Friday, October 2, 2009

October 2,2009 IT IS A GREAT DAY!

It is a great day! I know many people are upset and discouraged about my wonderful and proud City of Chicago not getting the bid for the Olympics. Yes it would have been great and provided jobs, but nothing to lose sleep over. Some may disagree. WE HAVE SO MUCH to be thankful for! We have President Barack Obama and his lovely wife Michelle Obama. We have Oprah, we have wonderful designers and art. There are so many things that have happened to the City of Chicago that we should be thankful for. Sometimes we can't have it all. A local news anchor said that Mayor Daley is just upset. As far as politicians is concerned he is disappointed. He really went outside his comfort zone. He loves Chicago and hasn't gone out of his comfort zone nationally and internationally like he did. Well this should be a great day for him, a great stepping stone in his life. We all fall or don't make it. Just because we didn't win the Olympic bid doesn't mean we can't bring other great things to Chicago. Take it with a grain of salt, move on to the next opportunity.

I have to say all I can do and think of lately is what can I do? I have a heart that is so giving. Who thrives on giving, who if asked if I could have any job in the entire world what would it be? I would answer a Philanthropist. You will hear me from now on share stories of others. Their requests. I don't know what else to do. God has put me here on earth with this amazing gift and I need to put it to work. I have to say, smiling, laughing and doing kind things, will only increase your quality of life. Think about that little contributions we made to make President Obama, President. How good it felt to know we were part of making a difference. It was us, the American people. It is a great feeling. It gives us hope, purpose, and by doing that leads us to happiness. We can all contribute, bake cookies, give a dollar. Hey how much does a coke cost? Many have a dollar to spare to help those in need. I will be posting different organizations, as well as peoples personal requests. Who knows maybe you can make a difference in someones life and no good deed ever goes unforgotten. Today is a great day. If not tomorrow will be. We must find that within ourselves. Find that purpose and put it to use. Well I am signing off here for the evening. Everyone have a great weekend, and if the Good Lord lets us, we will meet again on Monday morning!


1 comment:

  1. Hey Chicago still rocks! Honest to God I sometimes wish Chicago was the West-Indies, bless me Lord It gets.. chilly now summer feels like fall and spring ..well its just winter..
    I'm too tropical for this crap but yep..Thanks to President Obama at least he didn't give up on "HOPE" for the 2016 bid.
    One Luv Blog On Sarah
