Wednesday, September 30, 2009

September 30, 2009 I am not a cookie cutter

Good Morning! Sorry, these past couple days I have been really reflecting. Who am I? What am I willing to do? What do I want to do? I know I don't want to just roll by life being content. I say I am not a cookie cutter because I am not. I think we have images or stereotypes of people in our heads, almost a cookie cutter image. I am not. There are so many levels, intellectually, spiritually, and things I do on a daily basis. Life is left here for each of us to enjoy and be happy. We all have duties as members of society to do what's right. Well the time is coming that I may need to have more life experiences. Some people are happy and content, living a life in once place and spending it with the same people for 50 years. That is great and wonderful. However, that is not my life.

Well I have lived well, laughed and had some wonderful moments. I had a year of bowling on league that I loved. I met people some good, some bad. They helped shape me into who I am today. I can't be pushed down, scared away, or saddened by some one's failed friendship. I will forget those who hurt me and never look back. I will continue on with the wonderful relationships I now have. I need no one else because I always have God on my side. I don't need to run and get any one's help, God always has my back. I have put my trust in God and Jesus Christ our Lord, because he is real and I do believe. I stand stronger than ever. There are days I feel unprotected and vulnerable and I pick up the Bible and I read and the feeling of security and peace that comes over me warms my body. The crazy thing is many who read this will say Sarah went off the deep end. No Sarah held a hand once by a friend and a feeling went up my arm. I will never forget it. I was at a house, a home of my second parents. Mr. and Mrs. Tylers. Praying. I felt the Holy Spirit come into me like nothing I ever experienced. From then on there have been tests of faith. Since then the people the Lord has put so many wonderful people I still have yet to believe it. Since then, when I really cried out, when I really opened my heart and prayed is unbelievable. For everyone who has helped me, been there for me, they will never be forgotten. For those who have hurt me, lied, and taken advantage I forgive you. I hope you find your way in life, I hope you find the Holy Spirit and are able to do something with your life.

Just because of my faith and who I am, doesn't mean I don't like syndicated television, cuss on occasion, or do things that aren't the best. I am human. I make mistakes. Like I always say 12 a day. However, everyday I become closer to God and I thank him for what he has done and for all the wonderful people he has in my life. Rita, Ann, Aida, Laura,Becky God sent you to me. Aida and Laura you pulled me out of a hole. A dark one and showed me the light. Who knows were I would be. Of Mr. and Mrs. Tyler who's home is filled with the Holy Spirit that I know I can always go to be safe. Well Time is ticking and I must go pick up my favorite little person, shopping it is! Then a museum and park! Ashleigh such a joy, so wonderful and filled with imagination! Well everyone may God Bless you all and lead to the right path. I hope everyone has a great day, enjoy something, turn up the music, this is it, we only have one chance at life. Have a great day! It is sunny here in Chicago! Also, Again if you haven't read Russell Simmons book Do You or Rev Run and Justine Simmons Take Back Your Family, They are great books. It helps especially living in the world we live in today. It has helped me tremendously!


"It's never too late to be what you might have been." George Elliot (which are almost all my book marks)

"One must lose one's life in order to find it." Anne Morrow Lindbergh

"God has many names, though He is only one being." Aristotle

Friday, September 25, 2009

Friday September 25, 2009 Good Morning

Good Morning! Well we made it Friday is here! Sorry yesterday I didn't make it I was recovering from having my favorite little person! We went to the Shedd! I feel bad, I know my friend loves seeing her daughter experience things and wishes she was there. However, little does she know she is her mother and nothing anything anyone could do could top it. I love being able to show children different things, the world that is out there waiting for them. As a child I never got many of those experiences so of course any chance I get I love to take my friends kids in which I adore. I could only imagine me being a parent and watching from a distance. However, the blessing of being a parent, is truly that, a blessing. Well we had fun, next it is the Zoo! I say at times, maybe my calling was to be a nanny! LOL!

Everyday is a new experience. As I walk through the different stages of my life I hope by the end to have accomplished something. I am really lucky to have great people in my life. Ann currently has me reading the bible. Not just randomly, book by book. I am on Hebrews now. She is a woman of many hats. I am so lucky to have her in my life as to the dozen others as well. It goes to show, we never know what life has in store for us. Life changes day by day, at least in my world. There are so many options, so many things we can do. I hold the Bible close to my heart. I allow the music to flow through the house and do my best to be the best person I can.

Now comes the question I have for you. Are the best person you could be? Do you forgive? Do you open your heart to others and lead the life you believe Jesus wants you too? Is there things that you want to do, but think that they are unattainable. If so than you may need to re-examine. I have found there is always a way. We are our own authors. We create our own futures. It doesn't matter were we are, there is a better and happier life out there, you just have to go for it and believe in it, and yourself. If you truly believe than you can attain it. Well there is so much going on now if you open your local paper or the Tribune. So many Pumpkin Farms and things that free of charge. Apple Orchards, or even hiking for the day. I hear so many people say, oh we can't do this or that were broke. You just have to look and make the best of things. If you don't, It will destroy you. I say open the bible, find a mentor or spiritual leader, because that book always brings me comfort. Always look at the positive and things will look up.

Well the weekend is here, I hope everyone has plans! Enjoy your days! Please continue to keep Rev. Tyler in your prayers as he is still recovering. Have a great weekend, do something kind and random and enjoy one another.


