Monday, August 17, 2009

Monday August 17th 2009

Good Morning! Rise and shine! Well the thunder is rumbling here! Well it was a good weekend. I had a Garage Sale and read. I made a big announcement last night so you may want to go back to Good Evening! I am reading Russell Simmons Do You! 12 Laws To Access the Power In You To Achieve Happiness and Success. I have say it by far the best book I have read yet. I just have one question that I can't get over. How come it didn't make Oprah's Book Club??

This book speaks of success personally, spiritually and in business. I love it. It is so funny how much Russell Simmons and I have in common as far as work ethic and personality wise. I have just been laughing so hard. So this week I am dedicating it to Russell Simmons. So many don't know who he is. I say how could you not! Well Then again the reason I know him is from Runs House. I loved his personality and work ethic.

Here we go. "I also knew that I had come to a place where, when reflecting on my life's journey I could see that there were particular laws and principles that guided my professional and personal success and more importantly, I had only been able to learn those principles because of Individuals from a variety of cultures had been willing to share the lessons that they had learned across the lines of global divisions and inspire me. Reflecting on how much knowledge I had gained through the gifts of others is what ultimately committed me to sharing the changes I've made in my own life had preconceived notions about which sort of principles power a "hip hop" Mogul. I wanted to make it clear that my purpose is defined by the power of giving back and sharing." Russell is a very spiritual man and knows the meaning of life is not defined by materialism but by internal happiness. Something I speak of everyday. "I'm someone who who's always tried to connect with as many people as possible. I want to be able to chop it up with folks in the Hamptons, just like I chop it up with folks in Harlem." To me that is real. Russell Simmons was part of a group Run DMC. He then went on and founded Def Jam Records with Rick Rubin. I think his biggest accomplishment is Phat Farm clothing. I know he does have some producing in the hit show Run's House! I always say you see Run's house and I explain something that happened and then I say that's how I'm going to Run my house! Hive five you there Rev!

In his first Chapter He goes by Laws. Above the first Law he states "Degrees are helpful but they won't guarantee you success in the business world. Only faith and dedication to your vision can do that. Law number one: See your vision and stick with it and of course he starts with a quote "I dream my painting and paint my dream." Which was by Vincent Van Gogh. I can't put the book down. Anyone who wants a good read needs to invest in this book. Again Russell Simmons w/Chris Morrow Do YOU! 12 Laws to Access the power in You to Achieve Happiness and Success. This is just the introduction. There are so many great points in this book. I will refer to different situations through out the week. He has to be the most inspirational personal on a business level ever, to me. I must share the good news. I love to share especially good news.

We all have the ability to succeed at our dreams no matter how small or big we think they are. We have to keep moving forward. We each have our days. We have moments when we fall, we pick our selves up brush off our knees and keep going forward. Like I always say today is a blank slate. We all make mistakes, I make at least 12 a day. My biggest problem is I must forgive myself. Ok I'm forgiven moving on to a good day, a rainy day but there will still be a smile. Yes there are always good days and bad days. We all need support systems of good people that are their for us to help us and lift us up when we fall. We may not be able to save the world, but if we have the power to help or support each other than why not. Well I am inspired and I must do some stretching and get ready for my day. I hope everyone has a great day! Make sure to enjoy something and make sure to do something kind for someone, trust me it will help you feel so good.


"A friend may well be reckoned the masterpiece of nature." Ralph Waldo Emerson

"It is never to late to be what you might have been." (my favorite) George Elliot

"No act of kindness, no matter how small is ever wasted." Aesop

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