Friday, February 27, 2009

Friday Febuary 27th, 2009 Good Morning

Good Morning, almost afternoon! It was a late night. Today I have to get organized, Clean Sweep never made it to my house! LOL! I look around read the articles watch the news and it is so depressing. You wonder, how are we going to get through it. I have come to realize, that we have to get through the day. We can either be miserable or happy. Also, people forget how far a random act of kindness goes. How hard is it to smile and say hello or hold the door open for someone, are we in that big of a rush? Is those 2 seconds going to make us later for something or cause us harm? No.

Someone asked me what I am giving up for Lent? I said nothing, I don't believe in that. I truly don't. I try every day to be the best person I can and the person who I want to be. Each day is a blank slate, a new day to start over. I said I am trying to give up negative thoughts. Especially for myself. I struggle with that myself, thinking of everything I should be doing, wishing there were 30 hours in a day. I think we as a society are so competitive we forget we are human and make mistakes. Like I always say I am sure I make 12 a day.

To everyone traveling this weekend, safe travels. For all those competing down state and to Diandra bowling in Bowl for a Cure, Good Luck! I hope everyone has a great weekend and enjoys something, even if it is an old song that makes you laugh!

"Wherever you see a successful business, someone once made a courageous decision." Peter Drucker
"The strongest principle of growth lies in human choice." George Elliot
"We must make the choices that enable us to fulfill the deepest capacities of our real selves." Thomas Merton

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Thursday Febuary 26, 2009 Good Afternoon

Good Afternoon! Sorry yesterday was a busy day to say the least. Happy Birthday to Aida! Who is a true friend in every way! It is interesting to watch the underline things that happen in life. How life throws curve balls and then when your not looking, then all of a suddenly something great appears. Crazy how things happen. People say that, but I never truly believed it, for me at least. Maybe because I have been at the batting cage for so long. Yesterday it happened to me, when I least expected it. Well everything happens for a reason and people come in and out of our lives for other reasons. I hope everyone has a wonderful day and enjoys something!

"Wherever you see a successful business, someone once made a courageous decision." Peter Drucker
"Only passions, great passions, can elevate the soul to great things." Denis Diderot
"Not knowing when dawn will come, I open every door." Emily Dickinson

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Tuesday Febuary 24, 2009 Good Morning

Good Morning! I have been challenged! A good friend of mine will not finish a movie I got for him two years ago until I start reading Ernest Hemingway's "For Whom The Bell Tolls." It is in regard to the Spanish Revolution. I also would like to start a book club in the Aurora Area, if anyone is interested please let me know! I am almost finished with " How Starbucks Saved My Life." I love it! Excellent Book! I have found more time now to read since I joined a book club. I really enjoy discussing them.

Well lets hope that today brings us some joy in our lives. We all have our issues through these hard times. There are continuous stresses and worries, but we all we can do is take care of ourselves and do the best job possible. There are certain situations that are out of our control! Lets do our best regardless of our situation and don't settle for anything less than happiness. Again it is our choice in life. It is our choice on what kind of life we want. Everyone have a great day and enjoy something!

"Change occurs when one becomes what she is, not when she tries to become what she is not." Ruth P. Freedman
"Economy is the thief of time." Ethel Watts Mumford
"He who does not get fun and enjoyment out of everyday....needs to recognize his life." George Mathew Adams.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Monday Febuary 23, 2009 Good Morning

Good Morning I hope everyone had a great weekend! I have been out of commission, I haven't been feeling well, and I got the flu for the second time. But I am back now!! Happy Birthday April! Happy Birthday To My Cousin Tom! Happy Birthday Rachel! Happy Birthday Coco! A lot of birthdays in the house! OH YEAH!! I hope everyone enjoyed their Birthdays! It is your day and time for people to come and celebrate having you in their lives. At least that's my belief.

Here we go another week, another opportunity! It is our job to make the best out of our day. Today is a new day, yesterday is in the past. We don't have to be the people we were yesterday. The world is constantly changing and we as people need to start adapting to that. It is hard to embrace change, believe me I know first hand. We all have our ups and downs, as long as we have the unconditional love from our family and friends to set the foundation for us when we fall, we can bounce back real quick. I think we as a society have lost that. We live in a very selfish and disrespectful environment. Not that we want it to be that way, but almost as if it is the norm. Unfortunately that doesn't set the norm for me.

