Monday, February 16, 2009

Febuary 16, 2009 Good Morning

Good Morning! Happy Monday! I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. Friday night was girls night with The Divine Diva's at Cindy Velez's house! Which if you go to, ladies you can join the club as well! I help organize the social events along with Cindy, who is the coordinator of the group. It is a lot of fun. I have to say it was a great time. Nothing like food, wine, shopping and just enjoying ourselves.

Valentine's Day of course was Saturday in which myself and other members of Fuego Ladies participated in Bowl for a Cure for Breast Cancer Tournament. That made the whole weekend worthwhile. I know many who have survived breast cancer and some who were not as fortunate. My great Aunt died from breast cancer who was adored by my family. Also my Aunt was recently diagnosed but they caught it early. Also to my friend, who was diagnosed last year and is doing very well, she too was caught early and is doing well. Unfortunately for my friends family lost someone to breast cancer this past year. It was a way to give back.

I am not a big one for Valentine's Day. I believe you can celebrate love and appreciation any day or weekend and maybe we should take a look at how busy our lives have become if that's what it takes to to celebrate and appreciate. For those who are not in a relationship right now, don't feel bad, it is always better to be alone than lonely in love. Congratulations to Ambi Medrano who I heard bowled a 300 game at Town Hall Bowl Saturday night. It is a tough thing to do, well done.

I started reading this book called "How Starbucks Saved My Life" I want all of my friends and family to read it. It is phenomenal. It is a true story of how a man with an Ivy league education, worked for a huge advertising agency making a large salary ended up having a brain tumor and working at Starbucks. The life lessons of humility and understanding of life that he learned made him a better person, a happier person, it is a feeling I try to explain to people that he explains well in this book. After my plastic surgery, when I was thinner and perfect and on top of it all, then got sick and gained 150-165 lbs and nearly died, saved my life. People say all the time, I bet you wish you didn't have the plastic surgery, at first I was like duh! Now I say not for the world, I wouldn't be the person I am today. I have learned more about myself in these past 4 years and the people that have come into my life are extraordinary. There are days of struggle but I have always triumphed and I am on the road again. Every time I fall, I stand up, brush my knees off and go at it again. Everything happens for a reason.

We start out this week remembering that during these rough times we have each other. We have to come together and work as a team if we want to succeed at anything we do. Ask for help when we need it, share our feelings in a heart felt way and listen even when it's not convenient. Well we have had a taste of what spring will bring and the spring cleaning has already begun. I hope everyone has a great day, laugh and appreciate.



"The greater the difficulty, the more glory in surmounting it." Epicurus

"The love of life is necessary to the vigorous prosecution of any undertaking." Samual Johnson

"The present moment is significant, not as the bridge between past and future, but by reason of its contents, which can fill our emptiness and become ours, if we are capable of receiving them." Dag Hammarskjold

1 comment:

  1. This weekend was special. Getting together with the Divine Divas has been an extraordinary experience. The excitement of meeting new women and the bond that we are creating is amazing. I highly encourage any women who want to belong to a community that celebrates friendship and promotes women’s social outings to log onto and join, it’s free!

    I have a daily organizer that I keep quotes and affirmations to keep my thoughts and words positive. I wanted to share today’s with you in response to your Valentines Day thoughts:

    "The happiness you feel is a direct proportion to the love you give"

    Have a wonderful day!
