Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Tuesday August 11, 2009 Good Morning!

Good Morning! Yes it is going to be a good day! I am so thankful for what I have. I am thankful I get to go to work today. I love work. I know that sounds different, but when you work for good people and you love going to work it makes your day. We all work as a team. It isn't a job. It is a day filled with challenges, laughter and hard work. At the end of the day we have accomplished things. That to me is so fulfilling. I would work 100 hrs a week if my body would allow it. That is the hardest part. There are so many things we take for granted. I remember laying in bed fighting a disease, just trying to think how could I even get out of bed to get my medicine. Now I can enjoy life more and now even work part-time and spend time enjoying life a little. To me the Lord has answered my prayers. I can not take the day for granted, I know I am blessed. I am Thankful for all I have. I am thankful to the people I work for and with. They are the ones you spend your days with and make the ride a lot more worth while. Thank You Chad and Ned. For you have always believed in me. I would hear such great things from people. Technicians would come to my house and say "your a legend around that place." You have know idea how much that touched me. Good people again helping good people. I again feel like I have purpose. After the kids it was hard, but the Lord has blessed me. (I use to help take care of my friends 6 children, for 4 years, very complicated situation.) It gave me such purpose. I had and still have such a big place in my heart for those children. Just working part-time has brought in structure and such joy in my life.

I wanted to comment on Russell Simmons Book Do You! 12 Laws to access the Power in you to achieve happiness and success. The Irony is so much. I have always had the same attitude through out High School. I always worked. I started when I was at 14 and by the time I was 18 I was a senior in High School working at Carmax as a Business Office Administer. I was drained. I ended up quiting and going to school. I couldn't do the best. Well I was so fatigued and in pain. I was told I was depressed. Well yeah, I couldn't work. We now know I have Lupus, 10 years later. However I wouldn't take those 10 years back, again, I wouldn't be the person I am today. Now I am a woman on a mission. I know Health is Wealth. I know what matters in life and I don't take life for granted. I worked for a small companies after that. All the people I worked for and the most successful people I worked for never had a college degree. They had a work ethic. I was about 22 and I saw a company nearly be destroyed by getting rid of all of there top people and replacing them with these other "business people" with top degree's. It was then I learned. It doesn't matter if you have a college degree. These people couldn't run this company it was a total joke. They never showed up to work, I had to teach my boss how to work the computers and how to do her job. Are you serious!!! It was pathetic. From then on I wanted small family owned. I met influential people, successful people, entrepreneurs and I learned a college degree was only a punch card. It doesn't matter. It is a work ethic, it is EQ, Emotional Intelligence and desire. I knew this in high school. I wasn't a big fan of formal Education, I loved to learn just not in a formal environment.

So I am reading Russell Simmons' book and I am cracking up. Cause those are the same thoughts that run through my head. I was once at a party and I was in school always learning, but often different things just at the local school by me, and someone goes "Oh are you getting your MBA!" Yeah! Not really, more like Associates, but I just wanted to learn different things. I am going to quote a section out of this book that made me laugh about this. "Being an Entrepreneur can be nerve-wracking largely because there's no by the book way to do it. Some people think they'll get the blueprint at business school, but that degree alone definitely won't guarantee success. In fact, out of all degrees you can get, a business degree might be the least valuable." But an MBA Doesn't mean you'll have the skills to run a business. They probably don't want to hear that up at Warton or Harvard, but it's the truth." LOL!!!!!! "And I am the living example. I might run a multimillion-dollar companies, but I didn't graduate from college, let alone get an MBA. I don't even know how to write a business plan. Truth is, I've never read the one's I pay the people with the MBA's to write for me. Now don't get me wrong-a business degree can open up a lot of doors for you. But it should always be a complement, instead of compensate for, an entrepreneurial spirit that's born in your imagination. That's because in my experience, there's only one thing that will always steer you toward success : That's to have a vision and to stick with it." Well that is very inspirational and insightful. I have the same beliefs. The most wealthy people I know do not have college degree's. It is a work ethic, like me and Doc always say, you either got it or you don't.

Well I will leave today with that. Great insight by a very successful man. I have to get going. I have been up since 3 organizing and heading to the office after doing a light exercise today. Have a great day, enjoy something and make sure to laugh!


"The reality is that changes are coming. They must come. You must share in bringing them. John Hersey

"We create our fate every day.....most of the ills we suffer from are directly traceable to our own behaviour." Henry Miller

"Opportunities multiply as they are seized: they die when neglected. Life is a long line of opportunities." John Wicker

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