Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Good Morning Tuesday Octoer 6, 2006 Volunteering 101!

Good Morning! Wow! So much is happening around us, I would much rather be in Tibet living the simple life right now. The pressure, stress and the economy have really taken a toll on our emotion and mental well being. I highly suggest people find a way to relax and find comfort. I have found it through prayer. I by far would never push any religion on anyone. Whether it is listening to music or what ever, just let yourself release and calm down. Figure out what is it that will help you. I again suggest helping others. 6 little souls helped me find my purpose in life and that is what people should really be focusing on. We all have purpose. If you don't know what yours is than find it.

Again sticking to my new dedication to organizations in which people can help, I can first tell you of my own. When I was 14 I started volunteering for Fox Valley Special Recreation Association in North Aurora, which is now located in Aurora, IL. It provides recreational activities for those that have special needs. I then went on to be an Inclusion Aide for them which I was called in to help assist within local Park Districts to "include" them in activities and be there to help them as well. I did a great job. I was hired at age 14 and as well by a special family with a son who suffers from Autism. From there I was then hired by the Park District.

Volunteering can be so rewarding and let you know if there is a field you want to pursue. It opens doors of opportunities for jobs as well. However, it will give you the most rewarding feeling as well. You will come away from that experience having helped someone, and believe me, you will be the one feeling the benefits. There are many local organizations out there that have similar programs. Ask your local Park District and they can guide you. You can also can go to a great cause founded by a wonderful woman in 1963, Eunice Kennedy Shriver, John F. Kennedy's Sister. The Special Olympics! You can go to www.specialolympics.org to volunteer. A great cause! I leave you today as more of a spiritual person. For me to be happy I have found it is believing and being happy. I find that through meditation and prayer. I push no religion on anyone. I leave you all with a prayer that I believe serves all religions and all HUMANITY! Have a great day! Do something kind today and try doing something random. You never know!

A Prayer I found that I believe serves everyone!

May I become at all times, both now and forever
A protector for those without protection
A guide for those who have lost their way
A ship for those with oceans to cross
A bridge for those with rivers to cross
A sanctuary for those in danger
A lamp for those without light
A place of refuge for those who lack shelter
and a servant to all in need.
-Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th Dalai Lama

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