Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Tuesday March 31, 2009 Good Morning

Good Morning! I have been tossing and turning all night! So much going on! They got the b.b. out of nephew's head, thank god! Also my Uncle had open heart surgery and is home recovering well from what I have heard. I am waiting for the coast to be clear before I go over there. No infections or virus'. It feels so weird, I slept through an entire week! I was so sick. Little by little we are moving along! I can't wait to get back to the gym full time. Current events, I can't even go there right now! Lets not play the blame game!

Talk about a weather change, gorgeous and sunny, to cold and windy, with rain! Well that's Chicago. If any one needs a handy man or any work done, I know someone who is really good. It is the best time. I know some were looking to have work done at an affordable price that will help improve the value of there home. It was just finding someone that could do it at an afordable price. He has some time now to do it, so if you need it done let me know, now is a good time.

Let me tell you it is time to start living. Nothing is stopping me! Life is too short. I think where I was this time last year, and where I am now. I can't help but smile. I have to send a thank you to Will, he put it all into perspective for me. I now see, and I love it! "If I Were A Boy!" YA HOO!!!!
Well lets all hang in there and think of nicer weather to come! It will be here to stay soon enough! Try to enjoy your day and take some time out for you! Have a great day!


"He who cannot forgive others destroys the bridge over which he himself must pass." George Herbert

"If all difficulties were known at the outset a long journey, most of us would never start out at all." Dan Rather

"I would rather be a failure at something I enjoy than a success at something I hate." George Burns

Monday, March 30, 2009

Monday March 30, 2008 Good Morning

Good Morning! Happy Monday! My mornings are later and later. Well I hope to be back to an early schedule next week. Everyday is a new day for me, you never know whats going to happen. I am lucky to have such great friends and family who have been helping me out! Jr., the poor guy he has been every were for me, even ice cream drive! LOL. Felix, like always, thank you! Thank you to all the good mornings and goodnights people have sent me, it means a lot to me. It's the little things that make a difference! Somebody is outside mowing my lawn as we speak! It kills me when I can't do the little things. So I am on my way back standing straight. It's hard to accept help, especially for me, I want to be able to do it all.

It is in times of hardships that if brings out your true friends. It amazes me how many have gone a stray or had nothing but nasty things to say to me. It is always easier to blame someone else than take responsibility for your actions. I have never meant any harm. I am very forgiving and understand everyone is human and makes mistakes. I make a lot of mistakes just like everyone else, but I try to do the best I can. Everyone tells me that is my downfall is that I am to forgiving and to kind. I have allowed people in and all they did was tear me apart. One just informed me they are no longer my friend, funny thing is they never were. It was actually a blessing because it has made me even more of a stronger person.

The reason why I bring this up, is because of the tragedy that is happening all around us. Some of these people are in there 30's and 40's. It is crazy! People are getting laid off left and right. This generation is filled with such selfishness and lack of appreciation for what they have. So now that things are tumbling, who is going to have there back. They have such a lack of respect and morals. I think they will be surprised. Karma is at work.

Well on more of positive note, through these hard times, it allows the best in people to shine! There are even more opportunities out there, we just have to be willing to put in the time and effort. It is time to do some spring cleaning within us. My favorite by George Elliot" It's never to late to be what we might have been." Everyone turn up the music, enjoy the spring weather! Have a great day!


" A friend is never known till a man is need." Anon

"Wake at dawn with a winged heart and give thanks for another day of loving." Kahlil Gibran

"To get up each morning with the resolve to be happy....is to set our own conditions to the events of each day. To do this is to condition circumstances instead of being conditioned by them." Ralph Waldo Trine

Friday, March 27, 2009

Friday March 28, 2009 Good Morning

Good Morning! We made it, Happy Friday! See another weekend to look forward to. I am still out of commission, but starting to move around. I have been just sleeping and out of it lately. Now I am reading that Twilight series, the one I swore I would never read. I am way behind on my e-mails FYI I opened them the other day and had over 300 so I closed it, it was a bit overwhelming. Facebook, I haven't been on facebook in forever. I keep getting alerts. I am slowly getting my energy back, so once I get through my e-mails I will head over to facebook. I am already looking forward to summer and putting together my summer team!

I unfortunately don't have any new topics to discuss, I haven't been watching T.V. I have just been sleeping and trying how to use my phone. LOL!! I have spent plenty of quality time with this thing, I thing it is time to downgrade! If anyone is stuck and wants to know what things to do this weekend, let me know. I get Crain's Chicago Business Newspaper and they have the top 10 things to do in the city. I hope everyone got a chance to read my suggestions on things we can do this summer. Well I hope all is well and everyone have a great and safe weekend!!


