Friday, April 24, 2009

Friday April 24, 2009 Good Night!

Good Night! Sorry there was no good morning yesterday or today! Thursday was rough after the last night of bowling! Today I had to get up and jump outside! What a wonderful day it was to open the windows and enjoy the sun! Well don't let the weekend's rainy forecast get in the way of having fun!

Just a reflection on this week, while we live in hard times we still move forward with that smile on our face! Well I just watched Oprah that I had on DVR from today! Cameron Diaz is going to be in a movie called My Sister's Keeper. I recommend everyone to read the book and/or see the movie. I read the book and it is amazing! It is about a girl who is sick and her sister was engineered to save the other sister from dying. Very emotional! The movie from what I hear hits on the many different family dynamics that come with having a terminally ill family member and how it effects every family member different. I believe the sister is suppose to give the other sister a kidney and refuses! It is suppose to come out I believe June 26th, that would have been my deceased step-father's birthday. He died of a rare disease Waldenstrom's Macroglobulinemia, at the time there were only 200 cases. My family dynamics, well, are still felt to this day. Not to say my own health issues. Just something to watch for!

Well I spent the day tying up loose ends, getting ready for what the forecasters say is to be a rainy weekend. I have my "clean sweep" helpers coming Sunday, no time for being disorganized!
Here we go, stay positive don't worry about things we cannot change and enjoy! Good Night, have a great weekend, and we will meet again Monday morning, if the good Lord lets us!


Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Wednesday April 22, 2009 Good Morning

**I want to make a quick note. I made a cool adjustment. At the end of the blog there is a envelope were you can e-mail the blog to friends. I just got this feature. I just wanted to FYI you all. Please feel free to make comments at any time! LOL!

Good Morning! Let the sun shine!!!! It is suppose to be beautiful all week with a high of 80 on Friday! Well it's Wednesday!!!! It's our final day bowling! We slipped to 7th but we need to win one game and if we sweep who knows! A good day, but an end to one season! So Ladies it is time to get together and lets get sassy!!! Well we have a summer league starting on Tuesday nights as well, pretty soon.

Well things are going really well! My plan was to finish shopping and start organizing yesterday! I never left my bed! I am stuck reading this New Moon book the sequel to Twilight that I swore I would never get into. I should have listened to Melissa. I mostly read non-fiction, inspiring books, but I needed a little entertainment. Problem is when I read the non-fiction biography's or stories of peoples lives, it makes me want to write my own book. If that book could be a New York Times Best Seller, my life story would be by far a bestseller!

So I have yet to get organizing, and have had to reach out to the peeps. We added color to my wardrobe, oh Katie is probably dancing and I still need a couple of accessories. I need to go to the container store and get that alf or elf thing! Oh boy, you have to assemble it. I need everything organized so I can just reach for it and go! I have a huge pile to go to the cleaners. I really want to go back to bed! What a mess!

Well the good news is it's getting done, we are moving forward and the sun is shining, and I am listening to my favorite song of course James Blunt, You're Beautiful. I listen to it all the time and it still gives me the butterflies in my stomach and makes me want to dance all around the house taking deep breaths, with a smile of true happiness and joy! Well I know everyone has their song, It is time to open the sunroof and listen to that song. Even if it's a hard day. We create our own day. Take that time to enjoy those small moments. I really must get moving! I hope everyone has a wonderful day, and takes a little time to enjoy something!


"I wish I'd a knowed more people. I would of loved 'em all. If I'd a knowed more people. I would of loved 'em all. If I'd a knowed more, I would a loved more." Toni Morrison, Song of Solomon, 1977

"Gratitude is the sign of noble souls." Aesop

"Compassion is the antitoxin of the soul." Eric Hoffer

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Tuesday April 21, 2009 Good Morning!

Good Morning! Well more like Good Afternoon! I have a tendency of checking my e-mails before writing right away! Well it is a gloomy day. April showers bring May flowers! Just keep moving and thinking positive! Here we go! Well I got the music going and we are jamming!

