Friday, October 2, 2009

October 2, 2009 Good Evening! A New Start!

Good Evening! When I first started doing this blog it was to say good morning to friends. Diandra Asbaty a professional bowler, saw my talent for writing and created this blog for me. I am forever thankful! It was always in the back of my mind but I never thought "I was good enough." She believed in me. Yesterday the Good Lord spoke to me. Today my life has changed. I write with tears in my eyes. I at one time had one wish, and that was for the Simmons family would one day read my blog, go through the past and see the adventure. By Simmons family I mean, Rev Run, Justine Simmons, all there children and of course Russell Simmons. I watch Runs House on MTV and got to know their Character. I began to really admire their "realness." I had a connection and bond. Then God somehow heard my prayers. It got to the point were one night I decided to write about relationships I was going to use for a Good Morning. I didn't. I got Rev's daily word and guess what it was about relationships. Before this there would be times I would just get done talking to someone and then look at my blackberry and there it is something exactly about what I was thinking. Only God could have done that. More and more happened. That's when I started to really feel that connection. I read Russell's book and we connected.

I read Russell Simmons Book and it took the words right out of my mouth. The thoughts out of my head. It took time to realize but we are all in harmony. For they are good and they do such wonderful things. When I asked for that wish, that wish was granted. My voice was heard. I was put on and made global coverage. So how does this now effect my life?

Well I decided to switch up my blog more, search for causes and stories. Russell could easily take his money and move to another country. However, he knows that people need him. He knows employees count on him for their paychecks to feed there families. He knows that he can make a difference. I think that in the sense of "Good Heartedness" he is the most under estimated person in the entertainment world. I don't think Run or Justine get the credit they deserve either. However it's ok. They're not looking for credit. None of us are, we are looking at helping people, bring hope, and joining one another.

Yesterday a friend said something to me about how he sent Russell a message. I went to a store near by me and they sell prayer beads, just like Russell carries. I bought some for me and a special friend. He wants his voice to be heard, he sends Russell messages, and I tell him, your not connected to him. I am connected to him, that's why he hasn't answered. Russell doesn't have to say a word directly to me. Honestly we are so alike and on the same wavelength. Those beads brought something else to me. I bought them to help keep me in prayer. As I heard Russell say at one time help him as well. It wasn't until recently the light really started to shine. I bought those beads for my friend. I told him to pray. I told him to read Russell's book keep reading. Start from the credits in the back move forward. Read the laws. Find the light, then things will come into place.

I know this is long, you are going to keep seeing the New and Improved Sarah along with stories I read and find on facebook. I realize those who do give don't always have facebook. I hope everyone has a blessed day! It is a great day and we have the Lord to thank.


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