"When we do the best that we can, we never know what miracle is wrought in our life, or in the life of another." Helen Keller
"There are not secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, learning from failure." General Colin L. Powell
"Man's best support is a very dear friend." Cicero

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Thursday March 26, 2009 Good Morning

Good Morning, almost afternoon! Yes I am sorry, being sick puts me on Sarah time! Actually that's not true, I am always on Sarah time. I hope everyone is enjoying the sunny 60 degree weather outside! We are almost at the end of the week and April is around the corner! Soon Easter will be here, then it will be May! YES!!!! I hope everyone is making plans to enjoy!

I know I can't wait! My niece is a little pistol and I can't wait to see how she is this summer. She is a girl that knows what she wants, and has us all tied around her little finger. She hit me the other day, and I told her No you don't hit, then she puckers her lips for a kiss. She pushes and moves people now, soon she will be talking and she will have a lot to say! LOL! Well everyone have a great day!


"It's quite possible to leave your home for a walk in the early morning air and return and return a different person beguiled, enchanted." Mary Chase

"The reality is that changes are coming.. They must come. You must share in bringing them." John Hersey

"It is only an error in judgement to make a mistake, but it shows infirmity of character to adhere to it when discovered." Christian Bovee

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Wednesday March 25th 2009 Good Morning

Good Morning! Well late morning for me! Sorry I have been out of commission the past couple days. Well Happy Birthday to My Sister in Law Karen today!

Congratulations to Diversey Mix who won The Allstars United Tournament! I was excited as well, to know that a couple of good people I know won! I unfortunately was sick and unable to celebrate with them! Everyone seemed to have fun and enjoy! Hats off to Benny and Aida for pulling off a great tournament! It is a lot of hard work!

Well it is Wednesday, GO TEAM! I won't be there but Karen will be there in my place! Being sick certainly humbles you. You forget how much you take for granted. I will be on the scale constantly weighing myself, saying only so many pounds to go. This week I could care less! I was crying, I just wanted to feel good. The sad part is I should know better. The funny thing is I remember being a kid and being sick, and my mom use to let me eat Popsicles in the morning. Now I go to the store and there are sugar free, or all natural, and I try to make sure there is no High Fructose Corn Syrup in them. Life use to be so much easier. Well spring is here and lets hope summer is on the express train! Everyone have a great day and make sure to enjoy something!


"This is not a dress rehearsal. This is it." Tom Cunningham
"Yesterday I dared to struggle. Today I dare to win." Bernadette Devlin
"No great things come to any man unless he has courage." Cardinal James Gibbons

Friday, March 20, 2009

Friday March 20th, 2009 Good Morning

Good Morning! Happy Friday! We made it!! Sorry yesterday got crazy and today has just turned into chaos! My poor little nephew got shot by his eye with a b.b. gun. It ricocheted off something and went into his head. They couldn't remove it cause they thought it would move up. So the Trauma surgeon was going to remove it, but now they say no because he will have to be totally put under and there will have to be other things done. In the meantime, my nephew has been walking around with a b.b. in his head, until they have this thing removed! Again, never a dull moment!

So Happy Birthday officially to Tina! Today is the first day of spring!!! I hear the angels singing now!!! Safe travels to everyone traveling! Today is the big day before the big event! Benny and Aida's big Tournament, All Stars United BMT Tournament, 84 Teams on 84 Lanes 4 games Saturday and 4 games Sunday! I have to say very well organized and a lot of work. It should be fun! Good Luck to all! I hope everyone has a great weekend and enjoys the sunshine!


"Without friends no one would choose to live, through he had all other goods." Aristotle
"Life is essentially a series of events to be lived through rather than intellectual riddles to be played with to be solved!" George A. Buttrick
"The bitterest tears shed over graves are for words left unsaid and deeds left undone." Harriet Beecher Stowe

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Wednesday March 18, 2009

Good Morning! It's Wednesday! Oh yeah! Happy Birthday Tina! It really isn't until Friday, but the celebrations begin today! Nothing like a night with the girls. It's the little things in life! GO TEAM!! LETS GET SASSY!!!

Well I have been dodging current events. It just seemed to be the same thing. I haven't watched T.V. in weeks! So I turn on Good Morning America and there is a guy who wrote a book Why God is Laughing basically the same thing I always say. People base there lives on material things rather than allowing them to be detachable. So now people are falling apart, not knowing who they really are and are feeling a great loss. I find myself laughing as well, only because I studied this. I love Sociology (the study of society). I had taken an accelerated course with a tough instructor, who I found out went to Rosary. LOL! We studied why people are not satisfied and why there is a high divorce rate, basically women went back to work. They didn't need a man to support them. Then women not only worked but also had all the household responsibilities as well. More stresses added to the marriage. Think about it. If your a parent and you work a lot, parents tend to compensate with material possessions. With that being said people have it in there head that these material possessions define who they are. More insights on that later. Any thoughts?

AIG! Well I have been dodging this one as well, because of it's controversy, but yes this is the world we live in. ME, ME, ME! What do we have now again people, finger pointing! Stop finger pointing and figure it out. This is just over the top! That is our money that is paying for these bonus'. However, it is capitalism? However, the government is bailing them out. Is this a legal issue or a moral issue? Do they deserve those bonuses, some will say yes! Any thoughts there? Now everyone is waiting for The CEO to get to Capital Hill to make his statement.

