Wednesday, September 30, 2009

September 30, 2009 I am not a cookie cutter

Good Morning! Sorry, these past couple days I have been really reflecting. Who am I? What am I willing to do? What do I want to do? I know I don't want to just roll by life being content. I say I am not a cookie cutter because I am not. I think we have images or stereotypes of people in our heads, almost a cookie cutter image. I am not. There are so many levels, intellectually, spiritually, and things I do on a daily basis. Life is left here for each of us to enjoy and be happy. We all have duties as members of society to do what's right. Well the time is coming that I may need to have more life experiences. Some people are happy and content, living a life in once place and spending it with the same people for 50 years. That is great and wonderful. However, that is not my life.

Well I have lived well, laughed and had some wonderful moments. I had a year of bowling on league that I loved. I met people some good, some bad. They helped shape me into who I am today. I can't be pushed down, scared away, or saddened by some one's failed friendship. I will forget those who hurt me and never look back. I will continue on with the wonderful relationships I now have. I need no one else because I always have God on my side. I don't need to run and get any one's help, God always has my back. I have put my trust in God and Jesus Christ our Lord, because he is real and I do believe. I stand stronger than ever. There are days I feel unprotected and vulnerable and I pick up the Bible and I read and the feeling of security and peace that comes over me warms my body. The crazy thing is many who read this will say Sarah went off the deep end. No Sarah held a hand once by a friend and a feeling went up my arm. I will never forget it. I was at a house, a home of my second parents. Mr. and Mrs. Tylers. Praying. I felt the Holy Spirit come into me like nothing I ever experienced. From then on there have been tests of faith. Since then the people the Lord has put so many wonderful people I still have yet to believe it. Since then, when I really cried out, when I really opened my heart and prayed is unbelievable. For everyone who has helped me, been there for me, they will never be forgotten. For those who have hurt me, lied, and taken advantage I forgive you. I hope you find your way in life, I hope you find the Holy Spirit and are able to do something with your life.

Just because of my faith and who I am, doesn't mean I don't like syndicated television, cuss on occasion, or do things that aren't the best. I am human. I make mistakes. Like I always say 12 a day. However, everyday I become closer to God and I thank him for what he has done and for all the wonderful people he has in my life. Rita, Ann, Aida, Laura,Becky God sent you to me. Aida and Laura you pulled me out of a hole. A dark one and showed me the light. Who knows were I would be. Of Mr. and Mrs. Tyler who's home is filled with the Holy Spirit that I know I can always go to be safe. Well Time is ticking and I must go pick up my favorite little person, shopping it is! Then a museum and park! Ashleigh such a joy, so wonderful and filled with imagination! Well everyone may God Bless you all and lead to the right path. I hope everyone has a great day, enjoy something, turn up the music, this is it, we only have one chance at life. Have a great day! It is sunny here in Chicago! Also, Again if you haven't read Russell Simmons book Do You or Rev Run and Justine Simmons Take Back Your Family, They are great books. It helps especially living in the world we live in today. It has helped me tremendously!


"It's never too late to be what you might have been." George Elliot (which are almost all my book marks)

"One must lose one's life in order to find it." Anne Morrow Lindbergh

"God has many names, though He is only one being." Aristotle

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