"Gratitude is the hearts memory." French Proverb

"Life is like a game of cards. The hand that is dealt you represents determinism; the way you play it is free will." Jawaharlal Nehru

"Before I knew the best part of my life had come, it had gone." Epitaph by Ashleigh Brilliant

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Wednesday September 23, 2009 Good Morning

Good Morning! Yes a gloomy day outside. I hope to live it up by going to the Shedd Aquarium with my favorite "little person" Ashleigh! It is our day of adventure! She is so sweet and brings so much joy. I have continued to read the bible one book at a time. Thanks to my mentors. I really enjoy reading it because it is a book of truth. We all do our best each and everyday. I don't know exactly my role that God has for me. All I try is to do my best everyday. I ask God for the wisdom and patience to get through the day.

Life is so short we must enjoy the time here. Well you never know what it is going to happen. That is why I am so admit on spending time with those I care about and love. I love being able to show children different cultural things and experiences. I think it allows them to grow. I love have the days I have Ashleigh. Heather is such a good friend to me, and have watched her grow up has been amazing. I encourage all to do the same. Take time out, enjoy, when you have the opportunity. It is well worth the wait. So now our adventure begins. I pray for the continued health of Mr. Tyler and for those who are struggling. I hope God us the strength to help them through there own personal issues. Make sure to embrace friendships and be grateful for those who are here. Everyone have a great day, overlook the cloudiness and see the sun and enjoy! Turn up the music!


"A single event can awaken within us a stranger totally unknown to us. To live is to be slowly born.' Antoine de Saint-Exuptry

"You only live once-if you work it right once is enough." Joe E. Lewis

"Creatures whose main spring is curiously will enjoy the accumulating of fact, far more than the pausing at times to reflect on those facts." Clarence Day

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Tuesday September 22,2009 Good Morning

Good Morning! Good Morning it is. The sun will be rising I hope, one of my favorite parts of the day. Can you believe it is almost October. Pumpkin Patches, Autumn leaves it is beautiful. I again am so lucky with the life and the people the Lord has blessed me with. So many hard times for many. I just watched the movie of Dorothy Dandridge and it was very interesting. She was an actress and performer that went unnoticed for many years. She was a Marylin and a Jackie as well. A wonderful woman that deserves just as much, if not more credit that she deserves. I have the movie and can pass it around. I saw what she went through and it was heart breaking. Luckily we have Ann and her devoted fans to keep her legacy going.

As I read the bible I feel more and more at home and secure with myself. I am lucky to have such a great support group. Some days are harder than others. Last night I woke up and couldn't sleep I opened my bible and fell back to sleep. It is a wonderful feeling within, that cannot be described with words. I am lucky to have such a great mentor, to be helping through these times. Well we continue to pray for Mr. Tyler's recovery and all those who are ill. May today be a better day. I continue to pray for God's direction and hope to continue do his great work. Everyone have a great day! Make sure to laugh. Try doing something random, something kind, you never know.


"God is infinite and without end, but the souls desire in an abyss which cannot be filled except by a good which is infinite; and the more ardently the soul lengthen after God, the more she wills to long after Him: for God is a good Good without drawback, and a well of living water without bottom, and the soul is made in the image of God, and therefore it is created to know and love God." Johannes Tauler

Monday, September 21, 2009

September 21, 2009 Good Morning I will Remember You!

Good Morning! Yes I am up burning the midnight oil. I am here in bed with my Bible's, Rev and Justine book, and Russell's. I went out with the guys last night shopping, it was so much fun. I love it when they were Diesel and they caught a beat and started rapping. LOL! We went to Target grabbed a movie The Pineapple Express. It was ok. It didn't hold my attention. Hangover definitely hands down one of the funniest movies! I love to reflect upon the past to think of were I'm at and were I want to go. It to me is so much fun. No matter what I plan to do in the future, it always turns into something else so I just live each day by being the best person I possibly can. I watched the Emmy's. I was so disappointed no one won except for the ones for two and half men that I wanted. No Weeds, Big Love, Sally Field! Neil Patrick Harris did a great job. And the guy that came out singing and fell and slid was quite entertaining. Then the tributes came and Sarah Mclachlan came on singing I Will Remember You! It was wonderful. To me that is life's meaning. To be remembered! To do something that affects the lives of others in such a touching way. That's the way I want to be remembered. I think of this year, I think of what has happened, I think of what we can do.

I will remember many. I refuse to let my life pass me by and it is for sure full of memories. I think we spend so much time just going on through our day never having faith or hope in something greater than what we have. As if we are robots. I am so thankful for what the Lord has given me. He has given me a gift. The gift to feel, truly feel. I feel peoples pain, joy and concern. I remember I was driving not to long ago, and a girl was crying while she was driving. My hand went to the window, wanting nothing more than to console her pain. I hope that good people can come together and make a difference. Sarah's song is so true to remembering and making memories. We are making memories everyday, and they can be good or bad, but it is up to us. Pick up the phone, mail the letter, do what you need to do, reach out to others. I can write and write. I can live it, do random acts of kindness. Buy in Bulk! Seven Pounds is a great movie, I have spoken of often. A movie I believe everyone should watch. Russell's Simmon's Book Do You, Rev Run and Justine Simmons Take Back Your Family book is another great read that speaks of life and how precious it is. I write and write, I do, I speak. However, it is up to all of us. Hey I even move people in from Africa! LOL, only to find that they give me more than I could ever give them. "So don't let your life pass you by." "I am so tired but I can't sleep, standing on the edge something much too deep, it is funny it feels so much but can't say a word no we are screaming inside oh we can't be heard." Sarah Mclachlan We Will Remember You. I do my best to live selflessly, I have allowed people who have hurt me back in to redeem themselves and they choose not too. That's when I say "Don't Let Your Life Pass You By."