See this is why I don't watch T.V. anymore! Everyday I would be up to date. But the mom with that had the multiples, I just heard it from people talking about it. I am just fed up with the news, its like the same thing over and over. Frankly I think it is causing people to be more depressed!!! Any thoughts there??? Come on everyone we can make comments! It's okay to have different thoughts than others, how else are we going to learn. I had to start talking about this because I was trying to reach out to people and realized they just aren't going to get it! I was beating a dead horse! So lets shake things up a little! Comment! Make conversation, communicate!

So how do we get through this. People are saying they don't want to get out of bed in the morning? It is like Chaos! Well plan a get together, potluck everyone comes over bring a dish and play wii. Move the furniture and have a bowling tournament or a tennis tournament. We can do it at my house. Play cards, poker, Movie Night! We all started getting into certain T.V. Series. Now they sell them. Book clubs! Board Games! They have battle of the sexes, Scene it, things like that. Now summer is here! We have all the outdoor activities! Parks, picnics, swimming, Lake Geneva, the beach! Little long weekend get a ways instead full week vacations! People all we need are the people we care about and enjoy to have a little fun. Some of the best times are when we don't spend much money. Water gun fights, slip and slide home run derby! Wake up people this is it! We will never have this chance again. You can't say I will do that in my next life. Unfortunately people don't realize how much someone means to them until they are gone. So lets all come together and have fun!

Well my short story is over for now! LOL! I hope you all have a great day and spring is in the air! Lets enjoy today, remember that music!


"Love doesn't make the world go round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile." Franklin P. Jones
"No one is useless in this world who lightens the burden of it for anyone else." Charles Dickens
"Great opportunities to help others seldom come, but small ones surround us every day." Sally koch

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

March 17, 2009 Good Afternoon

Good Afternoon! Sorry late morning! Happy St. Patricks Day! The Best Holiday of the Year! I have to say I am proud to be Irish! I remember my Grandfather use to say that all the time! St. Patrick's Day is the best Holiday of the year! He was always so Jolly, drinking his Jim Beam! He use to use Irish Spring Soap! I remember how much I would love to smell it. He always wore suspenders, and would have green ones for St. Patricks Day, along with all the accessories! My grandparents would go out with there friends and other familymembers would go an Irish restaurant. I remember going with them a couple times, oh the good old days.

Well life is always moving and never a dull moment. People just seem to jump out of the wood work and surprise the hell out of you! I have made my share of mistakes, but I try to be the best person I can. I say it all the time, I screw up, make mistakes I am human. The one thing I can not stand and do not tolerate is hate. Even my worst enemies I can rationalize. Why people are so disrespectful just blows my mind. I have to say this. I am a girl that comes from a family that has suffered through multiple tragedies! The one thing I do know it brings out the worst and the best in people. People do change. I know things hit me at a different times in my life. No one knows how much someone meant to someone else. To throw stones at that is heartless. I have seen this time and time again. I have experienced it so many times down to my bones. That is part of what makes me the generous and loving person I am. One last note the sad thing is when people should be uniting they are just being torn apart. Why, because of money. Is it really worth it. Should every ones lives be miserable and disrupted over the almighty dollar. Well if you think so, you have a long way to go. Who was it that said "friends are the family we make along the way." I could really go on about this, but my friends know who I am. I don't have time to spend wasting my energy on hateful people.

Moving on to a more positive note, It's St. Patricks Day and I hope everyone has a great day! It is awesome weather! Everyone go out and enjoy! Eat, Drink, and be Merry!


"To dream too much of the person you would like to be is to waste the person you are." Anon
"There is many a boy here today who looks on war as all glory, but boys, it is all hell." General William T. Sherman
"Forgiveness is the key to action and freedom." Hannah Arendt

Monday, March 16, 2009

Monday March 16, 2009 Good Morning

Good Morning! Happy Monday! I say that today without sarcasm. It is a new day, a new week. Again we don't have to be the people we were yesterday. Whenever I make a mistake or think back that is what I tell myself, we don't have to be the person we were yesterday. It is a time for us to reflect on our lives and see whats missing and what we do have. How can we be enlightened, learn and enjoy. We never stop learning and we always keep growing.

The weekend was so beautiful, I put the music on high and a smile comes directly to my face. Time to open the blinds let the sun shine in and allow ourselves to love and be loved. I realized it really is the small things that matter. I don't need fancy things. I like them and can enjoy but there are other things I enjoy much more. I think we all could if we took a step back.

