Sunday, October 4, 2009

October 4, 2009 A Tribute To Dorothy Dandridge, A True Woman!

Who is Dorothy Dandridge? Yes I asked the same question. Many have no clue. That is why I do the Tribute to Dorothy today! She was a great courageous, and gorgeously talented woman that has slipped through the eyes of the American public. She was huge! A shining star! Why has she slipped? Because she was black, and she died way before her time. She had a heart of gold and was the first African American woman ever to be nominated for an Academy Award for Best Actress staring in the film Carmen Jones. Halle Berry played her in an HBO film introducing Dorothy Dandridge. Let me tell you the pictures are startling. They look so similar. Her legacy continues as she was one who was discriminated against, suffered, and yet still led the way helping and mentoring others.

Dorothy was born in Cleveland, Ohio on November 9, 1922. In the book Dorothy Dandridge, An Intimate Portrait of Hollywood's First Major Black Film Star by Earl Mills. It speaks of Dorothy's courage and talent. She suffered greatly, she was so talented, and discriminated against. I can't help but think if she were white, she would be alive today, and such a legend, that people would be sporting her shirts just like they do Marilyn Monroes'. By the way, her and Marilyn became friends. She also worked with Jacqueline Kennedy to help the mentally retarded. Dorothy had a daughter Harolyn or Lynn, that never got past the intelligence level of age 4. Dorothy loved Harolyn so much and had a fondness for children that just came naturally to her.

In the book and in the Movie which you can order online or order from a book store, you will find her journey compelling, sad, and hopefully awakening. We have come a long way in such ways, but yet have lost so many key values. Mentoring, helping others,and really knowing what it means to be discriminated against. I found out about Dorothy through Ann Dandridge who is Dorothy's Cousin, and is a Publicist in LA. Ann carries those values still today by continuing to encourage mentoring and helping others. She is helping keep Dorothy's legacy alive and I encourage everyone to join us through "Powerful People and Friends (Authentic) Powerful People "Truly" Serve others WELL!" Thank you Ann for making this known, for you are a living example.

One last thing, my friend Blaq said to me last night. "I am afraid to have children in America If I marry a woman of a different race what does my child say? Why can't we all just be American? In every other Country we are all referred to as Americans. Why when you fill out paperwork, or speak, why is there a division of "race" or ethnicity." He being form Africa doesn't understand. Well that is food for thought America, why? It wasn't long ago, that it was so unequal. We are still not equal. Lets HOPE that with President Obama that we can now see people as people. We have a lot of work to do. But if we all do something to help, we can make a huge difference.

Dorothy, may you REST IN PEACE! You will not be forgotten!



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I looked at Dorothy's pictures and I was stunned her elegance spoke for it's self. I imagine flipping a Vogue Magazine featuring Dorothy In her unique and magnificent 10 star look. "Imagine that"
    This is what I have to say..
    "The people that have moved milestones before and beyond their time leave a permanent scar of fortune for the rest of the world to Cherish and commemorate Spiritually"