I am a big believer in standing for something! I believe in doing random acts of kindness, love, and that we should always push our friends to the top and give recognition. I guess I love all my friends and I want nothing but the best for everyone of them. We all know sometimes I get hurt, and taken advantage of. Recently this year was devastating, losing children that I truly loved like my own, losing my cousin, health issues, and watching a community(that I care a lot about) fight, shove and be torn apart. Through all of that I still wake up everyday and try to be the best person I can. Like I say all the time, I am not perfect, I make at least 12 mistakes a day. We all do and it's ok. We move on and do better, do good for others. I am a big believer in praise and giving credit were credit is due. There is so much competition among friends and jealousy. I look at as more of a motivator. Everybody has different things that make them happy. We as friends need to applaud, clap, and honor one another. Not trash, beat up, or say you don't have time. It is funny because no matter what happens, there is no failure. If you walk away from a situation and learned something you have only gained even more knowledge. Just like the plaque I got Laura when I came back from Florida, Friends are the family we make along the way.

Well last night Jack sent me an e-mail regarding S. Pellegrino's Top 50, World Restaurants, which is a U.K Based restaurant magazine and among the top 10 restaurants in the world. Charlie Trotter fell off the list but Alinea, Chicago IL posted 10th. That is a huge honor. The best part is John Asbaty worked as a chef for that restaurant. He is the one who I always talk about, that is the chef at that little Italian market Panozzo's on South Michigan Avenue. He is great! I love his food! He makes all the soups and specials, it is great! It is for take out food, sandwiches, and different pasta dishes, and my favorite, Chicken chickpea soup. I always say to Diandra your man can cook! It is a great little Italian Market were everything is imported from Italy. The people you get to see are so friendly, Ellen is always smiling and so sweet. I didn't realize that working in a top notch Restaurant meant long, long hours. John is a humble, man who is more into spending time with his family and working a less hours. So it was just a very exciting moment, especially for you John, hat's off of course to you. I know you work a lot now I couldn't imagine back then.

We all have passions dreams, and are great at something. It's not bragging, no one is better than anyone else. No matter how successful you are, or how much money you have, we all bring something to the table. Whether your a plumber, receptionist, pro-bowler, Chef, Lawyer, Doctor, Millionaire, we are all people and our lives are all equally important. That's why I have such a diverse group of friends. My dream is for people to unite. To give a little more. Whether it is time or something else. Felix invited me to Christmas with his family and Coco, that has been one of the most wonderful things someone has done for me. He and Coco took care of me, he watches over me, and he understands my craziness. Aida and Laura both on the phones for hours. My friend Amanda, I use to cry to her as well. You never know what kind of impact you make on someones life. It doesn't have to be big, maybe you listened to them and got them through a hard time. People under estimate the power of kindness. The reason we are in so much turmoil in this economy is because I believe we live in such a selfish society. If we all came together, put differences aside or embraced them and excepted them for who they are, maybe our lives would be a little easier. Not everyone is like me and that's the best thing about life, people are who they are. We could use some changes in our lives I have made several lately and have plenty more to go. Except and respect people for who they are. Let me emphasize respect. Show appreciation, sometimes going an extra mile or even a simple jesture could be quite touching.

Well, on another note, I am off! I was busy shopping yesterday, hit the container store, realized clean sweep was never going to make it to my house, so I better get working! Everyone enjoy the rest of your day, listen to the music, find that song that brings out that smile. Soon the sun will shine!


"Perhaps middle-age is, or should be a period of shedding shells; the shell of ambition, the shell of material accumulations and possessions, the shell of ego." Ann Morrow Lindberg

"Our deeds determine us, as much as we determine our deeds." George Eliot

"Try not to become a man of success, but try to become a man of value." Albert Einstein

Monday, April 20, 2009

Monday April 20, 2009 Good Morning

Good Morning! Happy Monday! Unfortunately my days have been changing everyday along with the times of my good morning postings. I thought I saw the sun peeking out! Today is a good day, a first day of a new journey. I grew up having many hopes and dreams. Then reality hit along with many tragedies.

Today, we can mark as one of the first days, I'm stepping up to the stage with help of the caring hands beside me. I take a deep breath and say it's happening! While I leave you all in suspense! My favorite thing. Until everything is finalized and done I won't speak. It will be a proud moment. We all have hopes and dreams. Many differ than others, but none are less important. Even if it is sitting by a special someone listening to your favorite song with that someone who makes you feel complete, or takes your hand when times are tough.

