Monday, December 21, 2009

The Roads We Choose

It has been longer than a fortnight, but it has probably been worth it because I was still in a state of half shock half wonderment and I can still feel the weight like a giant burden of responsibility strapped on my back, I don't think physically my 6'1' 155 stature could hold this immense weight, spiritually am trudging my feet but am glad I made it today . I feel like shouting, I feel like dancing without music playing, I feel like running fast without feeling the wind rush by me, I just feel like speaking to you in 10 languages at once and have you understand me without me translating! Good Heavens I feel good! I hope you don't think I've gone "coo coo".
2 months as we sat down in the game room, Sarah Magrady was watching some of those shows that I really never watched, I was on the laptop scripting lyrics to a song I wanted to go record later the next day. She then asked me a question that I took time to think about before I answered her back, but at the moment she thought that I had ignored her. The question was; "What do you think am really good at"? The reason why I froze in context was because I didn't want to bluntly say what came up to my mind first! "Humanitarian". Then I thought of the list of things that I knew she would pursue that were right at hand "A great Writer" an Author, now remember at this time I was in thought but my response didn't come too soon and she thought I simply ignored her to avoid the "procrastination" conversation that we had had a couple days before.... Ohhh snap it was going to be a war of words, well she flipped through the channels and checked her DVR for recorded shows including "All My Children" , Big Love, then she decided to watch "Daddy's Girls" by Rev Run, see I never watched Run's house but I always watched the ending close" where Rev simply leaves words of wisdom before the show ends... "That is my favorite part of the show" I would skip the rest of the stuff ...but that part I could rewind just to tap into that zone. Now back to the argument that was about to erupt, I simply said "I think you are a humanitarian and a great writer" explore those potentials and you will surely find out that that is the truth about what you are really good at! Remember she wasn't talking before I answered her she was flipping through channels grumbling to her self about how I was ignoring her and how I cared less, SHE STOPPED! And said ''are you serious"? And i emphasized ..."YOU SHOULD FINISH WRITING YOUR BOOK" more so start a project that gives you the ability to help people because that is who you are, you can't hide that fact and you can't run away from the truths about you. wow...did I save a on coming argument with speaking my heart...phew..."am not good at arguments" I simply try to use one phrase or sentence and let you decide if am right or you are wrong!
The road you choose in this twisted journey of life could have lots of toils and snares, but at the end of it all we do not really choose these destinies ourselves there is a guideline, from God we receive so many gifts and chances to redeem and explore every possibility, without the physical there will be mental intellect, without mental there will be spiritual, without spiritual there will be emotional intellect, it keeps going on and on.. what am saying is "In this life the road you choose is yours to decide whether to walk on it or it will walk you.."
Yours Truly Blaq