Monday, September 14, 2009

September 14, 2009 Monday Happy Birthday Benny Ransom!!

Happy Birthday Benny Ransom!! I try my best to remember birthdays, I really do. Thanks Hannan, I logged in to FB first and saw Hannan was already on! I really enjoy our positive FB family we have created. When good people come together life can be so enjoyable. Someone just asked me the other day how would I define a good person. Well I said, someone who thinks of others, who is kind and lives the best life they can in helping those in need. Benny is among that crowd. Benny I hope you have a great day, and may God shower you with many blessings.

I hope everyday that people become better people, that they try to live a little less selfishly. You would think in the times we are in that we are in people would see what living selfishly and living on materialistic things gets you. It gets you no where. I believe it leaves you empty, hateful, and unfulfilled. If you don't have that foundation in something good, something more powerful than you, that leads you down a path of leading a great life, than you will remain empty. I expect more from people, especially now that we have someone that I find inspirational in office. If President Obama comes out and reaches to the masses and says lets do great things, we must all come together and we all shake our heads yes, than we must do it.

I am sure everyone has heard or is going to hear of what happened last night on MTV's Video Music Awards. Taylor Swift a young girl who sings country music came up so shocked that she won an award and guess who comes out throwing a temper tantrum (as I heard one describe it), Kayne West. He took the Mic and said that Beyonce had the best video, gave this girl back the microphone and walked off the stage. All I have to say is thank you Lord I wasn't there. How could someone do something like that to a young girl. Just trample over her dreams. Isn't that crazy, who does he think he is! He isn't better than anyone else. Well I give it up to Beyonce who won an award at the end of the evening and called Taylor out to do her thanks speech during Beyonce's time. Well done Beyonce, that is first class all the way! So Taylor Swift, you deserve that award and don't let anyone bully you, or tell you otherwise. Kanye, I will pray for you, that's all I can say on that matter right now.

Well I hope everyone has a great day, I am trying to peek out the window and see if the sun is coming up. One of my favorite parts of the day. Take time out today to enjoy something and do something kind for someone else. You never know how inspired and empowered that may make you feel. God Bless!


"A friend is one before whom I may think aloud." Ralph Waldo Emerson

"God enters by a private door into every individual." Ralph Waldo Emerson

"The meaning of good and bad, of better and worse, is simply helping or hurting." Ralph Waldo Emerson

1 comment:

  1. "All Treasures in the world can never measure the Truest meaning of life" Love
