Monday, October 5, 2009

October 5, 2009, The New Good Morning, Manic Monday!

Good Morning! Yes this is the new Good Mornings! First off I must say, Go Knox! Even Packer fans have to give him some credit, it looked like a Don Beebe running out there! Hey Chicago, maybe we can win the Superbowl this year? You never know. It is a Manic Monday because yesterday I was all set on what I was going to do for today and then everything changed last night!So I am now going to encourage and list different organizations, stories and websites that are informative and maybe of interest to those looking to make a difference.

I am a believer that in this society, in America, we never truly figure out who we really are. We are told how we should be instead of figuring that out for ourselves. I believe in God and Jesus Christ. I also know Buddhist prayers bring me joy and purpose. I don't have to go talk about Jesus or God, because I hope I live it everyday. Now I am no Saint, and I make plenty of mistakes. However, I try my best to be kind, selfless and do the best job I can. Tomorrow I will list organizations, today I ask something different.

I ask that everyone, go back through my Good Mornings, or read an inspirational book, and remember to be honest with yourself. Really ask yourself what is it that will make you happy. If you had a vision of yourself happy, what do you picture? Then I say go for it. It is not an easy task, I stumble at times, especially in our society, but I realized that in order to help people or myself I have to be honest with myself. If I am not happy or healthy how can I help others. What then is my purpose here on Earth? I am right along with everyone else still figuring things out, but spending everyday learning what I like. Don't worry if your different. Again like I said before, I am not a Cookie Cutter. The site I saw that really hit home that others saw what I saw was from a facebook friend Deborah Deras. I encourage again everyone to take a look at this. I hope you all have a wonderful day, turn up the music and enjoy!


"It's never to late to be what you might have been." George Elliot

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