I am learning how to love life, love myself. We have such high expectations for ourselves. Unfortunately my health issues come in the way of many things, but less as time moves forward. However, I think back and realize were I was and were I am. I will not fail. However, some days I have to take a step back. If you don't have your health, you don't have anything. Changes are coming and we have to be ready. Life is full of change, and we need to embrace it, but how are we going to. I see Ambi wearing a shirt that says Music Heals, I think that is the most true statement. No matter what mood or situation, music always helps, we all love it. It has been the perfect weather to take that deep breath and enjoy a great song. Here are some quotes to get us going today. Everyone have a great day, spring is almost here, and some lyrics from my favorite spring song!


"Life is not merely dated by years. Events are sometimes the best calendars." Benjamin Disraeli

"True love begins when nothing is looked for in return." Antoine de Saint- Exupery

"So open up your morning light say a little prayer for I, you know if we are to stay alive and see the peace in every eye; I don't wait for our lives to be over i want to know right now what will it be, I don't want to wait for our lives to be over I want to know right now what will it yes or will it be sorry. "Paula Cole

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Sunday March 15, 2009 Good Night

Goodnight! Well I hope all enjoyed there weekend and the beautiful weather. Mine was a little rocky.

I look back on the week and I think of fear. What we as a society fear, as a family and as individuals. Everyone has different situations, however they all have some fear. I found that having a good support system is what helps eliminate my fears. Some would say they are so out there, and I would say to another the same. So we must conquer them by overcoming them or filling the void that is causing them. Remember we as friends need to be understanding of each others fears and if we are there true friend, we will be there to support them. So many of us turn our backs when it could just be a simple random act of kindness. Uniting with each other can help so many. The unfortunate part of it is that everyone seems be thinking in such a selfish way. There is no more, I got your back, you got my back.

I had a dream Friday night and I dreamt that I was going to my Aunt Jen's for dinner and there was a baby. Then people started showing up, with dishes to pass. Relatives I don't see. Deceased relatives they all sat down and ate. I turned to my mom and said are they all here for me? Are they all here and happy to come celebrate my birthday? I wouldn't eat because I felt bad. Then everyone started to leave and said see you next week. I was so excited that everyone was united. My Aunt looked at me and said yes Sarah remember we do a dinner one day a week together, who ever comes, comes. I was filled with such joy, not because they came for my birthday, but because they united. I woke up and cried. I realize no matter how much I try it is up to everyone else to take accountability and help unite.

I just finished reading How Starbucks Saved My Life it was terrific. A man with an Ivy League education gets divorced, loses his home and ends up with a brain tumor. He ends up backed up in a corner and working at Starbucks. Working at Starbucks changed his out look in life, and he now saw a new beauty within people. It made me want to go to Starbucks. I feel the same way. I have very diverse friends. Now all due to a random act of kindness. If Maurice Thomas had not left his keys at Town Hall Bowl and didn't need a ride on Thursday nights my life would never have been the same. I thought Chicago was museums and Michigan Avenue. I was doing well, I had plastic surgery, then things took a turn for the worse I got very sick and gained 165 lbs. Now I have not quite lost half of it, but I am working on it. I fell very ill. The devastation it took on me was unimaginable. Think being a high functioning person and now not being able to do anything, or enjoy the things you want to. I have come a long way, and yet I still am fighting. Everyone has there battles despite class or social status, or financial status. Well those are my thoughts and reflections on this past week, I will talk to you all in the morning, if the good Lord lets me. Goodnight.


Friday, March 13, 2009

Friday March 13, 2009 Good Morning

Good Morning! Happy Birthday to my nephew Tony who turned 11 today! We made it and it's Friday! I am getting ready to try and hit the water. I miss going to the YWCA that we use to have because you use to be able to swim and watch the sunrise. I heard that the spire will have a pool, overlooking the lake. It is like my dream, next to doing Yoga on the beach when the sun rises. I think I really need a vacation, cause this getting pathetic. I hear the birds chirping outside and I am all excited. I love the morning air. Sunrises and Sunsets are some of my favorite things. It's the little things in life. If you haven't yet go to www.thechicagospire.com it is magnificent, unimaginable. I think if we all pitched in about 50 of us could live in a dorm space! It doesn't matter how much money you have, they want worldly, cultured people, there is an application process. Crazy, but wonderful!

Well no one could ever explain to me how hard life is. I feel like I am doing yard work, constantly weeding. I don't do yard work. I try for about 10 minutes, and that's it. I have asthma, really bad allergies, I just can't. But when I do, and it looks all nice and then 3 days later it looks bad again and you have to do it over, that's the way I feel lately. Thank you Aida, she always is there to carry the load! I owe her big. Diandra was right when she named her line Kaizen which in Japenese means continuous change. Well off to a great weekend ahead, spring is coming! I hope everyone has a safe and fun weekend! Enjoy!


