Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Wednesday July 29, 2009 Good Morning

Good Morning! Happy Birthday to my Aunt Beth. I don't know what to say other than thank you to the support of all my friends. Yesterday I had the privilege of meeting other great people. Everyday is an adventure, you never know what is going to happen. You can set out to do something and life sends you a curve ball. What ever it is you just catch it and run. You can't look at it as a negative or a failure. It is just another opportunity. We must all grow and with that, take risks, and allow ourselves to accept opportunities when they come. We choose our lives. Even if we get off the path, there is always another day, and a blank slate. Yes the Lord has blessed me. I am extremely thankful.

People I have noticed lately say "you, no way." Yes way. Everyone has there quarks and certain things. Well here is some little unknown trivia about me. Some of my confessions! I LOVE ice cream, I am phobic of blue ink pens, I now love Walmart children's clothes (that was a hard confession for me), I like the taste of peppermint in my mouth when I tan. Here are more, I am addicted to the Jon and Kate plus 8 story just because of my experiences and I now buy tabloids (ewww that hurt)! I love fruit snacks but only the generic jewel kind. I like mostly all organic food, I just feel better. I don't like pizza unless it is spinach or mushroom usually. I can't put my face totally in the water when I swim because I almost drowned as a child in a wave pool. Boy this enough trivia and confessions for one day. People think I am perfect or that I live this perfect life and that really is not the case. We are all human, make mistakes, my biggest is to forgive myself. I am always very accepting of others and their mistakes, but very hard on myself. I am learning to give myself a break as well now. God is Great and God is Good. For that let us go upon our day and try to do something kind. Kindness goes a long way. Hate will just leave you empty and unsatisfied. Everyone have a great day and don't forget to turn up the music!


"There is a sign of God on every leaf that nobody else sees in the garden." Thomas Merton

"One great, strong, unselfish soul in every community could actually redeem the world." Elbert Hubbard

"When you're traveling, you are what you are, right there and then. People Don't have your past to hold against you. No yesterdays on the road." William Least-Heat Moon

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