Well while I sit here smiling and listening to You're Beautiful by James Blunt it just brings that smile out. So here we go day one! The news can be scary but realistic. Remember to stay grounded and that all that matters are the people we hold dear in our life. I have found more recently that people can really be nasty and distasteful. You would think as adults we would hold some level of respect, however, I have been proven wrong. I am so giving and loving, and would never hurt anyone. I found recently that because I stood up for what was right, and asked for a little respect, I got harassed, yelled at and disrespected. Then the story got flipped. I had to laugh. There is nothing more than I want than peace and happiness to all. However, the world is cruel, and these are tough times. This weekend we bowled a tournament full house, All-Stars United and I loved it, we had music, screamed, yelled. It was a good time. We need to be educated on what is going on in the world, but try practicing those random acts of kindness. Living, loving and enjoying is what it is about. Having a great time is what it's about!

Well I hope everyone has a great day, enjoy something, turn the radio up!


"Circumstances should never alter principles." Oscar Wilde-An Ideal Husband, 1895

"There was Truth and there was untruth, and if you clung to the truth even against the whole world, you were not mad." George Orwell

"Learn to get in touch with silence within yourself and know that everything in this life has a purpose. There are no mistakes no coincidences; all events are blessings given to us to learn from." Elizabeth Kubler Ross

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Sunday April 19, 2009 Good Night!

Good Night Everyone! While I am sure that everyone is asleep, I haven't quite made it there yet. Wow what a week, sorry, it has been crazy and I haven't had time to get to the computer! Life just takes off and my head spins like a globe! It's a good thing.

Well I would like to report a wonderful successful All Stars United tournament! I along with others had so much fun. I found my mark and held on! I think my high game was 141 or 147 add 94 pins handicap to that! Oh Yeah! It was a great time, music, fun, cheering. That's what I like the good times! Don't worry Jessica I am in with you on Wednesday! The bowling season is coming to an end but now I am so pumped for the fun summer league! I can't wait! I finally find my mark and this is our last week. Oh there will be plenty of good times to be had!

I feel the need to recap the week because it just goes by so fast and Sundays are my days, that I take a step back and reflect and realize whats going on. I Spent some quality time with friends. My nephew has a new friend little Ray! I have found what I have the passion for, what drives me, and what I will do to make it happen. It has been the biggest improvement for me in my life. It has brought a lot of peace and quiet to my soul. It has brought such joy as well.

We went and saw the movie 17 again I thought it was a great flick! Again the same story, realizing who you have in your life, and enjoying each other and appreciating who is in your life, and realizing once there gone, how much you miss them. Sometimes we are so stubborn that no one will make that first step. It was a great flick in every way, comedy and it had a great life lessons as well. Well it is time to wrap some things up and open up one of my books! Balance, Doc tries to teach me all the time and I am working on it! Have a great evening, sweet dreams, and if the good Lord lets us we will meet again in the morning!


Friday, April 17, 2009

Friday April 17, 2009 Good Morning

Good Morning! Happy Friday! We made it! I have been out of commission and on a little vacation, but I am back now. More is to follow but I can't tell you what yet! Well Bowling season is ending and it is time to head to the pool and drag out the slip and slides for home run derby, OH YEAH! Summer festivals, mini vacations, lets just hope everyone's health prevails. The Diva's have quite a few things planned, like John Legend at Rivinia and Yo Yo Ma is playing!!!! My favorite! So I better take these couple extra weeks to get organized because again clean sweep never made it to the house. I can't wait to take the kids on field trips and see adriana's face!

Congratulations to my cousin Jackie who had a baby boy Mathew! They have Marco, Mia and Mathew now.

You never know how much life you have to live, anything can happen at any time. We all have to make the best of our situations, and then go from there. We can never say I will do that in my next life. This is it people. Love, be open, and care for one another. Hostility is just evil taking up precious time we have on Earth. We tend to push people away and take things out on us an it is up to us to cut them out of our lives, and surround ourselves with those who do make us happy. Well I am off to get organized, clean sweep never made it and the chaos is going to begin to start. Everyone have a wonderful and blessed day!


