandma would say, and go. I hope everyone has a great day and I challenge you all to do something random and see how it affects you. Today of course is my classic by James Blunt I don't think I will see her again but we shared a moment that will last to the end. Your beautiful, your beautiful, your beautiful there must be an angel with a smile on her face when she thought up I should be with you, But it is time to face the truth, I will never be with you. But the lyrics are so peaceful and give me the confidence I need to get through the day. Have a great day and find that song you love and play it over and over, after your random act of kindeness!


"No Pessimists ever discovered the secret of the stars, or sailed to an uncharted land, or opened a new heaven to the human spirit." Helen Keller

"It is never too latee to give up our prejudices." Henry David Thoreau

"Preform every act in life as though it were your last. "Marcus Aurlius

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Thursday May 14, 2009 Good Night

Good Night everyone! Sorry I have been out of commission, I had the flu. It was awful, I don't sit very well. I am back up and running now, more like crawling but of course we made it. So much is going on every time I turn around! Jon and Kate may be braking up! You know from Jon and Kate plus eight! I was shocked! Well not really, she is a little bitchy from time to time! That's putting it nicely. It reminds me of another couple I use to know, hmmmm! When I'm sick is the only time I really get to catch up on the shows. My mom is on top of them though! I got her drama mints for Mother's day, they help cure soap opera addiction! She watches 5 a day. Trust me I have to work the DVR, it is way out of control.

Well now all the toxic stuff is out of me, I took a shower and I am ready to hit the pool tomorrow! I need it! There is something about swimming that relaxes me and makes me feel energized for the day. It will be a new day and a blank slate. I realize now I can only do so much. I thought things were one way and I should know by now they're not. I can only embrace what God gives me and take it from there! New and exciting things are ready to pop up and I can't wait.

Although it is hard to accept disappointment, it does happen and we need to make the best of it. There is even a better opportunity around the corner. That is in every aspect in life. Health is Wealth. As long as you have your health you can do anything. I am not a victim I will survive and I will come out on top. I no longer settle. There is no such thing as settling. The nastiness and bitterness has eaten a hole through our society and I refuse to fall through it. We are approaching hard days coming up. So we hold our heads high, pray, and hope that we can somehow come together. Well my friends it is late and I must go to sleep. I can't wait to hit the water in the morning, my favorite part of the day. Goodnight and if the good Lord lets us we will meet again in the morning.


Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Tuesday May 12th,2009

Good Morning! Rise and Shine! I hope everyone had a great weekend. You never know from day to day what is going to happen. All you can do is be thankful for the people in your life.

We all have so much in common. We all have crosses to bare, want more happiness, and strive for success. However we each have our own personalities and flaws. I have many flaws that I have to work on everyday. I have to say I am very unconditional. It leaves me open to being hurt but it is who I am. When it comes to me I expect perfection, however, I never expect perfection from anyone else. We learn from each experience and take something away from it. Things were brought to my attention that I personally need to work on. Sometimes you forget cultural differences. Also it is so different here in suburbia than in the city. Two totally different worlds. I try my best, I never mean harm, and I am sorry if I ever caused anyone any harm. We are all learning each day, and I have a long way to go.

This is going to be a hard week for a lot of us. I have to say it already has started for me. As we morn a loss of a friend and a loss of a community that was once united. It brings a lot of emotion to me, since that was just one of the many tragedies that I have encountered. All we can do now is say what do we take away from this other than a broken heart. What positive thing can come of such a tragic situation? I said I was going to bowl, so I could be with all my friends and because it was mentioned before. Well that didn't work the way I thought it would. I bowled I met new people and I had fun. I did make new great friends and still have a few of the old friends. It was nothing like what I thought it would be. I am sure because it has torn them up inside as well. Everyone is going there separate ways. Like I said I experienced it before, it tore my family apart.

