Friday, September 18, 2009

Friday September 18, 2009 Good Afternoon

Good Afternoon! Sorry yesterday was a hectic day. You never know what is going to happen from day to day. Some have the luxury of living pleasantly, having know real worries, while others are climbing mountains. I try to do my best to make the best of any situation. Find the Good, Laugh and enjoy. However, sometimes I feel like I am constantly climbing that mountain. I wonder, when does it end? I realize God puts those Mountains there, and life throws us those curve balls only to overcome them and come out even stronger. September 16th marked my cousin's one year anniversary of his death. He was on his motorcycle just blocks away from my house, and was hit by someone who didn't see him. It was very tragic, and it left its mark right there on an intersection I pass daily. Some people don't agree with my out look on death. I don't know if they really understand my outlook. Tragedy happens, I believe that if possible we should try to do something, create something positive in remembrance to honor that person. I was going to get my first Tattoo, go skydiving, do something. I feel like death has torn my family apart. 7 tragedies in 14 years. However, Toms really hit home. We were so much alike in certain ways. I wished we could have had more time. He was the goofball, the loud one, the one that would tell you like it is. He is missed greatly.

We all have struggles, but we must think positively, nothing is too high. My mom says my goals are set too high, I said at least I set goals. Never discourage people from there dreams. You have to figure out who you are and what you stand for and go for it. I remember people saying Barack would never win, or what about Helen Keller, or all those who have struggled. All the Artists, musicians, Actors, Actresses. I will never give up on my dreams. There will be times I will fall, then I pick myself up and wipe off my knees, and brush the tears from eyes. If I hadn't done that already, I would be dead. Literally. I found that my belief in God, praying, and meditating has brought me peace. So does the music. I realize the importance of a strong positive support group. So when people say your hopes and goals are too high, I just shake my head. Not if you are good, not if you do your best, not if you believe in God and ask for his guidance. Times are tough for many, but remember that if you believe really believe and ask for God's help, he will come. Remember those who are positive and that are there to support us through these hard times.

With that being said, I hope everyone has a great weekend. Enjoy the weather. It is beautiful here in Chicago! God is great and God is good. Make sure to turn up the music as well, because like we all know music heals! God Bless! Have a safe weekend!


"I, even I, am he who blots out your transgressions for my own sake, and remembers your sins no more." Isaiah 43:25

message of the day by Joel Osteen!

"I've made so many mistakes I don't see how God could bless me. I just don't feel like I deserve it." No, we don't deserve God's blessings. They are part of the free gift of God's salvation. The best thing you could do is to accept his offer, and all through the day start saying to yourself, "I am a new creation. I am forgiven. I am valuable to God. He has made me worthy." If you Keep saying that long enough, you're going to start believing it. And you will begin expecting good things."

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