Friday, February 27, 2009

Friday Febuary 27th, 2009 Good Morning

Good Morning, almost afternoon! It was a late night. Today I have to get organized, Clean Sweep never made it to my house! LOL! I look around read the articles watch the news and it is so depressing. You wonder, how are we going to get through it. I have come to realize, that we have to get through the day. We can either be miserable or happy. Also, people forget how far a random act of kindness goes. How hard is it to smile and say hello or hold the door open for someone, are we in that big of a rush? Is those 2 seconds going to make us later for something or cause us harm? No.

Someone asked me what I am giving up for Lent? I said nothing, I don't believe in that. I truly don't. I try every day to be the best person I can and the person who I want to be. Each day is a blank slate, a new day to start over. I said I am trying to give up negative thoughts. Especially for myself. I struggle with that myself, thinking of everything I should be doing, wishing there were 30 hours in a day. I think we as a society are so competitive we forget we are human and make mistakes. Like I always say I am sure I make 12 a day.

To everyone traveling this weekend, safe travels. For all those competing down state and to Diandra bowling in Bowl for a Cure, Good Luck! I hope everyone has a great weekend and enjoys something, even if it is an old song that makes you laugh!

"Wherever you see a successful business, someone once made a courageous decision." Peter Drucker
"The strongest principle of growth lies in human choice." George Elliot
"We must make the choices that enable us to fulfill the deepest capacities of our real selves." Thomas Merton

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