"Don't put off for tomorrow what you can do today, because if you enjoy it you can do it again tomorrow." James A Michner

"Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of overcoming it." Unknown

Prayer is when you talk to God; Meditation is when you listen to God." Diana Robinson

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Wednesday April 8, 2009 Good Morning

Good Morning almost afternoon! Well Monday's task was a sucess, and each day life becomes even better. Knowing what you can change and what you can't. Dealing with what you have and what you don't. Loving the people in your life and celebrating life with them. There is nothing better for me than to see a smile on someones face, and to know I helped it come out. Now it is time to put that to work. People think that work has to be hateful, dispiteful. Not always, we can enjoy what we do. We have choices in life, we choose who we want in our lives and who we don't. I cherish all who are close to me.

Well it's Wednesday, go team!!!!! Thats right team! There is no I in team! Ok girls this is our night, to sit back and have fun! We can do this! Whooooooooohoooooooo! I hope everyone has a chance to enjoy their day, the sun is shining and it is spring, my favorite season! Turn the music up and enjoy!!!! Have a great day!!!!!


"When you look at the world in a narrow way, how narrow it seems! When you look at it in a mean way, how mean it is! When you look at it selfishly, how selfish it is! When you look at it selfishly, how selfish it is! But when you look at it in a broad, generous, friendly spirit, what wonderful people you will find." Horace Rutledge

Monday, April 6, 2009

Monday April 6, 2009 Good Morning

Good Morning Everyone! Happy Monday! Well it is for me! Sorry I have a lot to say and not a lot of time! Things are moving at a 100 miles an hour! Today I can't talk about kindness, living selflessly, or uniting one another! It is time for me to practice what I preach! I am off to do a random act of kindness! I am so excited! More excited than Christmas morning! It is my favorite thing to do and that is to give back to others. I realize how blessed I am and let that spread onto others that are so deserving! Terry, Jamese, Justine, Bobby, Dr.Wilkin, Diana, Dr. Chaudry, Dr. Elahi (high five you the man), Andrea, Crystal, Dr. Bonesteel, Melissa, Dr. Bowen, and the rest of the team I am on my way! They are my all-star medical team and Dr. Wilkin and Dr. Bonesteel who both changed my life, there are endless thank you's! I have a special relationship with all. I couldn't begin to thank you for all you do! Integrative Pain Medicine, Health First, Neurohealth Associates are cards I carry in my purse and people I hold close to my heart! Thanks!

I hope all had a great weekend, despite the snow, Yikes! Well enjoy the sunshine today, enjoy the music, and have a great and blessed day!!!


"I live for those who love me, for those who know me true!" George Linnaeus Banks

"Even if it's a little thing, do something for those who need help, something for which you get no pay but the privilege of doing it." Albert Schweitzer

"No pessimists ever discovered the secret of the stars, or sailed to an uncharted land, or opened a new heaven to the human spirit." Helen Keller

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Thursday April 2, 2009 Good Night

I sit here listening to my music. I started picking new artists, I have very eclectic taste. I really seem to love Rosie Thomas. I never heard of her, until recently. I never use to listen to much alternative/pop. I am more the hip-hop R & B type. However, as I get older I appreciate all types of music. I truly believe that music does heal. It is always amazing to see how people let loose! Shout out to another favorite as well is Painkiller Hotel! I love them! Tonight driving in and out of the city I had that rush! That wonderful rush that puts a gentle wonderful smile on your face. The deep breath you take and you just can't help but smile. I love the city! The culture, the art, and the diversity. The opportunities it provides and the architecture is amazing.

I watched the special report and the press conference that President Obama gave today in London regarding the G-20. Maybe that is why I am so proud! That man amazes me. I watched that press conference not once, not twice, but 3 times. I haven't listened to CNN or any other opinions, on purpose. I took notes and I will comment more on it tomorrow and go into more detail. His articulation and communication skills make him a true leader. He is so respectful to all, and best of all, he is very intelligent and a wonderful man. I watched that conference like some watch American Idol. He was so well liked and embraced from how I saw the international reporters asking questions. His wit and charm gave a whole new dimension on how we do international business. How he is able to explain things and put things into layman's terms is amazing! It wasn't like any other presidential press conference I had seen before, and there were no shoes thrown, that's for sure. LOL!