" Experience is not what happens to a man. It is what a man does with what happens to him." Aldous Huxley

"It's funny we feel so much and we cannot say a word.." Sarah McLachlan We will Remember You

I told a friend I would pull out the old books of my poetry from the old days.

July 26, 1998 Sarah A. Magrady Summer before Senior Year

hurts her ears
breaks her heart
clogs her head
feeds in her soul

heals her ears
repairs her heart
purifies her head
lives in her soul

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Sunday September 21,2009 Good Afternoon

Good Afternoon! It looks like it is going to rain, here in Chicago. While I listen to my favorites Keith Urban Raining on Sunday! As a believer in God I put him and his word to work with in me first. I do my best everyday to live selflessly. I know he is there, I can open one of my 5 bibles read scripture and know he will always provide. I watch my friends be single mothers, I watch women struggle and I could never do it. I could never be a single mother. However, I wonder were is he? The one I am to love the rest of my life. The one that is to comfort me when times are hard. I guess that is the selfish part of me. I don' t just want a warm body or just any man, I want the one I was meant to spend my life with. The one that I lean on through hard times, and he leans on me. I move day to day doing what I need to do. Everyone suggests this guy or that guy. While I don't really entertain their thoughts because he is not the one for me, so why bother. Every other day is fine for me other than weekends. Especially when it is raining on Sunday!

I am mostly and I am a positive person. However, Russell was talking about his meltdowns, and Ann reminds me to go for the Bible. I guess that is my "meltdown" the selfish part of me speaking. I want to have that person to spend my life with. Don't I deserve it. I looked Death in the eye, I made it back. I went through more than most have in a lifetime. There is not a day that goes by that I don't think of old friends or special children that use to be a huge part of my life. I know I have made mistakes, But I am on the right path. Everyday there are new challenges and I face them. However at the end of the day it is me and God. I know how time is sacred, I just want someone to meet me half way. Is that so selfish of me? I don't know. I give and give. I love to give, it's what the Lord has put in my path, but I just often wonder especially when it's "raining on Sunday" were is he?


Friday, September 18, 2009

Friday September 18, 2009 Good Afternoon

Good Afternoon! Sorry yesterday was a hectic day. You never know what is going to happen from day to day. Some have the luxury of living pleasantly, having know real worries, while others are climbing mountains. I try to do my best to make the best of any situation. Find the Good, Laugh and enjoy. However, sometimes I feel like I am constantly climbing that mountain. I wonder, when does it end? I realize God puts those Mountains there, and life throws us those curve balls only to overcome them and come out even stronger. September 16th marked my cousin's one year anniversary of his death. He was on his motorcycle just blocks away from my house, and was hit by someone who didn't see him. It was very tragic, and it left its mark right there on an intersection I pass daily. Some people don't agree with my out look on death. I don't know if they really understand my outlook. Tragedy happens, I believe that if possible we should try to do something, create something positive in remembrance to honor that person. I was going to get my first Tattoo, go skydiving, do something. I feel like death has torn my family apart. 7 tragedies in 14 years. However, Toms really hit home. We were so much alike in certain ways. I wished we could have had more time. He was the goofball, the loud one, the one that would tell you like it is. He is missed greatly.

We all have struggles, but we must think positively, nothing is too high. My mom says my goals are set too high, I said at least I set goals. Never discourage people from there dreams. You have to figure out who you are and what you stand for and go for it. I remember people saying Barack would never win, or what about Helen Keller, or all those who have struggled. All the Artists, musicians, Actors, Actresses. I will never give up on my dreams. There will be times I will fall, then I pick myself up and wipe off my knees, and brush the tears from eyes. If I hadn't done that already, I would be dead. Literally. I found that my belief in God, praying, and meditating has brought me peace. So does the music. I realize the importance of a strong positive support group. So when people say your hopes and goals are too high, I just shake my head. Not if you are good, not if you do your best, not if you believe in God and ask for his guidance. Times are tough for many, but remember that if you believe really believe and ask for God's help, he will come. Remember those who are positive and that are there to support us through these hard times.

With that being said, I hope everyone has a great weekend. Enjoy the weather. It is beautiful here in Chicago! God is great and God is good. Make sure to turn up the music as well, because like we all know music heals! God Bless! Have a safe weekend!


"I, even I, am he who blots out your transgressions for my own sake, and remembers your sins no more." Isaiah 43:25

message of the day by Joel Osteen!

"I've made so many mistakes I don't see how God could bless me. I just don't feel like I deserve it." No, we don't deserve God's blessings. They are part of the free gift of God's salvation. The best thing you could do is to accept his offer, and all through the day start saying to yourself, "I am a new creation. I am forgiven. I am valuable to God. He has made me worthy." If you Keep saying that long enough, you're going to start believing it. And you will begin expecting good things."

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Wednesday September 16,2009 Good Morning!

Good Morning! Happy Birthday George! You maybe afar but you are always near in spirit. I hope you enjoy your day. The sun is shining bright here. Listening to of course one of my favorites James Blunt's You're Beautiful. Each day is a new day and hopefully today will be a great day! I have to say things are moving fast, and sometimes we get swept away and forget were time goes. My prayers go to William Clark and his family, he recently lost his mother. Of course my prayers will continue through out this difficult time.

