Thursday, October 8, 2009

October 8, 2009 Good Mornnig All the Single Parents Out There!

Good Morning! Sorry yesterday was a hectic day. I enjoy taking my friends daughter from time to time. She is a hard working mom that sometimes doesn't have the opportunity to do things with her daughter, and I love and enjoy being with her. Perfect fit! It was a great day. To the Zoo we went! Oh and that was after Gymboree and the store manager gave me an application and told me she would love to have me work there! LOL! What is so funny is I love that store, I am always there, and I have NO kids! LOL! I have 5 car seats, LOL! That just totally through me off guard.

I love taking kids and my friends kids to places showing them things spending time with them. I could volunteer for the Big Brother and Big Sister organization, which I may do, however, when I have so many kids around me I just reach out my hand. I have to say, I don't know how single parents do it, I know it would be very rough on me. Not having the support of the other person. I give single parents a lot of credit because it is not an easy task. It takes a lot of energy and love. It takes even more of a person for them to rely on others to know that there child is being taken care of well and is happy. So as far as charity or volunteering goes, start within your own circle, then branch out. There are many organizations like Big Brother and Big Sister organization and The Boys and Girls Club. There are so many things we can be doing. Plant seeds within children, because they will never forget, I never did!

Well yesterday was a wonderful day as I watched a child smiled, no one understands how much happiness that brings me. Children teach you things everyday. Everyday is a learning process. We must be open to learning, realizing we are human and make mistakes. All are stepping stones on our way to the next opportunity. Well I hope everyone has a great day, make sure to enjoy something and smile! Do something kind and random! Make a difference in someone's life!


"Imperfect action is better than perfect inaction." Harry Truman

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