It is a new day, and change is happening. We have to have faith and come together and unite. There is so much symbolism in what he says regarding our economic crisis that reflects into our own individual and family crisis' that we are experiencing. Compromise, listening, understanding and persistence. This economic crisis will take a while to fix, but I believe it will be fixed. So believe, have faith, and enjoy one another. Enjoy your life and the simple pleasures that give you that simple wonderful smile! The music and spring air that gives you that rush! Please feel free to share your comments as well! Like Elizabeth commented that she is scared, we all are, but right now we have to do the best we can to enjoy, despite the anxiety, and stress. You have a wonderful little girl now! Have faith! Goodnight to all and if the good Lord lets us, we will meet again in the morning.


Thursday April 2, 2009 Good Morning!!!!

Good Morning! Rise and Shine! Well I am sorry yesterday took off and got away from me! However I am happy to report I bowled a 220 with cap! Always a good time with the ladies!

The BIG ANNOUNCEMENT!!!! I am thrilled to announce that Kristin Hassan who is the designer for Kaizen Clothing, which is Diandra Asbaty clothing line, will be appearing on Bravo's new show "The Fashion Show." It is a reality show were 15 top designers will compete for a $125,000 and have their designs sold in retail stores! The show will air on May 7th on Bravo. From what I heard there will be drama, with people sewing, tearing things apart, racing to the end and some backstabbing!! Kristin has her own line OrganiK Revolution which if you go to you can see her line. Of course if you go to you can see the clothing that she and Diandra designed as well! I think we need Team Kristin shirts already!!!! You can go to Bravo's site and check Kristin out, along with all the other designers! Designer Isaac Mizrahi will host along with judges Kelly Rowland and Fern Mallis.

I know Diandra is so excited and so proud of Kristin. For they have worked together and been friends for years now. This is Kristin's moment to shine! Diandra always speaks so highly of her. The first time at Diandra's house she showed me all of Kristin's magazine features that she has been in. Kristin is only 23 years old! Diandra is the same age as me! So I have to say that for all of us we are ecstatic!!!!!! I am very proud just to be on the team!

This hits so close to home. A conversation that I had with Benny tonight. I started working at 14. I got a job at Carmax when I just turned 16 to work in their "kids room." The General Manager saw me one day and said who is that, they said Sarah, she works in the kids room, and he said not any more. He put me at the customer service desk, and I did well! So well I got bored. So they added to my duties! Then they promoted me to the Business office were the actual paperwork of the buying and selling of vehicles is done. All the financing, money, paperwork, titles, you name it, it was done there. I was a senior in high school! Thanks Jay! He saw my potential. I took the ball and ran. I ask questions, I listen and I advance. My life has been anything but clear cut, maybe that is why I am the person I am today. I knew when I spoke with Diandra my gut said go for it! I saw the potential, I loved it.

I could be a receptionist, or go apply somewhere. However, this was an opportunity that I wanted. There are risks involved, however, people see things as possibly failing. It's not failing as long as you learn and take something away from that experience. If you fall, stand up brush your knees off and try something else. I am not a settler. I don't settle. At times I feel lost and feel like just settling, but it's the positive people in my life that motivate me, Diandra, Kristin, Sue, Aida, Jack, Dave, Benny, Doc, Dr. Bonesteel they are go getters, that show me you can have what you want, it's just how much do you want it. So I have to say that today I am very proud of the decisions I have made and the person I am. With the positive influences that I have in my life there is only room for improvement! Today is going to be a great day! Everyone enjoy your day, don't put off your hopes and dreams. Have a great day!


Kaizen is Japanese for "improvement" Continuous improvement or change through out life!

"Success is never final and failure is never total. It's courage that counts." Success unlimited

"Mistakes are the usual bridge between inexperience and wisdom." Phyllis Theroux

"Whenever you see a successful business, someone once made a courageous decision." Peter Drucker