I was watching the show Daddy's Girls last night. Rev actually showed up, which I found wonderful. He cancelled an interview the girls had with a magazine, realizing how they could be exploited and turn words around, like people had done him wrong in the past. So he did what he thought was right. The Girls ended up doing the interview and he decided to stay a little longer. It just comes to show that it is such a money hungry and greedy society that we constantly have to be on guard. How sad is that. Thinking hey were going to do this interview and then the next thing it turns out to be something totally not what you said.

Well I have to stop there because I could write a book on that issue. Also, I don't think people understand the pressure women go on to be thin, beautiful, and flawless. I have friends say oh she is hot, she's hot, she's hot. It really makes me feel bad knowing what I went through, how I got sick after having plastic surgery and they still make it a point to constantly point it out. I am not shallow, I know there is more to me and others. I know I am good and I am who I am. I love me for me. With God in my life I can roam free and feel protected. However, I think of all the young girls or the women who don't have that to hold onto. Constantly being scrutinized by the media and to look perfect, when in the end it is the character you hold inside that counts. Vanity taught me something, and that is to cherish yourself and others, and what is most important is your health. Well I hope everyone has a great day the sun is out shining bright, and the music is turned up here! Today I get to go see one of my favorite people! Doc! Talk about a real person. Someone that has helped me throughout!


"I am no longer what I was. I will remain what I have become." Coco Chanel

"Make the most of today. Translate your good intention into actual deeds." Grenville Kleiser

"Christians are suppose not merely to endure change, nor even to profit by it, but to cause it." Henry Emerson Fosdick

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Tuesday September 15, 2009 Good Morning!

Good Morning! Well I have been out of the loop for a while. I have had this bad virus along with Strep throat for a week. However, I have been able to catch bits and pieces of things. I saw the MTV video music awards when Kanye took the mic from Taylor Swift and I was really upset. I felt awful for that young girl. Taking away from her moment. However, after watching the segment on Leno were Kanye apologized for his actions I felt even worse for Kanye. I have to say my heart went out to him. He didn't make excuses, but you could see the hurt that it caused him. I have to say I felt his pain. The worse feeling for me is to think that I ever caused anyone any harm. I think he has issues going on and it just all came out. He asked for forgiveness, so we forgive and move on. Each day is a new day, a blank slate! No one is perfect, everyone makes mistakes. I make at least 12 a day. Imagine always living in the spotlight. I am sure next year him and Taylor Swift will come out presenting an award together. I have been going to different sites and seeing peoples responses. They say they can't forgive him. Well if Taylor can, why can't we. It is not up to us. That is between him, God and Taylor. Kanye is struggling so we should reach out and help him. Yeah what he did wasn't right, but people do worse things everyday. People think by calling him such horrible and profane names that they are any better, than they should really look in the mirror. You don't tare people down like that. It isn't just stating a disappointment it is just trashing someone with pure hate. Hate, bitterness, and cruelty will only get you so far in life. Those people have a long way to go.

As we are about to start the day we hope that the healthcare reform gets passed, that people will be able to afford healthcare, and this will save lives. That's what it's about. People come first. It is Ironic, I watch some of these politicians just grind there teeth and give hell about this reform. Hey, maybe you won't need it, but who is to say that your Grand-Child or Niece or Nephew won't. You can't help everyone in a sense. Healthcare is expensive. Do you think you can take care of the Million dollar health care bill for your Grand-Child if they become terribly ill? People don't think long term, they think about themselves and about today. Everyone questions President Obama, however, to me he has been the most inspiring and articulate President. Why is that so important? Well if you can educate people on a complex system, help them to understand how the government has worked and why you want to change it, you have made great progress. I see so many people that don't bother with politics because they couldn't understand what was going on. Besides being our president, he is educating us as well. Let us not forget the day he was elected, the day I cried because I was so happy. Let us not forget, he has yet to be in office one year. Well there is a lot to think about through out our day, make sure you take some time for you. Turn up the radio, and let the music heal!(trust me flavor ices and ipods help, LOL.) Today I am listening to Rosie Thomas Wedding Day! Have a great day!


"If you have no will to change it, you have no right to criticize it." Anon

"The essence of being human is that one does not seek perfection." George Orwell

"My strength is made perfect in weakness." 2 Corinthians 12:9

Monday, September 14, 2009

September 14, 2009 Monday Happy Birthday Benny Ransom!!

Happy Birthday Benny Ransom!! I try my best to remember birthdays, I really do. Thanks Hannan, I logged in to FB first and saw Hannan was already on! I really enjoy our positive FB family we have created. When good people come together life can be so enjoyable. Someone just asked me the other day how would I define a good person. Well I said, someone who thinks of others, who is kind and lives the best life they can in helping those in need. Benny is among that crowd. Benny I hope you have a great day, and may God shower you with many blessings.

I hope everyday that people become better people, that they try to live a little less selfishly. You would think in the times we are in that we are in people would see what living selfishly and living on materialistic things gets you. It gets you no where. I believe it leaves you empty, hateful, and unfulfilled. If you don't have that foundation in something good, something more powerful than you, that leads you down a path of leading a great life, than you will remain empty. I expect more from people, especially now that we have someone that I find inspirational in office. If President Obama comes out and reaches to the masses and says lets do great things, we must all come together and we all shake our heads yes, than we must do it.