We all have our crosses to bare. No matter what financial status, there will always be problems. Money doesn't solve problems, it creates even more problems. So many wealthy people strive to have the security of a strong friend and family base. Everyone needs a good support system, if we don't have it, or it is shaky than we lose part of ourselves. We all deal with issues and grief different and have to respect that when it comes to our family and friends. Well everyone have a great day, try to do something you enjoy today. Here are some more quotes to keep us going.


"Nothing ever becomes real til it is experienced." John Keats

"I live for those who love me, for those who know me true." George Linnaeus Banks

"Even if it's a little thing, do something for those who need help, a something for which you get no pay but the privilege of doing it." Albert Schweitzer

Friday, May 8, 2009

Friday May 8, 2009 Good Afternoon!

Good Afternoon! Sorry I had to get up and go this morning! I have a really bad sunburn on my stomach! Oh yes tanning has started and well usually I have my suit on so my stomach that my stomach is never shown. So I am burned badly! So a lot of pain last night and today! I had to go out and get the Aloe already! However I spent $72 at Walgreens! Well I can't skip today, because it is a big day, HAPPY BIRTHDAY BENNY!! It is also my brother Kevin's birthday too. I hope you enjoy your day. Don't worry, I am hanging up the shoes and ready to hit the side lines and have fun and live it up!

Recap on last nights "The Fashion Show!" Well it's a reality show. Well not really reality. You have runway fashion and wearable fashion!!!! I am not going there! Kristin is my girl! Great girl, and open minded!

So on my way today to kicking this sunburn and working on my mothers day surprises! Yes I did surprises this year!!! I called Grandma yesterday to let her know we are going just me and her to dinner and to see Tony Bennett at Ravina, in August! She was excited, it made my day. She is here and I have been very busy and not a lot of time, so I wanted to do something special. I did something for my Aunt, Step-Sister, Mom, Adopted Mom (Aida), although with my loyalty and deep, deep love for her you would think I was hers! Although I have the photos of my mom, they think it is me just in black and white! LOL! I love my mom, we have been through rough times together, still do, but I would give my life for her! With that being said I know this is going to be hard for someone very dear to me, my dear friend Laura who just recently lost her mother! Laura was close to her mother too. She took care of her, laughed with her, and was the best daughter a mother could ask for! Hats off to Laura, you made your mother so proud! Don't cry even though I know you are, because I already am. Just remember she is with God resting peacefully, and we are going to have a great summer. You have a wonderful husband and family, and you know you can call anytime, anything you need, I am always here! Laura, I love you girlfriend, we are friends and we will get through this.

I will go to the cemetery to pray for guidance. Just over the past four or five years has it really hit me how much I miss my Aunt Terri. Of course my Grandmother, but me being an Aunt now and looking back, I know that we would have been really close. But, she sent me Margie and I have Uncle Cliff and My other Aunts, Aunt Jen, who really has helped me. Of course my Aunt Maureen, who is just like me, goes above and beyond to help anyone in need, and has been there when I needed her! I love you all! Sorry my time is limited, I think of you all the time, and I am grateful for all you do! Team work, we all take care of one another, at least that's the goal.

Well everyone please enjoy your weekend, Benny have a Corona for me! Can't drink, all organic now! Health is Wealth my friend! Everyone enjoy and have a great weekend! Turn up that music and hope that we get some sun this weekend!


"If you risk nothing, then you risk everything." Geena Davis

"You must never be fearful of what you are doing when it is right." Rosa Parks (I live by this, it all comes out in the wash)

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the things you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." Unknown

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Thursday May 7th, 2009 Good Morning!!!

Good Morning! Yes it is! The sun is shining, already up to Sixty degrees! Well today is the big day, Kristin is premiering on Bravo's The New Fashion Show! Check and see what time pending on what time zone you are in! It is also her birthday and she is offering 25% off on her site and GO KRISTIN!!!!