I believe in unconditional love all around. We are all human, we make mistakes, we say things sometimes that aren't right, god knows I do. A thought often runs through my head, if something devastating were to happen and you really quickly had to make a split and your family was taken care of who would be the top 10 people that you would run to grab and take with you? (I always blink and say top 10. Some, most don't know what that means.) Think of the relatives you barely see, or the ones you can't stand, because they do exist. That's why we have friends. Everyone in my family has a special place with me, even those I have seen only on occasions. It may have been certain words, or that feeling that made me feel safe and included being with them. We can't choose our family but we can choose our friends. We live in a difficult world as it is. We choose our lives and the people we want to be. It is a hard choice, but we choose. Many mistakes are made along the way. My pants are constantly dirty from falling , getting up, and brushing them off. Remember that. No one is better than anyone else.

Everyday is a new day and today is a clean slate. We don't need a new week or a new year, we have it everyday. We choose our lives and the way we want to live it, and we don't have to answer to anyone if we choose not to. We determine our own happiness. How hard is it to reach out to someone in need? To be a sounding board. To just be there . If someone is having a hard time, make that call, see how they are doing, don't turn your head. It is up to you, but at night I want to go to bed knowing that I have done my best. Everyone have a great day! Enjoy something, turn on the music and smile!!!

"Never look down on anybody unless you are helping them up." Jesse Jackson
"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment." Ralph Waldo Emerson (BAM, My favorite Quote of All Time)
"We may affirm absolutely that nothing great in the world has been accomplished without passion."

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Tuesday Febuary 17, 2009 Good Morning

Good Morning! Happy Birthday Elizabeth! Well we got through Monday so what is left on today's list. Yesterday something struck me as I was reading a book. It often strikes me and just really angers me. Why do people with Ivy league educations or even someone that has a white collar job, believe that they are so much better than anyone else. No matter, what class you are in, upper, middle, lower, we are all people and individuals that deserve the same respect. No one is better than another. However, if you watch, you see and hear that is totally not the case. To me for someone of an upper class to think that they are above someone of a lower or middle class, shows no "class" at all.

There Intelligence goes right out the window. Little do they realize, that everything they have, material possession's, friends, family can be taken at anytime. I hope something good comes of this recession. I hope that people begin to open their eyes. How hard is it to say thank you to a waiter, or a housekeeper. This winter I got my car washed at a gas station and there was a Hispanic man that was out wiping my car down. Let me tell you it was 5 degrees outside. He wiped my mirrors and everything. I gave him a $7 tip. He was so thankful. He deserved it standing in the cold wiping peoples cars down for a living. That was someone's son. He means something to someone. I saw Trump's entertainment business filed chapter 11 today! Back to reality folks. Everyone deserves respect and recognition.


"Too many people miss the silver lining because they expect gold." Maurice Setter
"Knowledge of what is possible is the begining of happiness." George Santayana
"We almost made it, but we wanted it all." song by Burt Bachrach and Carole Bayer Sager

Monday, February 16, 2009

Febuary 16, 2009 Good Morning

Good Morning! Happy Monday! I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. Friday night was girls night with The Divine Diva's at Cindy Velez's house! Which if you go to, ladies you can join the club as well! I help organize the social events along with Cindy, who is the coordinator of the group. It is a lot of fun. I have to say it was a great time. Nothing like food, wine, shopping and just enjoying ourselves.

Valentine's Day of course was Saturday in which myself and other members of Fuego Ladies participated in Bowl for a Cure for Breast Cancer Tournament. That made the whole weekend worthwhile. I know many who have survived breast cancer and some who were not as fortunate. My great Aunt died from breast cancer who was adored by my family. Also my Aunt was recently diagnosed but they caught it early. Also to my friend, who was diagnosed last year and is doing very well, she too was caught early and is doing well. Unfortunately for my friends family lost someone to breast cancer this past year. It was a way to give back.

I am not a big one for Valentine's Day. I believe you can celebrate love and appreciation any day or weekend and maybe we should take a look at how busy our lives have become if that's what it takes to to celebrate and appreciate. For those who are not in a relationship right now, don't feel bad, it is always better to be alone than lonely in love. Congratulations to Ambi Medrano who I heard bowled a 300 game at Town Hall Bowl Saturday night. It is a tough thing to do, well done.