"Happiness does not depend on outward things but on the way we see them." Leo Tolstoy

"Hate is like acid. It can damage the vessel in which it is stored as well as destroy the object on which it is poured." Ann Landers

"Opportunities multiply as they are seized; they die when neglected. Life is a long line of opportunities. John Wicker

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Thursday March 12, 2009 Good Morning

Good Morning! Well there was a lot of team spirit last night, I unfortunately had to leave after the first two games. My team is so great! I love the fact we have fun! Jasmin is just pure entertainment herself. I was hoping to spend the day with a friend, oh well next time. I hate when days go to waste, especially when I know I will be spending it with someone I enjoy. Moving on, I definitely need to keep practicing if my body allows me too. I had to sleep in but I must allow myself to hit the water. It is hard sometimes, getting in and out of a suit and getting ready, especially when you could hop on an elliptical for 30 minutes. However, once your body hits the water, it is like just the best feeling I have ever felt.

I told Aida I have so much to do, I get overwhelmed. She told me to make an agenda for the day. Basically a to-do list. One for each day and then a master one! The master one would take up an entire regular notebook, no joke. An agenda, I try but then get mad when I don't get everything done. Little by little I guess. Shopping sounds much better, if only I had something to shop for and the room. Life takes us on such a journey we never know what is going to happen day by day! We try to be the best people we can and move along.

I often wonder what is my purpose. Why has God put me on this Earth? I always thought to help people. However, that lately has seemed like it has only backfired on me, and led me to misery. So I ask him again what is my purpose? Does anyone else wonder the same? The one thing I always wanted was to be a wife and a mother. I wanted to be a missionary and go to other countries and help those in need. Then I found a passion for business and then medicine. Now I have a passion for business and that is were my focus is. The cards often change as we get older, it is funny to think back on what our hopes and dreams were and what our reality is now. The one thing I found is that we need to adjust to whatever life God gives us. We need to embrace those who truly love us and support us, and make us happy in a healthy way. Life doesn't always turn out the way we wanted before, so we just have to change the direction in which we are looking. Well I hope you all have a great day and here are some quotes to get the day going!


"I tore myself away from the safe comfort of certainties through my love for truth; truth rewarded me! Sylvia Ashton-Warner

"To create one's own world in any of the arts takes courage." Georgia O'Keefe

"Happiness is a result of the relative strengths of positive and negative feelings, rather than an absolute amount of one or the other." Norman Bradburn

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Wednesday March 11, 2009 Good Morning

Good Morning! Happy Birthday Jr.!! I started early today, I was having a hard time sleeping. My sleep schedule is very confusing right now. Everyone is traveling, and it throws my schedule off.

Well it is Wednesday! Go Team!!! Last week it was bad! We lost, thanks to me. I bowled really bad. I just couldn't find my groove. That's ok, this week is Jell-O shots! Oh Yeah baby! Put on our music, be with the girls. It's all about having a good time, making sure were enjoying life. So hopefully we are still on the the top 3!

It is hard some times to enjoy, but we have to. It's important for us to remember and be thankful for the people that are in our lives! Those who chose to bring us down, well than they can stay down. We cannot succumb to them any longer. It is hard at times, because we may care so much for them, however, it cannot cost us our own happiness. Happiness is priceless. The Summer is on it's way! Lets start making plans. All we can do is be the best people we can, and enjoy as much as we can. Complaining and making lists of what we can't do, will only force us to think negatively, why? Do a good deed. Something you wouldn't usually do. See how much better you feel. I did. It felt great. It was unexpected and they were so happy it brought such joy to my heart. Well I hope everyone has a great day! Again GO TEAM!!!!


"Next to knowing when to seize an opportunity, the most important thing in life is to know when to forgo an advantage." Benjamin Disraeli

"Through his beginnings he but poor and low: Thank God a man can grow! Florence Earle Coates

"Happiness does not depend on outward things, but on the way we see them." Leo Tolstoy

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Tuesday March 10, 2009

Good Morning. Hopefully everyone is returning from there travels. I know Safe travels for Diandra, who will be in Paris. Wow, Yeah! Happy Travels and Good Luck! To be able to travel the world is an honor, in which she has worked very hard for and deserves. Don't think she goes to go site seeing, she goes to work and Bowl. Diandra Asbaty is a professional bowler, and entrepreneur. She is a new friend of mine. With over 50 international metals, she has won the World Cup in Bowling and is the first American woman to inducted into the Bowling Hall of Fame. You have to realize in other countries, bowling is taken much more seriously than here in the states. She is a sponsor for Brunswick and a couple others. She works with The United States Bowling Congress and is still competing. She is also extremely artistic. She has a clothing line called Kaizen. You can give me a call I can tell you about it or go to the website it is really cool wwwkaizenbydiandra.com. Her Handmade jewelry is awesome. I don't like jewelry but love hers. It is very inspiring! www. diandraasbaty.etsy.com. I was just on looking at her new pieces. I was wanting everyone, I like this one and that one. The funny thing is I am not a jewelry person until I met her.

