Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Tuesday August 25, 2009 Good Morning!

Good Morning! Tuesday is here, the Monday Craziness has settled down. Some days are harder than other. I am usually a very upbeat person that is very happy and positive! I need that environment. I feel so good about myself that I don't settle. Yesterday was one of those days when I came home from work and went straight to bed. I turned on the computer for a little while and was out like a light.

We all have choices in life. We can choose our own destiny. I refuse to settle for anything less than what I want. I see people settle for things because they have the mindset that they are "unworthy." The only time I have that feeling is regarding weight issues, which I have really no control over other than eat right and do as my doctor says. Stretch, yoga, swim those are good forms of exercise. Mostly just stretching now with me working. I am trying to get into a routine and get my mind fit as Russell would say. Relationships, well I don't settle. I know what I deserve, I know I am a good woman, and I am not going to be with someone just to be with them. I almost avoid them at times because my life is so hectic. I am detached again like Russell says. If a relationship doesn't work out or something doesn't work out off to the next thing. I feel happy inside, I have felt that true happiness deep and down in my gut! No one can take that from me!

Well I am off to read Rev Run and Justine Simmon's book Take back Your Family, however, I am still referring back to Russell Simmon's book DO YOU! I am in the intro laughing already at the different personalities between Rev and Russell. Both wonderful inspiring people, just in different ways. I understand Rev's take because of helping out with 6 kids for 4 years. Well this should be an interesting ride! Run's House is on MTV! I know the first season is on DVD, I own it, it is floating around here somewhere. I hope all of you have a great day. I am listening to Beyonce "If I Were A Boy!" I just love that song. I find it very empowering to young women. I have to say I have been in that situation and will never again. Like I said before; me, him, in a shack on a beach with nothing! That would be all I need! Other's opinions, money, or status, just him and me. That's when you know. We had this conversation the other day. It's that connection, the other puzzle piece. The one you can laugh, talk to, and you come together just like a puzzle. Anything else well is just that. I hope everyone has a great day, don't take the ones you love for granted, and do something that makes you happy.

(By the way all these quotes were taken from Russell Simmon's book DO YOU !

"We are here to awaken from the illusion of our separateness." Thich Nhat Hahn

"Surround yourself only with people when who are going to lift you higher." Oprah Winfrey

"It takes courage to grow up and turn out to be who you really are." E.E. Cummings (So True)

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