Wednesday, October 14, 2009

October 14, 2009 Sex, Love, and Inner Peace

Good Morning! Yes it is early. I am burning the midnight oil. Something that happens on occasion. Yes I said Sex, Love and Inner Peace. All three need balance. I say that to grab your attention. Sex being a main drive in our society, love as being a romantic relationship and peace being united throughout the world. When none are what I mean.

I am single by choice. I choose to be single. To be honest with you I thought I found my soul mate without having sex with him. We are so caught up in this world of illusion verses reality. We don't want to be alone, we have a desire and we will compromise to indulge that. Love doesn't have to be between a romantic relationship. Love can live in our souls for friends, relatives and people we care about. Finally peace. The peace I am referring to is the inner peace you find within yourself. Our biggest problem is finding that peace. Not worrying about how the world is going to react or if it is right or wrong. Living a life on what other people think is living a life of emptiness. Peace is going with your gut instinct. If I went with my gut let me tell you, my inner peace would have come a lot sooner. Once you find that inner peace, you find love for mankind and you are able to recognize true love for what it is and falling so in love with a person your heart pounds for and you can't imagine your life without them, then sex becomes the intimacy that binds you.

We have lost so much of this in our society. We have become selfish and so careless. It is time to love people, find our soul mates and live a happy and fulfilling life. Once we find our inner peace our life can continue and we will benefit society so much better. I am not great at quoting scripture, but I try to live my life the best I can. The way the Lord would want me too. I am reading Scriptures now, but it is how I apply it in every day life. I come to you early because I have to pick up again my favorite little girl. Spending time with her brings so much joy to me. That is what we should be focused on, the joy that comes to us. Who and what brings us that joy. Take it and run with it. Again this is it. Lets not focus our lives on what others think or want, that would be foolish and wasteful. I have learned to meditate and become one. Again I encourage everyone from the East Coast to the West Coast find something that motivates you, something that moves you. Make a difference. I know I want to leave this world knowing I did my best. I hope everyone has a great day! God Bless! Take time to smile and enjoy!


"Beautiful light is born of darkness, so the faith that springs from conflict is often the strongest and best." R. Turnbull

1 comment:

  1. Love is not as easy to find as Sex is and yet still people still confuse Infatuation for Love..
    The reality of finding inner peace is finding Unconditional love for self.
