Monday, October 12, 2009

October 12, 2009 Good Morning! Wise Words!

Good Morning! I start off saying wise words. Yesterday I did lunch with a friend that reminded me to focus on the positive. While my book, which no doubt has the ability to be a New York Times Bestseller, has taken a backseat to other projects. The reason being is I didn't know how to go about a certain situation. I am a truly loving person. I mean no harm. However, my journey to this point has been amazing, jaw dropping, and not in the best light for some. So I go at it with grace and dignity to the best of my ability. It's funny that people can leave you high and dry when your down and out and shake your hand when your on top of the world. Despite that I can't help but truly care for all. I know there is good there. Some people have a wonderful heart and soul, however their head is just messed up. We will see how I approach that situation.

Through out the New Sarah Process along with speaking of charities, I am also exploring different religions. I know this is a hot topic among many. I am one that stands for humanity. I believe that many religions stand for the same thing and that is for humanity and to do good for others. Sometimes you will see me quote a prayer that is Buddhist, Islam, Muslim, Christian or so forth. I have many friends that are very spiritual, and I am not going to single them out. Part of being a peaceful nation is understanding all and coming together. My jaw dropped when I saw a tabloid saying that President Barack Obama met with A Muslim leader. I thought ooooh. Come on people. After 9/11 this country has become so religiously bias. God says to love and accept people. I am finding peace among the Buddhist faith. I believe in Jesus Christ however, the peacefulness for man kind, I believe is what Jesus wants us to live. One thing I want to make clear is that I am not preaching. I am in the same boat as everyone else. Here on Earth exploring trying to find the path to happiness and success just like everyone else. I am no better than anyone else, nor do I think anyone is better than anyone else.

So lets start our week on something positive, something good. I believe things happen for a reason. For all the bad has just made me stronger. I still suffer. I sit here in bed with my swimsuit on ready to hit the water. Each person has there own definition of success. To me making the world a better place and touching lives to me is a success. This is a new week and a new day and like I always say we don't have to be the person we were yesterday. If something doesn't feel right, don't do it. Go with heart. Go with your gut, it has only lead me to were I am today. I wish for more but I am so thankful for all I have. We must remember we are so much better off than many.

That leads me to the charity. D.E.F which is Diamond Empowerment Fund. "It is a non-profit international organization with the mission to raise money to support education initiatives that develop and empower economically disadvantaged people in African Nations were diamonds are a national resource." You can go to to find out more details. A wonderful cause and many ways to help. One charity I wish I would have found sooner. Everyone have a great day, smile, laugh, don't forget the music and be kind!


"We're drowning in information and starving for knowledge." Ruthford D Rodgers

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