I have to say I have a lot of friends, and I try very hard to help as many as possible. I was asked to be in a wedding, a childhood friend's wedding. I bought my dress months ago. Well we had a falling out. I was no longer going to be in the wedding but we were friends. She told me it had been so long they probably sent the dress back. Well it cost me over a hundred dollars. So I called and they said no. So I go pick it up and I was told by two different people that my dress was switched for a different size for a different girl who wasn't originally in the bridal party. When we reconciled she told me don't worry your not being replaced. Then the store read off the documented notes saying how me and her had an agreement that she was paying me for the dress and my friend picked them up. My friend denied it, called me names, I was angry then very upset, just at the fact that she lied to me. She said it was for another girl that they switched her size. Well I know that this girl that switched the size for my dress is a friend of hers too. Don't tell me they sent it back. No it looks like I am the bad guy, and fingers are pointed, so obviously we are no longer friends, and I demanded my money for. She yells at me and says that I need to get my facts straight and it wasn't my dress, well last time I checked, the other girl didn't need a size 20. I know who she switched me out with. Then to say oh ya boo hoo poor Sarah all the time. Who does that? What woman says that to a good loyal friend of 20 years. To be honest this happens time and time again. Now I am not perfect and you all know that, none of us are, but I have never heard an I'm sorry, I screwed up, I love you like a sister, ever from her. I have done favor after favor, loved her daughter like she is my own. My heart has been ripped from my chest. She wanted to know why I wanted the dress and I told her to wear to a different wedding or formal. I paid for it, and I have a formal coming up. Who cares, It's my dress. It was all put under the brides name, however records show me paying for it on my debit card.

I guess I am just blown away about how people act. No class, no I am sorry I made a mistake. There is never any apology just finger pointing. I call it being a lady, having class. I know I have moments and everyone has witnessed them, but I realize now we need to show some maturity and some class. Take into consideration that this was a friend that I help out quite often, and has been a friend for twenty years. She even said that's why she didn't want me in my wedding. Well I am glad that came out. Wow! Oh and I need help. Yeah I need help, for putting up with you for 20 years.

I guess for my wedding all I could wish for is that it is beautiful, and the people that I love and care about are there by my side on my special day. Then PARTY! Lets have fun, celebrate together, enjoy life!

Yes drama! Like my mom says I am so generous and giving I often get used. I know mom, I was told Christians look good on wood, growing up. All the wonderful Catholic education. There are many times I am in the wrong, but there are even more times I am the bigger person. Yes that has caused me a lot of mental distress, and as Doc says contributes a lot to my health issues. So moral of this story is I can't be every one's friend and I have to say no even when I don't want to. My physical and mental health are the most important thing, because no one else is going to take care of me unless you are going to drop me off to N. Menard street by Ma,(Aida) or 79th and Pulaski by my South side parents/friends Laura.

Life is changing all around us, we take the good for the bad and we just roll with it. Today is a new day! I am getting ready to go train with Sue! Now that's a friend. Then hit the water! Let me tell you that water is a miracle. I have never felt so good in my entire life!

A new day, a clean slate! Lets do it again but better! I hope all of you made it through your Monday Woe's. Have a great day and Enjoy!


"People never improve unless they look to some standard or example higher and better than themselves." Tyron Edwards

"A good example is the best sermon." Anon

"Example is the school of mankind, and they will learn at no other." Burke

Monday, March 9, 2009

Monday March 9, 2009 Good Morning

Good Morning! Happy Monday! Yes another week is here! Time to embrace all that is positive. It is hard for most to start the stressful week, especially after enjoying time with loved ones. Well the economy is working it's way closer into homes of people I know. If anyone knows of any factory jobs or machinist jobs please let me know. Well I have been spring cleaning! My house and my life! Out with the old and in with the new. It feels great. I wonder were all this stuff comes from, and I realize oh yeah "Sarah you don't have to buy it just because it's on sale."

Safe travels again for all that are traveling. So many are going to tournaments around the country. I have got to get my act together and start practicing. We lost last week and I have to say I did an awfully embarrassing job. Like Benny always says, "you get out of it what you put into it." Well everyone try to stay dry and have a great day!


"Experience cold or heat, pleasure or pain. These experiences are fleeting: They come and go. Bear them patiently." Sri Krishna (Bhagavad Gita)

"Energy and Persistence conquer all things." Benjamin Franklin

"They say a person needs just three things to be truly happy in this world. Someone to love, something to do, and something to hope for." Tom Bodett

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Sunday March 8, 2009 Goodnight

I feel the need to do a recap on Sundays. Sundays seem to be the day I take to reflect on my life. I take myself out of the equation and think of myself floating above looking down on this hectic life we live. This recession is teaching people a lot about life. What is it we need, and what is it we can do without.

I really need to be writing my book. I write the blog and then don't know what to do with it. There are so many different levels to people that many don't know about. People make assumptions all the time. I am 28 but I have experienced more than some will ever experience in their lives. Who was it that said "youth is wasted on the young." It's just crazy, how things end up sometimes. However, we have to be willing to take a chance. What if we don't take that chance, and we always wonder "what if ?" What does this have to do with anything? Well maybe this recession is a good thing. Maybe we needed this, to show us what it is that we really need in our lives.