I started reading this book called "How Starbucks Saved My Life" I want all of my friends and family to read it. It is phenomenal. It is a true story of how a man with an Ivy league education, worked for a huge advertising agency making a large salary ended up having a brain tumor and working at Starbucks. The life lessons of humility and understanding of life that he learned made him a better person, a happier person, it is a feeling I try to explain to people that he explains well in this book. After my plastic surgery, when I was thinner and perfect and on top of it all, then got sick and gained 150-165 lbs and nearly died, saved my life. People say all the time, I bet you wish you didn't have the plastic surgery, at first I was like duh! Now I say not for the world, I wouldn't be the person I am today. I have learned more about myself in these past 4 years and the people that have come into my life are extraordinary. There are days of struggle but I have always triumphed and I am on the road again. Every time I fall, I stand up, brush my knees off and go at it again. Everything happens for a reason.

We start out this week remembering that during these rough times we have each other. We have to come together and work as a team if we want to succeed at anything we do. Ask for help when we need it, share our feelings in a heart felt way and listen even when it's not convenient. Well we have had a taste of what spring will bring and the spring cleaning has already begun. I hope everyone has a great day, laugh and appreciate.



"The greater the difficulty, the more glory in surmounting it." Epicurus

"The love of life is necessary to the vigorous prosecution of any undertaking." Samual Johnson

"The present moment is significant, not as the bridge between past and future, but by reason of its contents, which can fill our emptiness and become ours, if we are capable of receiving them." Dag Hammarskjold

Friday, February 13, 2009

February 13, 2009 Good Morning

Good Morning! I am sorry to announce that my dear friend Laura (Lou-Lou) Reyes' mother passed away yesterday, February 12 in Florida. To all that know Laura, she and her brothers will be coming home to plan arrangements, however, the arrangements will most likely not be until the end of next week. Laura was the primary caregiver for her mother, so I can only imagine her pain. Her mother was a very strong willed woman who was adored by her family. The family had a deep love and respect for her. Laura, she couldn't have had a better daughter or caregiver. She has gone home now and we are all thinking of you in our thoughts and prayers. Laura you are always there for all of us, now it is our time to be here for you. After the phone calls dwindle, and the people stop passing through, you always know you can pick up the phone no matter what time of day or night and I will be here to talk and listen. That's the great thing about having a true friendship. Remember friends are the family we make along the way. God bless you and your family!

Everyone have a great day and appreciate those in your life, you never know what tomorrow will bring. Have a safe and wonderful weekend!


"We never know how high we are till we are called to rise."Emily Dickinson
"Bless not only the road bumps on the road. They are all part of the higher journey." Julia Cameron
"Our body and our minds can lead us only so far. Our spirit can lead us all the way home." Susan Jeffers

February 12, 2009 Good Morning

Good Morning! We are almost there! I was watching A Night In Rodanthe last night. I thought it was great. I love the characters that Richard Gere plays. He is just so charming! If there is a Richard Gere movie on, I am there. I think of myself as a deep thinker. I wonder what has happened to our society that we have turned into these selfish and disengaged people. I guess I am old fashioned but I think of love as you take care of them, they take care of you. You will still have obstacles in this complicated world we are in. However, life shouldn't have to be a chore. It is like we, ourselves, create our own prisons and live in a cell. Why? Reality hurts too much, scared of getting hurt, or believe that you have to live life a certain way, or maybe we are to worried about what others may think. I will never get the past 28 years back, but I have today. I don't want spend every New Years Eve thinking and hoping things will be better. I want to be celebrating the past year and hoping that the next is even better. We have a choice everyday. We choose our life and who we want in it. It takes courage to admit it and get past that comfort zone. Think of getting through that, making it, and finding that joy in your life. Finding the one that makes you laugh and crave the next laugh. I hope everyone finds some joy today, try something new, and have a great day!


"Fear not that thy life shall come to an end, but rather that it shall never have a beginning." John Henry Cardinal Newman
"Decisions determine destiny." Frederick Speakman
"Let us be brave in the face of adversity." Marcus Annaeus Seneca

February 9, 2009 Good Morning

Good Morning! Happy Monday! Another week for more opportunities! What a great weekend! It was so beautiful out, I started spring cleaning! Friday night, girls night, we went and saw He's just not that into you. It is so much fun to sit back with the girls. It was a great movie! It was funny and hit so many topics that we face in relationships today. People have a tendency to get comfortable and by doing so they miss out on so many things in life. It raised many questions about relationships, marriage, and our own inner battles with ourselves. It had a great cast and it was funny.

