Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Tuesday April 21, 2009 Good Morning!

Good Morning! Well more like Good Afternoon! I have a tendency of checking my e-mails before writing right away! Well it is a gloomy day. April showers bring May flowers! Just keep moving and thinking positive! Here we go! Well I got the music going and we are jamming!

I am a big believer in standing for something! I believe in doing random acts of kindness, love, and that we should always push our friends to the top and give recognition. I guess I love all my friends and I want nothing but the best for everyone of them. We all know sometimes I get hurt, and taken advantage of. Recently this year was devastating, losing children that I truly loved like my own, losing my cousin, health issues, and watching a community(that I care a lot about) fight, shove and be torn apart. Through all of that I still wake up everyday and try to be the best person I can. Like I say all the time, I am not perfect, I make at least 12 mistakes a day. We all do and it's ok. We move on and do better, do good for others. I am a big believer in praise and giving credit were credit is due. There is so much competition among friends and jealousy. I look at as more of a motivator. Everybody has different things that make them happy. We as friends need to applaud, clap, and honor one another. Not trash, beat up, or say you don't have time. It is funny because no matter what happens, there is no failure. If you walk away from a situation and learned something you have only gained even more knowledge. Just like the plaque I got Laura when I came back from Florida, Friends are the family we make along the way.

Well last night Jack sent me an e-mail regarding S. Pellegrino's Top 50, World Restaurants, which is a U.K Based restaurant magazine and among the top 10 restaurants in the world. Charlie Trotter fell off the list but Alinea, Chicago IL posted 10th. That is a huge honor. The best part is John Asbaty worked as a chef for that restaurant. He is the one who I always talk about, that is the chef at that little Italian market Panozzo's on South Michigan Avenue. He is great! I love his food! He makes all the soups and specials, it is great! It is for take out food, sandwiches, and different pasta dishes, and my favorite, Chicken chickpea soup. I always say to Diandra your man can cook! It is a great little Italian Market were everything is imported from Italy. The people you get to see are so friendly, Ellen is always smiling and so sweet. I didn't realize that working in a top notch Restaurant meant long, long hours. John is a humble, man who is more into spending time with his family and working a less hours. So it was just a very exciting moment, especially for you John, hat's off of course to you. I know you work a lot now I couldn't imagine back then.

We all have passions dreams, and are great at something. It's not bragging, no one is better than anyone else. No matter how successful you are, or how much money you have, we all bring something to the table. Whether your a plumber, receptionist, pro-bowler, Chef, Lawyer, Doctor, Millionaire, we are all people and our lives are all equally important. That's why I have such a diverse group of friends. My dream is for people to unite. To give a little more. Whether it is time or something else. Felix invited me to Christmas with his family and Coco, that has been one of the most wonderful things someone has done for me. He and Coco took care of me, he watches over me, and he understands my craziness. Aida and Laura both on the phones for hours. My friend Amanda, I use to cry to her as well. You never know what kind of impact you make on someones life. It doesn't have to be big, maybe you listened to them and got them through a hard time. People under estimate the power of kindness. The reason we are in so much turmoil in this economy is because I believe we live in such a selfish society. If we all came together, put differences aside or embraced them and excepted them for who they are, maybe our lives would be a little easier. Not everyone is like me and that's the best thing about life, people are who they are. We could use some changes in our lives I have made several lately and have plenty more to go. Except and respect people for who they are. Let me emphasize respect. Show appreciation, sometimes going an extra mile or even a simple jesture could be quite touching.

Well, on another note, I am off! I was busy shopping yesterday, hit the container store, realized clean sweep was never going to make it to my house, so I better get working! Everyone enjoy the rest of your day, listen to the music, find that song that brings out that smile. Soon the sun will shine!


"Perhaps middle-age is, or should be a period of shedding shells; the shell of ambition, the shell of material accumulations and possessions, the shell of ego." Ann Morrow Lindberg

"Our deeds determine us, as much as we determine our deeds." George Eliot

"Try not to become a man of success, but try to become a man of value." Albert Einstein

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