Friday, June 5, 2009

June 5, 2009 Good Morning

Good Morning! Rise and Shine! I woke up this morning feeling pretty good. I have plans to spend it with friends. I love it when we go places that we have never been. I plan to do a walk through downtown let the sun come down on me and relax. Wow How how beautiful. Today I am listening to Dido Life for rent. If my life is for rent and don't learn to buy well I deserve nothing more than I get because nothing I have is truly mine. I find those to be strong and beautiful words. It is int resting I sit here and write at the age of 28 looking back on my life, looking back on my past 5 years and it feels like it was a dream and I should be waking up soon. I know this is my life the struggles, the hardships. However, the good times the joyful times are what keep me going. Some days are just overwhelming. Who am I and were do I stand? I am a young woman finding her way. I never expected to be were I am at when I dreamt years ago. I would have been married and had children. It is interesting how you take life as it is given to you. However, God has a different plan for me. What, I don't know. Each day is different. I am happy to be alive and able to enjoy. Today is going to be a great day.

I have a strong conviction for medicine and there is a series premiering called Hawthorn on Tuesday June 16th. It is about a strong nurse who is really outspoken but goes above and beyond, at least that is what the preview shows. I am not sure what channel. After all I have gone through, Nursing is something that takes conviction. I see so many going to school for nursing. However, Nurses are the a major key communication between patient and doctors. They have to be able to communicate and make calls. They are the patients advocate. Some don't see there job as that. But a lot of communication errors is from poor communication between doctors and nurses. Tip from someone that was ill for many years and also I learned that in Healthcare Communications. The previews look really good. I got a great recommendation for a book to read. The Glass Castle! So I will be into that one! I thought I would share that with you all.

I am at cross roads in my life and major decisions need to be made. So I will surround myself with people I love and I can't wait to have a great day with special friends! Blaq will be in mandatory recording for 3 months to be releasing 3 singles. How exciting, to hear your friends music on the radio. Or to see a friend in a magazine, or it was to watch Kristin on Bravo. Even as exciting was to bring all my friends together, to spend time with ma, and to hear from Laura which I can't wait to see. To do random acts of kindness. There will be many of us at the pool this summer, and I can't wait. I know I e-mailed many of you. I do have the tickets for the Zoo, shedd, museums and so forth. So we will have a good summer as long as my health is okay. I am planning to work part-time which will be interesting. LOL!

So I leave you today I already have that smile on my face. My body is tired, but excited for the day ahead. Don't forget that the phone works both ways and so does the doorbell. We make choices in like on who we want in our life and who we don't. Sometimes things are just not meant to be. We must grieve and remember as long as we are surrounded by people we care and the Lord, we will live a fulfilling life, but it is up to us. Well We have made it, it is Friday! I hope everyone has a great day, and wonderful weekend! Enjoy the beautiful weather!


"To keep our faces toward change, and believe like free spirits in the presences of fate, is strength undefeatable." Helen Keller

"God Grant me the serentity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference." Reinhold Niebuhr

"I have accepted all and I am free. The inner chains are broken as well as those outside." C.F. Ramuz

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