Movies and music go hand in hand by being able to touch us in many different ways. We can listen to a song or watch a movie and finish with a totally different perspective. The great lesson I thought that came from this movie is you don't have to live your life like others do. You live your life the way you want to, by what makes you happy. Life comes in all different shapes, there isn't just one cookie cutter shape that is right. What is right is what makes you happy. I admire those who walk in the room and are lit up with happiness and chemistry. I believe that is the true triumph. That is the person I want to be, so happy I light up the room. There is no reason to settle for anything less than what you want.

Speaking of not settling, Painkiller Hotel did a great job Saturday night, I ran into old friends from school, some I hadn't seen in 10 years! It was a great time! Well I hope everyone appreciates who they have in there life today, true friends will let you know that from time to time. I am glad I had my friends to pull me out when I needed them. Everyone have a great day and live today to the fullest!


"Love doesn't make the world go round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile." Franklin P. Jones
"Great things are done more through courage than through wisdom." German Proverb
"Lots of people want to ride with you in the limo, but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo beaks down." Oprah Winfrey

January 19, 2009 Good Morning

Good Morning! Happy Monday!

I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend! Today we celebrate Martin Luther King Jr., think of what he did and what he stood for. He stood for what was right, for what was noble. He spoke for those who couldn't. He stood for what wasn't popular, what wasn't acceptable at the time. It shows that we all have choices in life. We can choose to sit and watch or we can stand up and do something about it. We don't have to start a major non-profit organization or find a cure for cancer, but we can stand up for what is right. We can stand up and speak, for those who can't, even if it is not the popular thing to say. We can help those we are able to help, instead of walking by them passively and say shooo, thank god that's not me. The thing that kills me, is even as adults, especially among young adults, there still is that popularity contest. They really live in this "what would people think if..." kind of life. I feel sorry for them because they are really missing out on a huge part of there life. Finding out what makes them truly happy, what gives them meaning. Who was it that said "youth is wasted on the young."

When this recession started we were quick to blame the CEO's, the war, the president (however he is on my top 5 fave list). Problem is people were and are living on Credit. Well now there is nothing left. Look at the price of gas, clothes, food, went up, but everyday wages didn't. Suicide rates are up, I read about executives killing themselves. Really, over money? I always say whats the worse case scenario, you declare bankruptcy, oh well. You still have your family, your health, and if you don't well then you have a problem. Well today we should honor Martin Luther King Jr. for standing up for what is right, for the weak, and the less fortunateWell maybe this recession will teach us something about our values and what we value most. I want to wake up to someone everyday that I love and loves me. I want spend my life with friends and family that I enjoy being with. You would think that would be simple right, no not really. Again, couples even are in on the popularity contest, basing their lives on vulgar materialism, we use our homes like ATMs, take lavish vacations,choose money over people,why? To fill that void, inside. ( I like to shop, especially for bargains, especially now because of the economy such great deals,and for a hobby.) However, I always say you have to be willing to let things go at a drop of a hat, you can enjoy nice things, just don't let them define who you are.

Tomorrow, we will swear in the first Black President of the United States. To me it has very little to do with him being black. To me he stands for the change that America really needs. It will not come easy or quickly, and unfortunately, some will suffer even more. He speaks the truth, he stands for what he believes in and speaks for the weak and for those that can't be heard. Tomorrow is the day that I have been waiting for, for a long time. I hope his words and his leadership will help inspire Americans, not just in the stance of politics, but in the stance to be better people. I hope his words inspire people to live better and more meaningful lives. I have to leave right now, not to go to the gym but to go meet Doc at his office. He is coming in a hour early to see me. He is double booked all day. He goes above and beyond for his patients and for people in general everyday! He doesn't do it for glory or honor, he does it because he cares. He came into medicine because that is his passion, he loves to practice medicine. He has a Ph-D and an MD. He use to be a neuro-researcher,he told me " he use to think all the answers were in research, then he realized that all the answers were in the patients, you just have to be willing to listen." Hats off to you Doc! Everyone Have a great day! Make sure to enjoy something!Love,Sarah

"The time is always right to do what is right." Martin Luther King Jr."We must accept finite disappointment,but we must never lose hope." Martin Luther King Jr."The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in a moments of comfort and convenience but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy." Martin Luther King Jr.