Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Wednesday April 22, 2009 Good Morning

**I want to make a quick note. I made a cool adjustment. At the end of the blog there is a envelope were you can e-mail the blog to friends. I just got this feature. I just wanted to FYI you all. Please feel free to make comments at any time! LOL!

Good Morning! Let the sun shine!!!! It is suppose to be beautiful all week with a high of 80 on Friday! Well it's Wednesday!!!! It's our final day bowling! We slipped to 7th but we need to win one game and if we sweep who knows! A good day, but an end to one season! So Ladies it is time to get together and lets get sassy!!! Well we have a summer league starting on Tuesday nights as well, pretty soon.

Well things are going really well! My plan was to finish shopping and start organizing yesterday! I never left my bed! I am stuck reading this New Moon book the sequel to Twilight that I swore I would never get into. I should have listened to Melissa. I mostly read non-fiction, inspiring books, but I needed a little entertainment. Problem is when I read the non-fiction biography's or stories of peoples lives, it makes me want to write my own book. If that book could be a New York Times Best Seller, my life story would be by far a bestseller!

So I have yet to get organizing, and have had to reach out to the peeps. We added color to my wardrobe, oh Katie is probably dancing and I still need a couple of accessories. I need to go to the container store and get that alf or elf thing! Oh boy, you have to assemble it. I need everything organized so I can just reach for it and go! I have a huge pile to go to the cleaners. I really want to go back to bed! What a mess!

Well the good news is it's getting done, we are moving forward and the sun is shining, and I am listening to my favorite song of course James Blunt, You're Beautiful. I listen to it all the time and it still gives me the butterflies in my stomach and makes me want to dance all around the house taking deep breaths, with a smile of true happiness and joy! Well I know everyone has their song, It is time to open the sunroof and listen to that song. Even if it's a hard day. We create our own day. Take that time to enjoy those small moments. I really must get moving! I hope everyone has a wonderful day, and takes a little time to enjoy something!


"I wish I'd a knowed more people. I would of loved 'em all. If I'd a knowed more people. I would of loved 'em all. If I'd a knowed more, I would a loved more." Toni Morrison, Song of Solomon, 1977

"Gratitude is the sign of noble souls." Aesop

"Compassion is the antitoxin of the soul." Eric Hoffer

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