I am sure everyone has heard or is going to hear of what happened last night on MTV's Video Music Awards. Taylor Swift a young girl who sings country music came up so shocked that she won an award and guess who comes out throwing a temper tantrum (as I heard one describe it), Kayne West. He took the Mic and said that Beyonce had the best video, gave this girl back the microphone and walked off the stage. All I have to say is thank you Lord I wasn't there. How could someone do something like that to a young girl. Just trample over her dreams. Isn't that crazy, who does he think he is! He isn't better than anyone else. Well I give it up to Beyonce who won an award at the end of the evening and called Taylor out to do her thanks speech during Beyonce's time. Well done Beyonce, that is first class all the way! So Taylor Swift, you deserve that award and don't let anyone bully you, or tell you otherwise. Kanye, I will pray for you, that's all I can say on that matter right now.

Well I hope everyone has a great day, I am trying to peek out the window and see if the sun is coming up. One of my favorite parts of the day. Take time out today to enjoy something and do something kind for someone else. You never know how inspired and empowered that may make you feel. God Bless!


"A friend is one before whom I may think aloud." Ralph Waldo Emerson

"God enters by a private door into every individual." Ralph Waldo Emerson

"The meaning of good and bad, of better and worse, is simply helping or hurting." Ralph Waldo Emerson

Friday, September 11, 2009

Friday September 11,2009 Good Afternoon!

Good Afternoon! I am still recovering, I got really sick and I was down for the count. I must learn to balance better. I sit and remember were I was the day of September 11th. I was walking upstairs and I just saw the second plane crash into the World Trade Center. The devastation was unbelievable. We all wanted to be with the one's we loved. We couldn't imaging life without them. The thing that bothers me is we go on with our days and we take advantage of the fact that there is a chance that anything can happen to us on any given day. Life is too short.

There have been plenty of battles in my life, I pray for peace, I meditate and I do my best everyday to live a fulfilling life. You never know what will happen. We can't allow little things to tare apart relationships. Whether they are relationships with friends, family or lovers. We shouldn't have to wait for something devastating to happen for us all to come together. We need to picture what we want and go for it. Enjoy our lives. Living in misery is no way to enjoy your life. We all need to accept change. We need positive support systems of friends or family pending on the circumstance. Just like Barack's address the other evening. You know I DVR his speeches. I never have DVR any presidential speech. I love hearing him speak. He is genuine, his articulate and allows people to understand what is going on. I believe he is doing the best he can to service the people and compromise with both parties. He has already made history, so who is to say that he can't make things better fro the American people. Whenever I get down I go to my facebook and watch Hannan Parks Welcome Mr. President. It reminds me that things can happen, dreams do come true. If we are good people and stay focused we can find our way. Election day was one of the happiest days of my life. We made him our President.

It is up to us to make our own contributions. Our society wouldn't be such a mess if people took time out to help others. Most of the General Population believes in something. They practice Christianity, Buddhism, or are Muslim, or Jewish. Which in all cases the Torah, Koran, and the bible teach good. Do we do good? Do we truly help others to the best of our ability? I know many don't. We live in such a selfish society and then elect these officials and say hey you handle it. No, we need to be a part of it as well. We are citizens that make up this nation. There is so many little things we could do for the better good, or put a smile on someone else's face and we choose not to. We say not our problem. Then we go to church and pick up whatever book of worship. Why bother, if we are not practicing it in our everyday lives. Well that is my thoughts. Well everyone have a great and happy weekend. Try doing something random and kind for someone else and see how that affects you. Watch the smile on someone else's face and know you put it there. Take care!


"The cure sometimes, to relieve often, to comfort often." Anon

"The great use of life is to spend it for something that will outlast it." William James

"A single event can awaken within us a stranger totally unknown to us. To live is to be slowly born." Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Thursday September 10, 2009 Good Afternoon Rev and Justine Simmons Final Tribute!

Good Afternoon! Sorry I have been under the weather and was unable to write this morning. I will continue on with a tribute to Rev and Justine. The wonderful thing that I admire about them is that they are so open and true. They share there bad times and difficulties both in the book and on there show Run's House. They know they are only human and we all make mistakes each and everyday.

In the book they touched on a very sensitive topic, their daughter Victoria that died at birth and had complications. Many were surprised they shared that, but like they said there not going to only let people in during good times but in bad as well. They were blessed however, they adopted a baby girl Miley which in the book has wonderful pictures. Then we have their other son Daniel (aka) Diggy. He is a character. He is independent and very smart. He is into fashion and is quite fly! I am amazed at what 13 or 14 now he has his own blog http:// It is just best to google it and leave out the http://. He has over 11,000 members, I am one of them, every time I want to leave him a comment there is at least over a hundred. You can get Rev's words of wisdom, Angela, Justine, Jo Jo and I believe Vanessa too at Go to Celebrity Blogs and scroll down.

Rev and Justine make it there duty to be parents and a family first. They love and believe in discipline just like the average person. They are not into giving into every want of there child and make their children earn it. That is were Little Russy comes in. That is the one thing that he has a knack for and that is saving money. He is good with his money and works hard to get it. This is why I love this family so much, they are full of love, and put so much effort into their children but yet are able to keep their relationship as well. It is a balancing act that they have done. Well that is all I can really say about them. Daddy's Girls comes on Tuesdays, Runs House comes on Thursday, and I suggest everyone read their book Rev Run and Justine Simmons, Take Your Family Back. The title is very broad, because this is a book for people that don't have families. A lot can be learned. We control our own destiny. Well done Rev and Justine! I hope everyone had a great day, don't forget to practice a random act of kindness because believe me it will make YOUR day! We will meet again in the morning!


Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Wednesday September 9, 2009 Tribute to Rev Run and Justine Simmons

Good Morning! Yes it's early. What can I say. I write, when I am inspired. I just put Rev Run and Justine Simmons book down and it is just amazing. I lay back and think of all my life experiences and how true Karma really is. I am young woman that has built a lot of life experience. I do my best everyday. God has blessed me with a giving spirit that I can not tuck away. All I can do is share and give. How do I become profitable is yet to be answered. Oprah to me has always had the best job. Hands down! I would take her job in an instant. Imagine touching peoples lives in large masses, inspiring people, helping people, guiding people. Let me tell you, I am one to say often I don't want to be famous. I want to be who I am and live freely. Being famous comes with an expensive price tag. Your freedom to roam without people coming at you is gone. Being photographed by people and published in magazines on news racks. I think that the Simmons are a great example for Hollywood and the industry of setting the bar of sanity. Not letting that life take over your happiness. It is all again about TEAMWORK and family. How does this have anything to do with the Simmons, well it has a lot to do with the Simmons.

The Simmons are true, sane people. They inspire me to the point of what Oprah inspires me. Many do not know the great roles they play in our society. Rev and Justine's book is a book so much more than about raising children or their lives. It is about relationships, hardship, and overcoming obstacles. They are just normal people like everyone else. I laugh when I read about the kids, because I had them pegged the same and it was quite interesting. Vanessa being the wonderful confident and mature girl, but is very independent. Angela, who is very outspoken and sensitive, (which I am too.) Yet she has a drive to succeed. She is dabbling (for those who watch Daddy's girls on MTV), in what she wants out of life. That is a great quality, never settle for less than what you want. That is a Simmons trait that both Rev and Russell have and I love! LOL! Jo Jo, and his same drive to be successful. I, being a fan of the show Runs House have seen the spiritualness develop even more and more. The changes that have happened in the Simmons house. Life moves quick and we must do what makes us happy. If we go with what is good, what is right, and what we are driven to do, we will succeed. I believe. I read through the rough times that Rev and Justine had and how they overcame them. It is called TEAMWORK!

That to me is why God has blessed Rev and Justine. It is out of goodness and doing good for others. They also talk about TEAMWORK! How that has helped them as a couple and through there marriage as well. Then there is Russell that comes in. Russell and Rev work as a team. Russell more at the office and Rev more from home, LOL! Hey it works. Both have there own style, were Russell focuses on life and helping you figure out what happiness is all about. Once you figure that out, life is good. Rev and Justine take it to a new level. To a relationship and family based level of happiness. Which as we know raising children, 6 at that is not easy. However, as I read I see how they are just like any other struggling couple that has had hardships. Or for that matter any other struggling person. It is not a "christian" book. Rev is not closed minded so no one should be turned away thinking that this book is solely based on Christianity! It is a great book for any person, not just parents, not just couples, but for anyone. Hey when I date, I think long term. I have to enjoy this person, have same values, same interests and outlook on life. I was lucky to have helped be a care taker of 6 children. It taught me if I do become a mother, what kind of family I want, and how I want to raise my children.

Well I hope everyone is reading and absorbing. Taking something positive in and embracing life. I just saw a clip from the last lecture and why it is so powerful. After Rev and Justine's book and then I re-read Russell's book, that is the one I am on next. A man dying trying to teach people about life and happiness. Like I always say I am the most fortunate. My life nearly was taken, I gained 165 lbs only to have saved my life. I don't regret anything that has happened as painful or hard, I wouldn't be the person I am today. I enjoy every moment now. We will meet again tomorrow and continue with Rev and Justine's tribute and their other 3 children, in which their son Daniel aka Diggy is doing very well for himself. Everyone have a great day, turn up the music, because again, music heals!


I have no books surrounding me that I can reach for quotes. So let me share the things that I have that surround me now.

Paperweight - Team work in the middle and around it it says "The fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results."

Bookmark- Believe- "It is never too late to be what you might have been." George Elliot

Picture-The Essence of Change-"Learn to embrace change, and you'll begin to recognize that life is in constant motion, and every change happens for a reason. When you see boundaries as opportunities, the world becomes a limitless place, and your life becomes a journey of change that always finds its way.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Good Morning Tuesday September 8, 2009 Rev Run and Justine Simmons Tribute!

Good Morning! Before I send out Rev Run and Justine Simmons Tribute I would like to reflect a moment. I am thankful for all God has given me. My friends and family who support me. It was a wonderful weekend, I don't think I have ever had such a great weekend. I spent the days with friends and today my body is wore out, but it was worth it. As much as I would love to downtown participating in the Oprah show, I am satisfied with knowing what wonderful things she is doing for our town and for people around the world. I saw the set up yesterday and it is amazing. Today is a birthday of an old friend. Our friendship ended badly however, despite everything, the spirit that works within me still wishes that she finds happiness through her day.

