Monday, February 23, 2009

Monday Febuary 23, 2009 Good Morning

Good Morning I hope everyone had a great weekend! I have been out of commission, I haven't been feeling well, and I got the flu for the second time. But I am back now!! Happy Birthday April! Happy Birthday To My Cousin Tom! Happy Birthday Rachel! Happy Birthday Coco! A lot of birthdays in the house! OH YEAH!! I hope everyone enjoyed their Birthdays! It is your day and time for people to come and celebrate having you in their lives. At least that's my belief.

Here we go another week, another opportunity! It is our job to make the best out of our day. Today is a new day, yesterday is in the past. We don't have to be the people we were yesterday. The world is constantly changing and we as people need to start adapting to that. It is hard to embrace change, believe me I know first hand. We all have our ups and downs, as long as we have the unconditional love from our family and friends to set the foundation for us when we fall, we can bounce back real quick. I think we as a society have lost that. We live in a very selfish and disrespectful environment. Not that we want it to be that way, but almost as if it is the norm. Unfortunately that doesn't set the norm for me.

I believe in unconditional love all around. We are all human, we make mistakes, we say things sometimes that aren't right, god knows I do. A thought often runs through my head, if something devastating were to happen and you really quickly had to make a split and your family was taken care of who would be the top 10 people that you would run to grab and take with you? (I always blink and say top 10. Some, most don't know what that means.) Think of the relatives you barely see, or the ones you can't stand, because they do exist. That's why we have friends. Everyone in my family has a special place with me, even those I have seen only on occasions. It may have been certain words, or that feeling that made me feel safe and included being with them. We can't choose our family but we can choose our friends. We live in a difficult world as it is. We choose our lives and the people we want to be. It is a hard choice, but we choose. Many mistakes are made along the way. My pants are constantly dirty from falling , getting up, and brushing them off. Remember that. No one is better than anyone else.

Everyday is a new day and today is a clean slate. We don't need a new week or a new year, we have it everyday. We choose our lives and the way we want to live it, and we don't have to answer to anyone if we choose not to. We determine our own happiness. How hard is it to reach out to someone in need? To be a sounding board. To just be there . If someone is having a hard time, make that call, see how they are doing, don't turn your head. It is up to you, but at night I want to go to bed knowing that I have done my best. Everyone have a great day! Enjoy something, turn on the music and smile!!!

"Never look down on anybody unless you are helping them up." Jesse Jackson
"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment." Ralph Waldo Emerson (BAM, My favorite Quote of All Time)
"We may affirm absolutely that nothing great in the world has been accomplished without passion."

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