Friday, March 6, 2009

Friday March 6, 2007 Good Morning

Good Morning! Sorry yesterday got a little crazy. I hope everyone is doing well. The nice weather is approaching, it feels great. I feel my spirit already lifted. We made it, it is Friday! I hope that everyone has something special planned for the weekend that they are looking forward to. (I look forward to Sunday nights when one of my favorite shows comes on, Big Love on HBO, it's such a soap opera! ) Even if it just staying at home and relaxing. I again am just so thankful for the people God has put in my life. I am a big believer in Karma!

Other issues, Chris Brown and Rihanna! My CD player is not working so I am forced to listen to the radio. So the big thing is should Rihanna forgive Chris Brown. People are dogging him left and right. All the woman say Rihanna shouldn't, but if she does, it doesn't mean the fans have to.

Here is my take. Obviously he has some anger issues. What he did was wrong, very wrong. However, if he is truly sorry and is seeking the mental help that he needs, I would forgive him, I wouldn't forget, but of course I would forgive. That's only if he is receiving help. Remember none of us are perfect. Of course a man should never touch a woman, however, there are many men out there who are worse and do not seek help. There are a lot of woman out there that don't seek help. He was physically abusive. There are many men and woman who are mentally and emotionally abusive which does as much harm if not more harm, and they are still in those relationships. Just because they are famous and well known doesn't mean other well known stars aren't just as abusive or worse. At least that is my take. Frankly, I am sick of hearing about it. It is their business. Any thoughts?

I hope everyone has a great weekend and enjoy!


"Change is the law of life." John F. Kennedy
"Life is change. Growth is optional. Choose wisely." Karen Kaiser Clark
"A real friend helps us think our best thoughts, do our noblest deeds, be our finest selves." Anon


  1. Sarah: The Chris Brown/Rhianna thing drove me nuts. Ever since Harper has been born my outlook on life has changed 180 degrees. I think she should forgive him and move on. Chris is need of some serious therapy. They are celebrities and the issue of whether or not they want to be a role model for kids is something they can't choose. Ugh! Celebrities! So spoiled and selfish.

  2. Oh I am there with on that Elizabeth! We live in such a selfish society, we tend to forget that people are human and make mistakes. We should suppport him for getting help, especially, because so many everyday people don't get help. Look at all the women's shelters and Mutual Ground.