Rev Run is the brother of Russell Simmons. I speak of Russell often. I have such a connection with Russell, when he speaks often or through out his book it is often how I feel. The funny thing is I had no idea who he was until I saw him on Runs House on MTV! The show features Rev Run and Justine Simmons and there Children Jo Jo, Venessa, Angela, Diggy (Daniel) Russy (Russell) and now Miley their beautiful and intelligent baby girl. I fell in love with that show. Such wonderful people, who do not indulge their children but love and teach their children what is right and how to love. That is very hard to do with the society we are into today. Especially when there is money involved. At the time I first saw the show, I was helping a friend out with there 6 children. I understand the stress levels, the issues that go on and could totally relate. Rev Run use to be Run DMC which was a Rap Group from back in the day. He is now a Reverend, and a wonderful father. Rev's two oldest daughter's Venessa and Angela have their own show which you can catch it tonight on MTV called Daddy's Girls. He has raised 2 very well rounded children. I have been reading Rev Run and Justine Simmons Take Back Your Family, How To Raise Respectful and Loving Kids in a Dysfunctional World.

Through out the week I will do a tribute and will do blurbs on why I love this family so much. Besides the reason for the past 6 months I have had a hard time even reading the words of wisdom from Rev, because no kidding, what he wrote would be something that would going through my head at that moment. Again I believe there is a God. God puts people in your life for a reason. Such great people and I can't wait to share things with you about them. My favorite is when Russell comes in every so often. That's how I saw him. He cracks me up. He and Rev are so different but yet so alike. It is so interesting reading both books and comparing. Rev and Justine are such great people and deserve acknowledgement way beyond what I can do.

Well I am off to my day. Slowly I go. I spent the day downtown yesterday and it was amazing. I love the city. I am paying for it today though. I hope everyone enjoys there day, if you get a chance watch Daddy's Girls tonight at 9pm Central Time on MTV. That is channel 60 by us.
Have a great day and God Bless!


"Without friends no one would choose to to live, though he had all other goods." Aristotle

"The future is not a gift-it is an achievement." Harry Lauder

"The most absurd and reckless aspirations have sometimes led to extraordinary success." Vauvenargues

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Thursday September 3, 2009 Good Morning

Good Morning! Yes it was a great day yesterday. I got out enjoyed the weather. I did a little yoga, which is helping me so much. I am going through another transition in my life. When your life changes and you move forward and you allow yourself to open up to a higher being, nothing will ever be the same. As soon as I opened my heart to all that is good, all that is pure, to God, my life changed dramatically. People have been placed in my life and not by accident. I have suffered greatly, but through that it has made me stronger, happier, and more fulfilled. We must have a purpose in life. We must find that purpose. Mine is to do good for others. To inspire and live a life of good deeds. I carry around this book "A Little Book of Eastern Wisdom." I opened it last night and it said "those who maintain a clear sense of purpose in life are strengthened by hardship." I couldn't find that to be more true. When I have gotten off the path is when I lost my sense of purpose. Figuring out who I am and having the positive support of others is what lifts me up each day. My purpose is more and more clear everyday.

Today was busy, productive, but yet tiring. I really cannot wait to go see the movie The Time Travelers Wife. I had gotten recommendation after recommendation to read that book. When I saw the previews my heart sank. I am not one for dating. If I don't see a long term relationship or anything positive out of it, why bother. How do you define Love? How do you know if your in love? I in my own way have figured it out. When you look at a person and you get to know them and their soul. You think to yourself, nothing matters more than just you and that person. I get this picture in my head of the Caribbean. When you say hey lets ditch this place leave all material possessions and all you want is a shack over your head and to spend eternity with that person. To hear them laugh to feel that happiness deep in your gut, you have arrived. That is how I define being in love. No material possession, nothing but you and that person and your little shack.

I now understand even more as I go back through Russell Simmon's book. He said you need to detach yourself. He is right. You do. In order to be successful you need to detach, do what is right, what is healthy for you. Then you will soar! We must believe in ourselves, invest in ourselves hold true to God and move through our day. For today will be another great day! I get to visit with my good friend Laura, who is recovering from surgery. I can't wait girlfriend! Well I must leave you now, I plan to nap a bit and hit the water, the fountain of youth. I hope everyone takes time out to enjoy something today, make sure to laugh and enjoy!


"There is always a piece of Fortune in Misfortune." Japanese Proverb

"When a person's character is not clear to you, look at that person's friends." Japanese Proverb

"People become what they expect themselves to become." Mahatma Ghandi

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Wednesday September 2, 2009 Good Morning

Good Morning! Well I have to say I am so thankful for what I have. I am blessed. I just got done going through my yoga cards taking deep breaths. I have been doing things little by little at home. I want to be able to get to Sue in the morning. Sue is my trainer/friend who I love dearly! What a woman! I hold her very close to my heart. Truth is I over did it this weekend and I am still paying the price. However, I am working little by little at home. It was funny, Sue you and Deb would have died laughing. I got the little ball we use in Pilates and the bands. Blaq tried the hardest one and said "you know those things really work!" LOL! I try telling them! Blaq asked me if I knew how to throw a football. LOL!! I threw it and he said "no you don't know, LOL!" Little does he know I have come a long way since my Brent Farr days! LOL!

Well I get to watch the sunrise as we speak. One of my favorite enjoyments out of life. I think they are done doing the pool at my gym by me, so I think I am going to hit the pool. To me swimming is the fountain of youth. I feel great after it's done. I enjoyed walking around the neighborhood but I need to hit the pool as well. I think of how fit I was and sometimes it just aggravates me. Things I can't do now that I use too. However, then I have to check myself, I remember what it was like being so sick all I wanted was a walk around the neighborhood. I have come a long way and for that I am proud. For that I am a better person in which I wouldn't change a thing. I just embrace today and do my best. Everyday is new day. Well I hope everyone has a great day, find that little enjoyment out of life, remember, music heals!