Life is not easy, and anyone that thinks my life is easy, just doesn't know all the different layers of me. "Someone said I live like a princess, I do not have a need or want for anything. Yeah I live like Cinderella, who is still waiting for prince charming." You want to know the one thing I have always wanted in my life, the one true thing, is for someone, anyone, to hold me, and tell me everything is going to be okay. Sad I know, but it is the truth. I know people have it worse than I. It is time to put the material possessions away, become the people we want to be. Not base it on what society says "is the best life to have."

I was looking at Diandra's Jewelry line and she made a necklace and it said blessed. It latches in the front and has a heart and a key. For some reason it just is so touching to me. It's hard with our busy lives, myself included, to give thanks or think of how blessed we are. I could write a whole book on those who have touched me and helped shape the person I am today. I don't know what this week will bring, but I hope that it will bring me and all of you some kind of joy. So everyone, goodnight for now, if God shall allow us, we will meet in the morning.


Friday, March 6, 2009

Friday March 6, 2007 Good Morning

Good Morning! Sorry yesterday got a little crazy. I hope everyone is doing well. The nice weather is approaching, it feels great. I feel my spirit already lifted. We made it, it is Friday! I hope that everyone has something special planned for the weekend that they are looking forward to. (I look forward to Sunday nights when one of my favorite shows comes on, Big Love on HBO, it's such a soap opera! ) Even if it just staying at home and relaxing. I again am just so thankful for the people God has put in my life. I am a big believer in Karma!

Other issues, Chris Brown and Rihanna! My CD player is not working so I am forced to listen to the radio. So the big thing is should Rihanna forgive Chris Brown. People are dogging him left and right. All the woman say Rihanna shouldn't, but if she does, it doesn't mean the fans have to.

Here is my take. Obviously he has some anger issues. What he did was wrong, very wrong. However, if he is truly sorry and is seeking the mental help that he needs, I would forgive him, I wouldn't forget, but of course I would forgive. That's only if he is receiving help. Remember none of us are perfect. Of course a man should never touch a woman, however, there are many men out there who are worse and do not seek help. There are a lot of woman out there that don't seek help. He was physically abusive. There are many men and woman who are mentally and emotionally abusive which does as much harm if not more harm, and they are still in those relationships. Just because they are famous and well known doesn't mean other well known stars aren't just as abusive or worse. At least that is my take. Frankly, I am sick of hearing about it. It is their business. Any thoughts?

I hope everyone has a great weekend and enjoy!


"Change is the law of life." John F. Kennedy
"Life is change. Growth is optional. Choose wisely." Karen Kaiser Clark
"A real friend helps us think our best thoughts, do our noblest deeds, be our finest selves." Anon

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Wednesday March 4, 2009 Good Morning

Good Morning! Rise and Shine! I think back to the old days! when I would have already been up at 3:30am and at the gym at 5:00am. As I try to get back to that habit, I will admit I may be a bear! So just bare with me! I have to say lately I found such joy in heart. The last 4 years I spent worrying about everyone else, and it is nice to be able to not have that worry. To just be me. Something new to me that takes some getting use to is someone in my life telling me how wonderful I am. Not what is wrong with me, what I need to do, and what I need to improve on. Just enjoys me for who I am. This past year was a roller coaster, but now it is like opening the blinds and looking out and watching the sunrise and taking a deep breath. As the drama and the issues are now lifted from my shoulders. New friends, a new life that is continuously changing.

I have to say I went to this phenomenal little Italian market Panozzo's it is on South Michigan Avenue where they have a take out section with specials, sandwiches, soups, and many other choices. It was sooo good! I am hooked, I could hear my brother Kevin answering the phone "nope Mother Teresa left in her Ferrari about 15 minutes ago to pick up a sandwich and soup in the south loop of Chicago. She should be back in about 2 hours." LOL!!!

Thank You Diandra for my necklace I love it. I have to say I am really excited about it. The funny thing is before your necklaces, I was never into Jewelry. I officially have a necklace that says, "I live in the city and sleep in the suburbs." Yeah! Well I hope everyone has a great day and enjoy something, even through the everyday stress.


"Happiness is not a station to arrive at, but a manner of traveling." Margaret Lee Runbeck
"The two hardest things to handle in life are failure and success." Anon
"With each sunrise, we start anew." Anon

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Tuesday March 3, 2009 Good Morning

Good Morning almost Afternoon! I have to say changes in my time are going to very, pending on my workout schedule. In order for me to get healthy and back in shape I have to make that my first priority. I have to say last night I did the wii fit and I lost 6 years off my fit age, along with 8 pounds. I have to say these past two weeks I have been slacking so don't ask me how I lost that 8 lbs. No new news to report, that I know of. I have stayed away from the T.V. as much as possible. I hope everyone has a great day!