Well today I of course have the music going! Again I am on my road back to perfect health. Along with that I am listening to Natasha Bedingfield Unwritten! "i am unwritten can't read my mind i am undefined i am just beginning the pen is in my hand ending unplanned. Starring at the blank page before you open up the dirty window let the sun illuminate the words you cannot find. Reaching for something in the distance so close you can almost taste it release your inhibitions." That saying "Music Heals" couldn't be more perfect. If you listen, no matter your taste, they speak the words we want to say. Even when we can't. Did you know, you can gift i-tunes. It is my favorite thing! The gift of music, which is life, poetry, and therapy all rapped up in your heart and soul. For $0.99!!! Please everyone, e-mail me and let me know if you use i-tunes. I love to connect and share. Dove tail ideas, music, books, restaurants, anything. Speaking of which Athena off Halsted, good authentic Greek food, sit outside, great atmosphere! ( Thanks Jack)

Think positive, in the bowlers magazine I get again my new saying " pressure is privilege." Here we go. Yesterday we were Rocking and today we are Rolling. Thank you to all my TRUE wonderful loyal friends, for you are my support system and give me the strength to move everyday. Doc, Dr. Bonesteel, Dr. E, Dr. Chaudry, you are an all star medical team, you have saved my life and treat me so well. How do you even begin to thank someone for that. Aida, ma, if it wasn't for you and your guidance lately, I think I would be in a hole! You are wonderful woman, Super-Mom, Number 1 friend, and thank god you back! My wonderful special friend gave me a call last night. That to me was my gift of the week. So grounded and wonderful. Give credit were credit is due. My little Entrepreneur is working hard, a bright, 14 year old kid. He is hardly a kid. Brightest kid I have yet to see. He will soar, he has a terrific work ethic, that has been lost lately. He will do very well in life, and people will be bidding, for him to work for them. But, he already knows, he is going to work for himself! At 14 I am impressed. He has done me some favors this week, thank you, my little Entrepreneur! Hard days are coming but with our all star team we will get through this.

Well everyone embrace those we love and cherish the time we have with them. Friends, family and the good times that are yet to come! Well lets keep going! Have a great day, let the sun shine in, open the sun roof, eat outside, open the windows. Do whatever you have to. Just make sure to be thankful and smile today!


"Perform every act in life as though it were your last." Marcus Aurlius

"Is the life I'm living the life that wants to live in me?" Parker Palmer

"Growth means change and change involves risk, stepping from the known to the unknown." George Shinn

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Wednesday May 6, 2006

Good Morning! Almost Afternoon! Well friends and family, sorry but things have been way hectic to say the least and the good mornings just have not been happening. I am back now! Happy Birthday Ely!! Today I listen to "Yes I Can" that was used by during Barack Obama's Campaign, a sign that anything is possible. We can do what ever we want to do if want it bad enough. Things will happen fast, be ready to buckle up, here we go!

I have to say, health is so important. I have gone organic walking around with probiotic yogurt, Amy's frozen dinners if needed. I had it, it is time to rock! A lot is going on, I want all my family and friends to know my love for them is strong but right now I have to take care of me and get these ducks in a row. The horses have been released and we are off.

Everyone don't forget to tune into Bravo, tomorrow night Bravo's new fashion show, to cheer for Kristin the designer behind Diandra Asbaty's Kaizen line, which is here made in a Chicago factory. Here we go Team Kristin!!! I know we have all been talking about buying things made in the USA, well Kaizen is made here right in the heart of Chicago. You can go to and buy athletic wear made here in Chicago!

I hope everyone is doing well, I have spoken to a few, texted, and of course I am keeping you all in my prayers today. I hope and pray the lord will give me the strength to do my best. I of course have been a little stressed, like everyone else, LOL! I pray for you all as well. I have done it once and I will do it again. Well friends I am off and I hope you all have a great day turn that music up enjoy, now I am on Ne-Yo Miss Independent, God bless you all, and I look forward to the next time we meet. Remember to do those little random acts of kindness it may make YOUR day.


"There is more in us than we know. If we can be made to see it, perhaps, for the rest of our lives, we will be unwilling to settle for less." Kurt Hahn

"We don't have an eternity to realize our dreams, only the time we are here." Susan Taylor

"Reach out and open the door that no one thought could be opened. Life is behind it." Kelly Ann Rathaus