"There is a sign of God on every leaf that nobody else sees in the garden." Thomas Merton

"Behold! I do not give lectures on a little charity. When I give, I give myself." Walt Whitman

"Winning isn't everything, but wanting to win is." Vince Lombardi

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Tuesday September 1st, 2009 Good Night

Good Night! Well I ended the day with watching Daddy's girl's on MTV. That is Rev Run's Daughters Venessa and Angela! Talk about good kids. I always say "you see Run's House, that's how I am going to run my house!" Really two well rounded young women. It's nice to see that. Well today was crazy for me. From the Amber Rose debate on Global Grind! Oh yeah, I didn't even know who she was. I just read Russell's Article and commented. People just get so out of hand. It is ridiculous. I just watched ET and saw that DJ AM died! Hello. I don't watch much TV obviously, I had no idea. This all is connected.

From what I knew DJ AM was overweight and dating Nicole Richie. He had Gastric Bypass to be "thin." This should teach people and Hollywood something. Being thin or having fame doesn't always bring you happiness. You have to first search and find happiness within yourself, before anything. They say it was a drug overdose. How many people have to die, how many people have to suffer for people to wake up and smell the coffee! Hello Everyone!!! Being thin, being famous, being rich DOES NOT GUARANTEE HAPPINESS!! What are you willing to pay?What are you willing to risk? Guess what this is it! Enjoy it now, figure it out now, because you can't say "oh yeah I'll do that in my next life." Get it together! I am floored, just floored. I pray all day, everyday. You have to embrace something positive in your life in order to allow happiness in. Myself and my friend Blaq just shake our heads and wonder why don't people get it? Unfortunately that is all I have for this evening. Well everyone like always, Good Night to all and if the good Lord lets us, we will meet again in the morning.


Tuesday September 1st, 2009 Good Morning

Good Morning! I wake up listening to Rosie Thomas, 2 dollar shoes. Another song that brings peace and joy to me in the morning. Before I forget, I sent out the invites everyone for Painkiller Hotel, opening for train on Sunday in Naperville at last fling in Centennial Park at 4:00. I am gathering our group! I plan on getting there earlier, children and are welcome. Good People! You can click on Adam in the corner as well. For all that don't know, I grew up with Adam and got back in touch and I am now friends with Kev, Adam, Mario! They are so talented, it brings such a smile to my face to watch them perform. I hope everyone in my group is able to attend. I want nothing more than for us all to come together and have a great time!

I have spent so much time reflecting. Reflecting on the good times. You don't have to go far or spend much money for that wonder feeling of true happiness! I think of the other day as I drove into downtown Chicago with my sunroof open James Blunt You're Beautiful playing and watching the man with the old school boom box on his shoulder. The couple on a motorcycle pointing here and there. The melting pot of different nationalities. Going by Millennium Park then heading south. The Lake so blue that my friends children often refer to it as "the ocean." I have to remind them it is the lake. Shopping on Michigan Avenue then hitting a southside neighborhood in Pilsen. Were my good friends live. Where we have cook outs and strangers come and join us. We feed those who don't have much. Watching the smiles on the children's faces when you buy them all ice cream, whether they're yours or not. When you know that there parents are struggling. I use to think once of Chicago only as Michigan Avenue and out of a random act of kindness I was awakened. There was so much more! I think oh I want to travel abroad here or there, but I never get a chance. Well there are so many places just around me that I have yet to explore.

I remember walking into a bowling alley, and thinking oh no! I was white and the minority. I watched all these people of different nationalities come together, laugh, sing, and have fun. They didn't have much but they had fun. When you have guys that only listen to Rap/hip-hop/R & B singing Johnny Cash Ring of Fire, that is memorable. The President of the league loved Sinatra, Johnny Cash, Dean Martin! They would sing Mambo Italiano, Hey mambo italiano! Those are times I hold close to my heart. That to me is First Class. When I see people coming together to help each other, that is first class. I think of all the memories, all the good. I now know what first class really is. It is not riding in Luxury with things, it is a feeling, a good feeling, a feeling of true happiness. That is when you know you have arrived.

It is a balance of hard work and of acknowledgement of what makes us truly happy. If we can do that then we can ride first class all the time. Some people will never know, some people pay millions, and still cannot grasp that feeling. People ask me why? I don't know. I think that because they have yet to ever really suffer or have never allowed themselves to open up and truly feel. That they have no presence of God or a higher being in their life. I have, I believe that everything happens for a reason. That people are put in our lives for a reason. Good or bad. Nothing is bad. As long as we take something away from the experience than we have succeeded. We are constantly moving forward and changing. We need to embrace that in order to be happy and enjoy life. With that being said I am off to get to my to do list. I have to hit the gym. The sun is shining bright, let everyone have a great day, embrace what is good, turn up the music and enjoy!


"Music produces a kind of pleasure which human nature cannot do without." Confucius

"Class is an aura of confidence that is being sure without being cocky. Class has nothing to do with money. Class never runs scared. It is self discipline and self-knowledge. It's the sure-footedness that comes with having proved you can meet life." Ann Landers

"God will not look you over for medals, degrees or diplomas, but for scars!" Elbert Hubbard