"An aim in life is the only fortune worth finding." Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis

"Men expect too much, do too little." Allen Tate

"It is the chiefest point of happiness that a man is willing to be what he is." Erasmus

Monday, March 2, 2009

Monday March 2,2009 Good Morning

Good Morning! Rise and Shine! Okay Jack you were right! It got worse! AIG needs another 30 Billion for a bailout. This is getting way out of control. Well as I have Morning Joe on now and I am very thankful, for what I do have. Unfortunately, sometimes it takes devastation like this for us to realize what is really important in life. Last night I used quotes from Oprah who I admire so much. Not because she has such a deep soul, or she is such an accomplished woman, but because I envy and admire her ability to be in such a place were she can touch peoples lives and help so many people. I guess that would be the ultimate dream of mine. Not to be rich to be rich, or to be a woman of honor and grace, but to be able to help and make real changes in peoples lives and especially for those who need it the most, including the middle class ghoast.

It is a new day, a new week! A clean slate. It is up to us on how we are going to spend to today. We are now in March, let us start planning how we can enjoy the beautiful spring and summer days ahead, with the people we care for the most. Remember one of the most important holidays is coming up St. Patricks Day! LOL! Now it is time to hit the gym and dive into the water of eternal youth. I tell you what, when times are tough, for me the water, swimming, water aerobics, whatever it might be, helps me so much. I come out feeling so alive. Just a suggestion for those who have the same aches and pains that I have, or who would like to try something new. Well I hope everyone has a great day and I leave you all now with some quotes to start off the week.


"Conditions are never just right. People who delay action until all factors are favorable do nothing." William Feather

"To gain that which is worth having, it may be necessary to lose everything else." Bernadette Delvin

"The important thing is this: to be able at any moment to sacrifice what we are for what we could become." Charles Du Bos

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Febuary 29th, 2009, Good Night

Good Evening! I have to take time to reflect on the past week. I have to say I am lucky to have such great friends that are there for me day or night, just like I am for them. However, it saddens me that people I thought were my friends aren't, it took me a while to figure out who my true friends were and who are not. Even these past couple months it's become even more clear. I always excuse people and there behavior or at least try to rationalize it. However, I am not a doormat anymore. It makes me sick to sit back and watch how people act. People always show their true colors and everything does come out in the wash.

Not everyone will understand what this is about, but I know some will. I am done sugar coating and dancing around the subject. A tragedy struck last May. I and many others were devastated over a death of someone who meant a lot to many. I remember I was in Florida when I got the call and bringing my grandmother home. It was hard for me because I couldn't be here with friends.

That death hasn't just devastated loved ones and friends, but it has tore people apart. It has torn a community apart. Instead of uniting people, it has pushed people away. I look around and some are just so lost. Some have a hard time still with it and can't participate in certain things, which is understandable, they are still supportive. However, I thought this tragedy was suppose to bring us together, make people stronger. I have been observing just opposite. People are becoming more hateful and sour. Life is too short and having bitter and sour relationships is just a waste of time. What will it take? Another tragedy? We are all adults. It is time to start taking responsibility, grow up and enjoy our lives. No one is better than anyone else. Maybe someone is better in one sport than another, but we all are good at something, and we each come to the table with something to offer. I guess I always try to see the silver lining

Words can't explain how much I miss Thursdays, and how I still struggle. I realize we will never have that again. It is something unexplainable. It brought so much joy to my life. Every week I couldn't wait. The liveliness, the smiles, you couldn't pay for that kind of entertainment. I had some of the best moments of my life on Thursday nights. I even let my guard down. I met great people and some I have become even closer to now. I remember how people were then and how they are now.

It is like they are two different people. The liveliness and smiles are gone. I tried re-creating that on Saturdays, but I couldn't. I mentioned that I was going to start bowling just before Luis died and I told everyone when I got back I was going to learn. The one who swore she was never going to bowl. Aida took me and I got my first bowling ball. I thought I could be with my friends, and we could all get through it together. Something positive out of a negative situation. I never bowled with those friends. We never all got together. Except the one time I did practice with Felix, who turned out to be a great friend.

Fortunately, I am with friends now, but it was none in which I thought I was going to be with. What can I do but throw my arms in the air. I was there last night and I thought everyone just came from a funeral. People aren't the people I thought they were, however, I do have to say I have found and made such great relationships and friendships since. I hope everyone had a great weekend and goodnight to all. R.I.P. Luis

(Some quotes you will see repeats, I go with what I feel that day, the same quote two days in a row was an accident. But I know I have said these, because these are some of my favorites.)
"Lots of people want to ride with you in the Limo, but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the Limo breaks down." Oprah Winfrey
"For everyone of us that succeeds, it's because there is somebody there to show us a way out." Oprah Winfrey
"Surround yourself with people who are only going to lift you higher." Oprah Winfrey