Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Wednesday August 19, 2009 Good Afternoon, Russell Simmons Tribute Continues!

Good Afternoon! I hope you all have had a great morning already! Mine has been that of a hectic one! The schedule never stops! As I heard Russell say one day on Run's House "Working is a privilege." So true. That leads into why my health battle connects so much with Russell's story. He fought for his vision, as everyone downed him. Trust me those that were snapping pictures when I was well, were not at my bedside when I wasn't. I recently looked at the Russell Simmons line and I like it. It is sharp and sleek. Well put together. The other admiration is he never compromised who he is. Some say I come off strong or sometimes maybe I am too sensitive. Well that's me, Sarah. Many love me, some hate me. I can't be something I am not.

I finally found a doctor, a real doctor. Dr. Larry Wilkin. He has a Ph-D in Neuro-Biology and an MD in Neurology. He works in Pain Medicine. He became a doctor in his 40's after being a Neuro-Researcher. He told me that he thought the answers were always in the Research and he found the answers were in the patients you just had to be willing to listen. Russell listens. I have the belief in God. I believe people are put in your life for a reason. I would cry to doc all the time about my weight. Doc said "Sarah, as soon as we get you better the weight will come off. You don't lack the discipline, there is an illness that is causing this. The less stress and worry about what is wrong and the more we concentrate on getting better the more likely it will come off." That has been true. Of course not at the rate I want it. I am 70 lbs down from my highest weight, I am still a plus size, but I am alive and I live for today. My mouth dropped when I read from Russell's Do You book "It seems that whenever we turn on the TV, listen to the radio, or pick up a magazine, we're bombarded by the message that our life will still improve once we get our body in shape. It's a potent message, witnessed by the millions of people who get up every day and trudge off to the gym, hoping to find happiness through getting their chest bigger, or their butt tighter. And while it's fine to get your body in shape, I would suggest that it's more helpful to get your mind toned first. Remember, your mind is your most powerful muscle. A six pack on your stomach won't really make you happy unless your also keeping your mind in shape through prayer, reflection, and self study. How you look on the outside doesn't really matter if you don't have your spiritual self in shape first." Now that is true!!!

If you are one that follows my blog you know my comments. When I am out with my guy friends and they talk to girls, rate us. I think idiots! Then when they marry the these girls! Neither a brain in their head. You think she is going to have that body forever. Remember you still have to talk to them, and wake up everyday next to them, EVERYDAY. I even now struggle but my friend and designer Kate Boggiano says to me Sarah stop, Your Alive! It puts me back in check. It wasn't until I believed truly believed there was a god, became mindful and started praying and meditating that my life has become more complete. I am very lucky and blessed to have had certain experiences at only 28 because some will never know. Russell's Do You book I carry it around, I love it and cherish it. I know I am not a size 6, and I the weight comes off slowly, but I have taken the pressure off myself. First I don't slam cheeseburgers, I am actually very conscious of what I eat. I give myself more of a hard time than anyone. I am on my way downtown to drop off the Suit I won by James Purcell Jr. to give it to Susanna Negovan Editor and Chief of Michigan Ave Magazine. It is a beautiful suit that doesn't deserve to be e-bayed. I thank him and her for helping with the GoodGlamGala, which was a fashion show for my friend Kate Coxworth Boggiano whom, I have always looked up to even in high school and Kristin Goede's Jewels which are extraordinary. The proceeds helped The Boys and Girls Club of Chicago and it was a great success! I was there in support of them. I just happened to be the lucky winner. Good people help good people. I truly believe that. It would be selfish to get monetary gain out of such a kind gesture. I must go now off with the day, everyone enjoy and turn up the music because it does heal! We will meet later to go over more inspirational stories of Russell Simmons!


"Simplify! Things that matter most must never be at the mercy of things that matter least." Goethe

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